16. Sep 2024


I always look forward to my day of rest. This time it was on a Monday, as I did not want to spend the Saturday and Sunday evenings on the Albanian-Greece border. I am now back in an EU country that uses the Euro as their currency. My phone/internet package from Germany is again active. I spent most of the day getting the blog postings up to date. Tomorrow starts a new week of walking with new challenges and opportunities. There is a lot of rain in the forecast for the coming days. There are two stages that end in small villages where I do not know if and where I can find water and food resources or a sleeping place. I am still in bear territory. I saw a warning sign on the road yesterday and maybe a footprint. Thanks for praying for me.

Photos: Impressions from Kastoria

Route Info: 0.00 km | 0.00 hm | ca. | Track-Detail-View

01. Jan 2024

Kapshticë - Kastoria

Today I crossed the line. I am now in Greece. Many times I told people that I was walking from my home in Getmany to Greece. Now I am in Greece. I still have about 700 kilometers to go. There are not so many people living in northern Greece. About 30% of the population lives in Athens in the south. Perhaps that is why there were not so many cars on the road... or maybe, because today is Sunday.

Photo 1: There was a real nice foot path leading from the border from Albania that I followed for about two hours.

Photo 2: I met the shepherd of these sheep along the way. He was an older man, seasoned by life and the weather. He could only speak Greek. I said two words to him in Greek: "Theos" (God) and "agype" (love). He gave me a real big toothless smile...

Photo 3: Towards the end if the day I walked by this older woman with a walking stick. She tried to ask me something. I think she wanted to know where I was going. I motioned with my hands and said: "Germania - Athena". I then said: "Theos... agype!" She smiled and answered: "Bravo!" How can you help, but love these people like the toothless shepherd and the widowed grandma?

Photo 4: Kastoria... where I will be staying the next two nights.

Photo 5: I was real happy to make it to this point... an Import milestone for me. I thought if I could make it through Albania, then I could make it through Greece... God helping me.

Route Info: 34.48 km | 554.00 hm | ca. 8h23m | Track-Detail-View

15. Sep 2024

Kapshticë - Kastoria

Route Info: 34.48 km | 554.00 hm | ca. 8h23m | Track-Detail-View

14. Sep 2024

Progër - Kapshticë

Today was the shortest stretch of all of Snail-Trail 2, just under 9 kilometers. I planned it that way to have mostly a day of rest today, and so my walk on Sunday to Greece would not be again more than 40 kilometers. Monday I will then have a complete day of rest in Kastoria, Greece. There is really not so much to write about today except that the hotel I walked to and where I was planning to stay, was not in operation. There was only a coffee bar across the street. I hoped that maybe they might have a room. With the cooler, rainy weather recently I did not want to put up my tent. Also I needed a food and water source and had counted on the restaurant from the hotel. What do I do? I went over to the coffee bar and asked two men sitting outside whether they knew where I could stay the night. I pointed at the closed hotel and they knew what I was wanting to say. To make a long story short, the one man offered to take me to a different border crossing where there was another hotel. It was about 5 kilometers down the highway. I looked at my hiking app and saw that there was a footpath into Greece once I crossed the border. I showed two men the instagram news clip about my walk through Albania. Their faces beemed. They were so happy to help me. The lift would not shorten my hike the next day, just change the starting point. For the rest of the day I rested... and worked on my blog.

Photo: The one town I passed through today.

Route Info: 8.51 km | 88.00 hm | ca. 1h43m | Track-Detail-View

13. Sep 2024

Pogradec - Progër

Video: 50 years of Spirit-filled life...

Photo 1: Yestetday evening Mentor posted a picture of him and me together on Facebook and mentioned that I was walking from my home in Germany to Athens, Greece. A friend of his by the name of Artin read it. Artin is a journalist and CNN representative for Albania. He called right away to ask if he could go an interview with me the next morning before I left town. This photo shows our filming session with Artin, me and Mentor who translated.

Photo 2: A screen shot from the news clip. (It rained this morning.) If you want to take a look, here are the links to the two instagram postings. I hope they work:

euro news:

Artin' personal instagram report:

Photo 3: Finn is one of two young German men who are at CFN volunteering for one year. 49 years ago I also did a short term missions outreach to Venezuela. That was my start in overseas life and ministry. My message to young people: There is a whole world out there waiting for you to discover. Why not check out a corner or two while considering what purpose God might have for your life?

Photo 4: Small village I walked and prayed through towards the end of today's hike. (The rain stopped after about an hour.)

Photo 5: After the village I walked on this desolate sheep path. I loved it. When I saw three wild dogs, I sang out my pilgrim song. They left for higher ground. I did not think my singing was that bad!

Route Info: 40.45 km | 579.00 hm | ca. 8h51m | Track-Detail-View

12. Sep 2024

Ohridsee - Pogradec

Photo 1: Finally a nature foot path! It was only for about an hour, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. For the rest of the hike I was back on the road.

Photo 2: The whole stretch today, though, followed along the coast of Lake Ohrid. The weather was great and the view of the lake and mountains constant and beautiful. Along the way I had short talks with an older couple from Germany, a young couple from Hungary and a young Albanien waiter. It is always interesting the people you meet on a trip like this. Particularly the couple from Hungary was interested in my experiences on the pilgrim path The Way of St. James.

Photo 3: North Macedonia on the other side of the lake. I will not be going through North Macedonia, but used this opportunity to pray for God's work and will to be done and for the people living there.

Photo 4: A reminder of another time in history. Can you find the butterfly on this World War II bunker?

Photo 5: I stayed the evening at CFN (Christ for the Nations). Pastor Mentor Rama is the director for this center for discipleship, Bible training and Christian conferences.

Route Info: 22.24 km | 205.00 hm | ca. 4h37m | Track-Detail-View

11. Sep 2024

Librazhd - Ohridsee

Video: "Sometimes it is like that..."
It was another long hike today, 43 kilometers and 1087 altitude meters. About 95% of the hiking was on highway SH 3 and most of the climb was at the end. Hikers just love that! What a way to celebrate reaching the 2/3 milestone. But at the end of the stretch, there was glory. More about that later.

There was just one small encounter I had with someone today. In the afternoon I stopped at a fruitstand to buy a few pieces of fruit and vegetables. After I paid, the salesperson asked where I was heading. He was amazed when I said I was walking from Munich to Athens. I then pointed to heaven, made the sign of a heart, tapped my chest and said "Isa" (Jesus) and pumped my bicept muscle. I am not sure what he understood, but he then grabed a large handful of plumbs and insisted that I take them... which I did. They were good.

Photo 1: I do not know what this building originally was. It stands vacant and lady bugs were painted all over the walls. It has become kind of a landmark for the town Prrenjas just before starting the climb over the mountain.

Photo 2: This is it. It would be about 7 kilometers from the base to the top.

Photo 3: On the way up I went by a vacant gas station that had a great view of the valley below and surrounding villages. I stopped to sign my pilgrim song of blessing. Shortly thereafter I went by this shepherd. We could not communicate, just shook hands, looked each other in the eyes and smiled... two pilgrims from two completely different worlds meeting on the side of a mountain.

Photo 4: I said it before: "If you want to see the glory of God, you have to be willing to climb the mountain."

Photo 5: View towards Lake Ohrid on the other side of the mountain.

Route Info: 42.21 km | 1034.00 hm | ca. 10h17m | Track-Detail-View

10. Sep 2024

Elbasan - Librazhd

Video: "This is what happens when it rains!"
It rained all night and through the early hours of morning. I was glad that it stopped before I started today's hike. I had seen so many dried up waterways the past days. Now they are filling back up with water. Parts of the mountain paths that I have taken are actually run offs for water. I decided not to take the mountain path today, but to stay on the road. It was not so nice for walking, but saved me about 17 kilometers and 650 altitude meters of hiking. That was probably good for me, though, after the long stretch yesterday.

Photo 1: There are many pomegranate trees in Albania

Photo 2: I enjoyed walking through the center of Elbasan.

Photo 3: Right at lunchtime I was able to take a side road through a small village. All of a sudden I was surrounded by a group of children. They wanted to know where I was going. I asked if I could take their picture. They said yes, made a pose, but half ran away when I took my camera out. Communication was very limited. I made the sign of a heart, tapped on my chest and said "Isa" (Jesus). One girl seemed to understand and explained to the others what I wanted to say. May God reach the hearts of the children in Albania...

Photo 4: For well over an hour I walked through a major road contruction site. It look like they were wanting to contain a river and make an expressway out of the highway. A young man at one construction point called out to me. He also wanted to know where I was going and then how I liked Albania. I said that his country is very beautiful and that I see a lot of contruction taking place here and there. I then added: "There is hope for Albania to have a better future, but it needs its young people to stay to build it." He responded: "We all want to leave." This is Albania. I then explained that I am a pilgrim and am walking with Jesus, whether he knows Jesus as well. "I am a Muslim," was his answer. I told him that the Koran speaks of Jesus being the Messiah and explained how that is different than just being a prophet. I prayed for the young man that he might know this blessing of Abraham given to us in Jesus. May God reach the hearts of the younger generation in Albania...

Photo 5: I was glad to make it to Librazhd before it rained.

Route Info: 44.51 km | 1161.00 hm | ca. 11h36m | Track-Detail-View

09. Sep 2024

Tirana - Elbasan

Photo 1: Today was a day of milestones. It was my 50th stretch of Snail-Trail 2, 1500 kilometers are now complete, and in exactly one month I should arrive in Athens. It was also the longest hike so far with 43,95 kilometers and 1041 altitude meters. I only have one more hike scheduled with more than 40 kilometers. That one is currently listed as having 42 kilometers. So todays hike might retain its destinction as being the longest. I hope so!

Walking through Tirana, my green line led me again to a guarded residencial area. Once more I called my colleague Kurt Plagenhof to explain to the watchman what was doing. This time the guard let me through. He had no idea how I could get to Greece by walking that way, and I was sure whether there would be an exit where I needed it. Much of the gated community was still under contruction, and perhaps the back gate was not built yet, but I got through and continued on my way towards Greece.

Photo 2: Artistic graffiti on the wall of an underpass.

Photo 3: Once I left the city limits of Tirana, the traffic was not so bad, and eventually I got on a nice trail that led me through the mountains.

Photo 4: The mountain path took me along the ridge to the left of the expressway. I really enjoyed being off the road and away from the traffic.

Photo 5: This curios donkey was probably wondering what kind of a donkey I was carrying a load like that on my back...

I booked a room at a place just before the city of Elbasan. The house belongs to a Muslim family. The 17 year old daughter speaks good English. She asked me how I was doing. I told her that I was quite tired from the long hike, and the asked how her day was. She said it was her first day back at school, new class, new people, and mentioned that she has trouble speaking with people and making friends. I shared with her my story of not being able to speak correctly and the fear I had of relating to people I did not know, and how Jesus helped me speak correctly and set me free from the fear of people. I asked her if she knew Jesus. To my surprise she said yes. Even though her parents are Muslims, she and her sister said yes to Jesus a number of yes ago. I was then able to encouage her in her faith and prayed for her journey in life and that God would help her in relating to people as he did me.

Route Info: 38.89 km | 934.00 hm | ca. 10h16m | Track-Detail-View

08. Sep 2024


I had the honor of preaching this Sunday at the International Church in Tirana. The service was held in both Albanish and English.

Photo 1: Pastor Berry Ogden, to my right, has been involved in ministry outreach in Albania for thirty years and the pastor of this church for about twenty years. It is one of the strongest evangelical churches in the whole country. Little did I know, but Pastor Berry also comes from my home city in the USA, Cincinnati, Ohio. He was sent out from Montgomery Assembly of God, now called Summit City Church. I know the church well. Pastor Rodney Dukes back then was the first pastor to sign a monthly pledge form towards my ministry support when I first went to Germany in 1981 as an unmarried Missionary in Training. It was great connecting with Pastor Berry... a touch of home. If only the Cincinnati Begals had won their season opener today!

To my left is Çimi. He took me out for lunch after the service to have an authenic Albanian meal. While we ate, Çimi shared his story with me. He grew up under the influence of an athiestic communistic regime. His family had a Muslim background. With the political changes that took place in Albania, Çimi began to question whether there might truly be a God. He first searched in the Koran and the Islamic traditions and faith of his forefathers for answers, but felt that something was missing. He then turned to the Bible and found what he was looking for, real spiritual life and the God connection through Jesus. Çimi then sought out some Christians to learn from them, later went to a Bible School where he met his wife, and had been a pastor for a number of years. Now he assists in the ministry of the International Church in Tirana.

Video/photo 2: Church service on Sunday

Route Info: 0.00 km | 0.00 hm | ca. | Track-Detail-View

07. Sep 2024

Kruja - Tirana

Photo 1: I took the mountain path from Kruja to Tirana at the suggestion of the innkeeper where I stayed the night. It added a few kilometers to the hike, but it was well worth it. No traffic, not much garbage along the way, and spectacular views (photos 2+4). The path also led by this Ottoman bridge from the 15th century (photo 3).

Walking through the city of Tirana, on the other hand, was a test of endurance: loud, traffic, garbage, dust from the dry weather and many construction sites. I had mapped out a stretch towards the end of the hike that went by Lake Tirana and a park area leading towards where the Bible School is where I would spend the next two nights. What a relief! And then my green line led to a large locked gate. There was no way to get through. I found an alternative route on my hiking app that seemed to lead around the fenced off area. After about 1 kilometer I came to another entry and was met there by a security guard (photo 5). He let me know that I could not continue. I called my colleague Kurt Plagenhof who has lived and worked in Albania for thirty years. He arranged for me to stay at the Bible School and to speak at a church in Tirana the next day. Kurt could not convince him to let me continue on. To go back or around a different way would cost me too much time and energy. Daylight was slowly giving way to darkness. The security guard offered to call a taxi to which I not so happily agreed. It would be the first time I ever took a taxi as a pilgrim. After waiting a half hour, the guard called a second taxi company. While waiting we tried to communicate the best we could. I told him that I was a Christian "Imam", married and have two children and two cats. He is married and has three children and no cats. After over an hour and no taxi, the guard mentioned for me to take my backpack and follow him. It was now dark. He left his post and took me with with his car to the general area where the Bible School is. I still had about two kilometers to go. Was I ever happy when I finally arrived! ...and without taking a taxi ...and a warm meal was waiting for me. God is good!!!

Route Info: 36.35 km | 460.00 hm | ca. 8h38m | Track-Detail-View

06. Sep 2024

Laç Fshat - Kruja

The Kruje Castle (photo 1) sits up high in the Albanian mountains. It is famous for its resistance that it gave to the Ottoman Turks in the fiftenth century. It is said that if the Albanians had not succeeded in this battle, that the Turks would have continued on to Rome. Eventually Islam still became the predominate religion in Albania, today 50.7 percent. In the video you and see the view from the castle wall and hear the Muslim call to prayer.

Photo 2: It actually rained this morning. For the first time since Austria did I put on my poncho. The rain marked the start of cooler weather coming.

Photo 3: Two adults and one boy who had lived in Germany and spoke some German tried to tell me not to take this path. They said it was no longer accessible. The one they suggested, however, ended in a dead-end according to my hiking app. I decided to trust the green line in my hiking app. There was overgrowth and for about 20 meters at one point I could have used a machete, but I made it. It was an old trail that once had its purpose and charm. I liked it... and it got me to where I needed to go. I think many times in modern Christianity, churches and church leaders are so focussed on being culturally relevant, that they neglect the former paths trodden by the pioneers of faith in the past which led to spiritual breakthrough. These paths may not have been easy to travel, but they did bring changes in society and the world.

Photo 4: Looking towards Tirana from Kruja Castle. I had a God-talk with a couple up on the castle grounds, he from Switzerland and she from Italy. It made it worth it hiking up the mountain.

Photo 5: The lights of Tirana by night.

Route Info: 18.60 km | 814.00 hm | ca. 5h11m | Track-Detail-View

05. Sep 2024

Fischtë - Laç Fshat

I am certainly limited in my possibilities of communicating with people in Albania, because I do not know the language. It surprises me then how sometimes a "talk and pray" moment happens. I think that if God knows we are willing and available, he allows such moments to happen. Today I had four of them...
1) I went into a small market to get some mineral water. The young woman at the cash register spoke English quite well. She asked me where I was traveling to. I told her I was a pilgrim walking through Albania and praying for the country and people and that I would be happy to pray for her. She said yes. I prayed. God blessed.
2) A little bit later I was walking down the road when a young woman on a bicycle with saddle bags came towards me on the opposite side of the road. She swerved over to me, stopped and said: "I am curious... where are you walking to?" It turned out that she was from Germany, now living and studying in Salzburg, and had just riden her bike to Athens and was returning back to Salzburg. We talked and prayed... in German. So many of the encounters that I have had, have been initiated by a question that someone has asked me.

3) Later in the day there was a group of sheep standing in the middle of the road (photo 5). They made a circle with their heads together in the center. They were apparently afraid and did not know where to go. I did not see a shepherd anywhere. So I got the sheep to move to the side of the road. One car driver then stopped and called out to me from his window. He was Jak from Albania, but now living in England. It was a "Talk and Pray" moment.

4) At the end of the day I went to buy some yogurt for my müsli at a Ma-and-Pa store. They only had one big bottle which was too much for me. Communication was difficult. Then the husband called his sister in Michigan by WhatsApp to translate. I explained what I needed and also what I was doing. It ended up being a Talk-and-Pray session by way of WhatsApp from Albania to Michigan.

Photos 1,3,4: Scenes from the day. A good part of the route this morning was on a foot path, which was really nice.

Photo 2: Just as I was getting the camera out, mom and dad bird left the nest. I guess they did not like having their picture taken.

Route Info: 37.85 km | 352.00 hm | ca. 7h56m | Track-Detail-View

04. Sep 2024

Skutari/Shkodra - Fischtë

This moring I saw Angela again at the reception. She wanted to know how I was doing after the long hike yesterday. I asked her if she understood the word "resurrection" and explained to the meaning. I then said that going to sleep at night and getting up the next morning is like a mini resurrection. I went to bed exhausted and my feet were hurting. Now I felt renewed and was ready to do the walk for the day. Jesus gives me the strength of the resurrection. I then added, that our God is the only one who can take the injustice, pain and death of a crucifixion, like he did with Jesus, and turn it into a resurrection. This is how our God is. There is always hope, always a new beginning, always a better tomorrow.

Video: I wish I could just go jump in the water like that!

Photo 1: Street view... I softly sang my pilgrim song of blessing as I walked through the streets of Shkodra.

Photo 2: It was a hot day, walking sometimes some very long straight roads with little shade.

Photo 3: I saw many railroad tracks that were no longer in use. If only they could be turned into walking and bike paths...

Photo 4: Water reservoir... a refreshing sight after seeing many dried up waterways.

Photo 5: Sunset over Fischtë, Albania. Shortly before the end of today's stretch, I stopped at a small market to get some Müsli. They only had one bag, and it had an expiration date from last year. She said she could not sell it like that. It was also too big for me to take... one kilo. The shopkeeper spoke some English and mentioned that her husband also liked to eat müsli in the morning. "No problem, then!", I said. "As long as nothing is moving in the bag, I will take half and your husband can have half." And that is what we did. Valentina and her husband Llazo are Othodox Christians. We talked and prayed. It was a good end to a long, hot day.

Route Info: 27.21 km | 320.00 hm | ca. 5h51m | Track-Detail-View

03. Sep 2024

Hani Hotit - Skutari/Shkodra

I am now walking through Albania, a country where I have never been before. If all goes according to plan, it will take me 11 hikes to cross through this country. 7 of those hikes will be very long ones between 36 and 45 kilometers. Today was the first one just 80 meters short of 40 kilometers. How will I hold up? How will my feet do? How will I communicate with no knowledge of the Albanian language? How will I manage through the still very hot weather? Many questions filled my mind as I started off early this morning. Then I went by this village church as the rising sun was shining through the cross on top of the church (photo 1). To me it was a symbolic picture of the resurrection of Jesus. The same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead and who now lives within me, will also strengthen my body and enable me to continue the walk from one day to the next.

Photo 2: Shortly after I passed this mosque, I took I wrong turn. Fortunately I noticed the mistake before I went too far. As I turned around and walked back, a car from England stopped. The driver and his wife were from that village, but now live in England. We talked briefly and before I continued on, I prayed that the blessing of Abraham would come upon them. Later towards noon I stopped at a grocery store to get things to eat for my lunch. The young girl at the counter spoke good English and was curious about where I was heading. I told her I was walking to Athens... with Jesus, and asked whether she knew him. She replied: "I am a Muslim." I said that that does not matter, that "Isa" (Jesus) is in the Koran and that it is possible to know him. In the evening I met with Pastor Koli in the city of Shkodra. Originally I was going to stay the night at the church, but that was now not possible. So he was kind enough to put me up in a new hotel right across from the church. The manager was a very friendly Muslim woman. I explained to her that I was a pilgrim walking through the Balkans and praying for the countries and the people that live there, whether I could pray for the blessing of Abraham to come upon her. Afterwards she commented how impressed she was that I could still find the strength to talk with a stranger and pray these words after walking 40 kilometers on such a hot day. I said that it is Jesus in me who gives me this strength.

Photo 3-4: Scenes from the day

Photo 5: Pastor Koli Puka has been leading the church in Shkodra for many years. It is one of the stronger churches in Albania first started by a woman from Norway. I asked him how I could be praying for Albania. His answer I pass on to you:

*So many people have left and are wanting to leave the country, particularly the younger generation. This affects the whole country as well as the churches.

*The Albanian evangelical believers are first generation followers of Jesus. Not always has there been solid biblical dicipleship and training.

*Other Muslim nations are pumping billions of dollars into Albania in an attempt to reclaim the country as a Muslim nation.

*Pray for the untiy among the churches, the church leaders and followers of Jesus.

Route Info: 39.21 km | 611.00 hm | ca. 9h | Track-Detail-View

02. Sep 2024

Podgorica - Hani Hotit

I did it again. I was going over the mountain leading to the border to Albania. When you are going uphill, you certainly do not want to go the wrong way uphill. I did. I missed a turn to the right and kept going straight UP HILL. After about twenty minutes of sweating in 95 degrees without shade and a breeze, a car stopped. The window rolled down. A young woman in the back seat said in good English: "If you are going to Albania, then you are going the wrong way." The father and brother were in the front seats. The family offered to take me back to the right road, which I accepted. All together the short lift saved me about 2 kilometers of walking and twenty-five minutes of frustration. Before I got out of the car I said a prayer of blessing for the family. The father reached back to hold my hand while I prayed. It was another one of those moments were God picked me up and put me were I needed to be.

Photo 1: View of the mountains just south of Podgorica

Photo 2: The last look back to Montenegro before going over the mountain and to the border... and missing that turn to the right!

Photo 3: The first glimpse of Albania coming over the mountain

Photo 4: The road leading to the border

Photo 5: I am not the only one who dared to walk along the main road... cow in Albania.

Route Info: 25.92 km | 419.00 hm | ca. 6h5m | Track-Detail-View

30. Aug 2024


Video: Church service in Podgorica on Sunday morning

Friday and Saturday were two days of rest. I was able to catch up on some work I needed to do, update the Snail-Trail blog, had meaningful conversations and prayer with my hosts, Jonathan and Brittany Hollingsworth, and Pastor Dragan Novakovic and participated in the local church prayer meeting on Friday evening and a national prayer meeting on Saturday evening both in Podgorica. Rest days mean that I am not walking on those days with a 40 pound backpack.

Photo 1: I had the honor of preaching in the Sunday morning service in Podgorica. Pastor Dagan translated for me.

Photo 2: After the service our Assembly of God Team in Montenegro and I had lunch and a Field Fellowship together. To the left are Jonathan and Brittany with their two boys Benjamin and Blake, and on the right, Tamara Henkes. They are working together with Pastor Dagan at the church in Podgorica and are developing various community connection projects including learning English and a crisis counseling center for women. They also hope to soon offer an online platform for people seeking answers about God and what it means to follow Jesus. A future area of ministry outreach would be among the students at the university in Podgorica. Anyone interested in coming to help?

Route Info: 0.00 km | 0.00 hm | ca. 0 | Track-Detail-View

29. Aug 2024

Ribljak - Podgorica

Shortly after leaving the campground, this black dog started walking with me. It kept looking back to me to see if I was still following. Together we went over this hanging bridge. After about 4 kilometers we came to a crossing in a small village. The dog went to the right and I needed to turn left. I think I know why it turned right. Shortly after my left turn I came to a house that had three dogs viciously barking at me that were unleashed. The black dog must have known they were there. My sticks and pilgrim song seem to help in such situations.

Photo 2: Even though it was a long hike of almost 40 kilometers, I did not pass a sigle grocery store or water source along the way other than one restaurant. Fortunately Brittany and Jonathan brought me a cold bottle of mineral water and lunch inbetween visits to the visa office. As I got closer to the city of Podgorica, I walked on a back road that took me through a number of small villages. All of a sudden the path turned into a jungle that I could not pass through. That is this picture. You can see that there was once a dirt road there. I hate it when a path ends like that, but that is also part of the journey. The detour costed me an extra three kilometets which is a lot on a long stretch like today.

Photo 3: The final path leading to Podgorica. There was no traffic on this one which was a great relief. I sang my pilgrim song of blessing as I approached the city.

Photo 4: Jonathan was waiting for me in his car before the main Orthodox Chuch in the center of Podgorica. I was really glad to see him, get to his and Brittany's house, meet their two boys and two cats, take a shower, have something to eat, get my clothes washed... and go to bed.

Photo 5: Another pilgrim path comes to an end. I always felt that if I could make it to Podgorica, then I could make it to Tirana... my next destination.

Route Info: 36.47 km | 429.00 hm | ca. 7h56m | Track-Detail-View

28. Aug 2024

Gornje Polje - Ribljak

Recently as I walked and prayed I thought: "On the Snail-Trail so far I have met, talked and prayed with a Buddhist from Nepal, a Hindu from India, Muslims from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Orthodox and Catholic Christians from Serbia and Croatia, but I have yet to meet a Jewish person. Lord, I would really like to meet a Jew, talk and pray with them." That happened yesterday evening at the campground. I set up my tent next to the river and just below a small hill with two other tents and a car with Austrian license plates. I saw an elderly lady with two young children and greeted her in German. She answered in English and said the children would understand German. She and her husband were from Israel, speak Hebrew and English and were visiting their daugjter and grandchildren from Austria. I told her the few Hebrew words that I know which are the Hebrew names for God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus the Messiah. She responded that those are all spiritual words. I answered that I am a pastor and lerned these words from my study of the Bible. Later her husband shared with me how a complete stranger had helped them that day with repairing two flat tires that they had gotten. I replied that "Jahwe-Rah", the Lord my Shepherd, had been watching over them. The man then quoted Psalm 23:1 in Hebrew. This morning as I was taking down my tent, we saw and spoke with each other again. I told them that I am a pilgrim and offer to pray a prayer of blessing for the people I meet along the way, and whether I could pray that the blessing of Abraham would come upon them and their family. This is the promise that God gave Abraham that the peace/shalom of God would come to all nations through the Messiah, the desendent of Abraham. They said yes and I prayed. The woman then responded that she could not say things so nicely as I just did, but wished all the best for my continued journey. I responded: "Please say these things to me in Hebrew and let that be a Hebrew blessing for me." She did. It was another one of those special moments.

Unfortunately Jonathan could hardly walk this morning when got up after yesterday's 31 kilometer hike. There was no way he could continue. He called Brittany to pick him. Never before had he walked so far with a full backpack. We celebrated his personal milestone and the people he was able to speak with and pray for in their language. After I left the campground and while he was waiting for his wife to come, he a God-talk with one of the two brothers that ran the campground. When he got back home, he had a notice from the visa office to come and clear up some issues concerning their children's visas. It was good that he could be home and take care of these things. God allows all things to work for good, even muscle pains.

Photo 1: River scene

Photo 2: Famous Emporer's Bridge on the edge of the city of Nikšić

Photo 3: I met these two Russian bike riders at the bridge, Natalie and Maria, who now live in Nikšić. They take care of two stray dogs there, had them neutered, chipped and feed them. The fate of these two dogs is much better than the four I had seen in the city that had been poisioned and their corpse just waiting to be disposed of. Natalie is an English teacher and Maria understood more English than I did Russian. We talked a bit and I was able to pray for them before I left. They asked if they could put my picture and story on their blog... always a good sign that the moment was meaningful.

Photo 4: Further down the river I saw this coal hut that was actually producing coal from wood. I had only seen such huts before in outdoor museums in Germany.

Photo 5: At the end of the hike I had to go over this mountain... and sang my pilgrim song on the way down as a prayer for the people living in the valley all the way to Podgorica.

Route Info: 28.78 km | 319.00 hm | ca. 7h10m | Track-Detail-View

27. Aug 2024

Zaborje - Gornje Polje

Jonathan and I spent the night at this motel. Between Plužine yesterday and this place there were no other stores, water sources or restaurants. We were out if water when we arrived and glad to have this place to stay. The food was good, the room very simple, the shower and toilet worked. What more could you ask for? In the evening we met a man from England who has a home and spends the summer months there in the area. We were able to talk and pray with him. Early this morning we were also able to talk and pray with the cook and the junior boss. Even though they understood English quite well, it was still good that Jonathan could pray for them and explain a few things in their language. Jonathan also had two New Testaments that are santioned by the orthodox church that he was able to give them.

Photo 2: There was not much traffic on this part of the road, but nice views of the surrounding mountains.

Photo 3: This dog followed us for about 6 kilometers. We thought he was a stray as there are many on the side of roads. It was a very friendly, young dog that seemed to like walking and was street smart. Jonathan was negotiating with his wife by phone about the possiblity of picking the dog up and taking it home when a car pulled up. It was the owner, an older woman. The dog ran over to her, then back to us. I think he would have like to continue his adventure with us.

Photo 4: Praying for Montenegro

Photo 5: Later the traffic on the road picked up. We were glad to take a sideroad after a few kilometers that took us to the village of Gorne Polje which means "High Field". We stayed the night at a small campground next to a river. After the evening meal I met three Germans who were traveling through the region and both of their vehicles had broken down. They were stuck at the campground waiting for spare parts to be delivered. They had many questions and I was able to share my story with them and pray for them. Perhaps the talk will give some orientation in their further journey through life.

Route Info: 29.71 km | 380.00 hm | ca. 7h23m | Track-Detail-View

26. Aug 2024

Plužine - Zaborje

The water reservoir Lake Piva. Today's stretch started with a 550 altitude meter climb up a mountain. There were some nice views along the way... and I did a lot of sweating (Photo 2).

Photo 3: You certainly would not want to have an accident here...

Photo 4: Meet Jonathan Hollingsworth. He and his wife Brittany are Assembly of God intercultral workers here in Montenegro. They live with their two children in the capitol city Podgorica, my next destination. It will take four days to get there. Jonathan met up with me about halfway through today's hike and would like to walk and pray with me the next days to Podgorica. Brittany dropped him off right as I was leaving a roadside stand. There was a picnic table in the shade there and I had attempted to speak with the man at the stand, but he could not understand English or German. So when Jonathan showed up, I went back with him to the table to take a water break and see if we could have a conversation with the man. His name is Vesko. Jonathan knows the local language and could translate for me. We had a God-Talk and were able to pray for him. Jonathan knows the culture well and could tell that we were able to break through to touch the heart. It was a great start for our walk together. It also shows how important it is to have people in these countries who know the language and culture and can build bridges from God's heart to theirs.

Photo 5/Milestone: Today marked the halfway point in Snail-Trail 2. Every step I take now, even through the distance will be further from home, will actually be taking me closer to home.

Route Info: 21.43 km | 820.00 hm | ca. 5h57m | Track-Detail-View

25. Aug 2024


Yesterday evening I arrived at the Evergreen Campground in Plužine. It was deserted. No reception. An old man was collecting fruit from the orchard of plumbs, apples and pears that apparently served as the campground. I asked if I could put my tent up there for two nights. He said yes and showed me a shady spot between some trees and near the water source/bathroom. It was obvious that no one had been there for quite some time. The first thing I did this morning was take out some wet wipes and cleaned the sink and toilet seat and used shower water to clean the floor. Spider poop and cobwebs were everywhere. It was nice to have hot water, though... and a shower. I had the whole place to myself, very peaceful for a day of rest.

Photo 2: Scorpion in the shower room... You do not want to step on him bare footed when you take a shower.

Photo 3: Nearby Orthodox Church. I used the time in the afternoon to work on my blog. I did not think I would have an encounter with anyone today. Then towards early evening a young man on a bicycle showed up, Tobias from Germany. He was also wondering if the campground was in operation and whether he could stay there. Not long after that another man arrived who was traveling by motor bike through the region, Chris, also from Germany. I said that there was a shower, a toilet and a water source. Whether the old man would come around again, I did not know. Chris decided to move on. Before he did, though, we had a short talk. I told him I was a pilgrim and offered to pray for him before he left. He said he had an experience like that in Romania where an old woman prayed for him and afterwards good things happened. I said that it was God knocking on his door to show him that he is there and loves him. I also had a good talk with Tobias and was able to pray with him.

Photo 4: Sundown at the campground. It was a good day... and evening!

Route Info: 0.00 km | 0.00 hm | ca. 0 | Track-Detail-View

24. Aug 2024

Šćepan Polje - Plužine

Video: Very scenic road leading through the Piva River Canyon. I wanted to get an eary start today, because I knew it would be getting hot in the afternoon. I had a room with breakfast, but breakfast was not until 8.00. In reality it was not ready until twenty after. While I was waiting a lady from Germany sat down across from me. I met her and her family the evening before. She had some questions about what kind of a church I am a pastor of. I said that I am a pastor of a Pentecostal Church. In Germany Pentecost Sunday and Monday are a national holiday. In our area of Germany it is the start of a two week school vacation. But many people do not know what happened on the Day of Pentecost or why we celebrate it. I explained that on the Day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit filled the first followers of Jesus with power to enamble them to live for Jesus and do the things he called them to do. It was the birth of the Christian Church. I then shared my story of how the Holy Spirit filled me fifty years ago, set me free from the fear of speaking and has enabled me to do what I do. Pentecost ist the root of Christianity. When we get back to the root, we will have the fruit.

Shortly before this bridge going over the Piva River Canyon, I met three Germans who had parked their car so they could walk to the bridge. We talked briefly and I was able to say a prayer of blessing for them.

Photo 1: Montenegro means "Black Mountains". There are many of them.

Photo 2: On the path today I needed to walk through 56 tunnels! Some were very short, others long and dark. I had my emergency reflecting vest on my backpack and wore a head flashlight. I actually looked forward to going through a tunnel, because it was cooler there.

Photo 3-4: The Piva River is dammed at one point to create this very beautiful water reservoir.

I still had a little more than a hour to walk and was almost out of water. I was trying to ration it the past two hours and was getting very thirsty. There had been one water spring after about 45 minutes at the beginning of the hike, but after that no water/drink resources along the way. I asked God if he could send me an angel with water. Shortly after that a car honked at me. That usually happens a number of times during the day. Some want to encourage me and give the thumbs up sign. This time I turned around and made a drinking motion. The car actually stopped. The driver handed me a plastic bag with two 500ml bottles of water, one energy drink and two Mars candy bars... all cold. I said it was too much, I just needed one bottle of water. He said it was from God and pushed the bag through the window and drove off. I did not know whether I should laugh or cry. I had never in my life drank an energy drink. I guess if God provided it, he knew what I needed!

Photo 5: End point for today - Plužine

Route Info: 26.98 km | 1659.00 hm | ca. 10h6m | Track-Detail-View

24. Aug 2024

Kuta/Brod - Šćepan Polje

Photo 1: This is the main road between two Euopean capitols, Sarajevo and Podgorica. It follows the Drina River on the side if Bosnia-Herzegovina. This would be my route for the whole day.

Photo 2: A welcomed shady spot for these sheep. It was hit and miss for me.

Photo 3: Some nice views along the way. At the border to Montenegro three rivers come together. It is a popular place for rafting. Early on the walk a car stopped and the driver asked me if I would like a lift to the rafting camps. His name was Darko and he was on his way to visit his wife who works at one of the camps. That would have saved me about 18 kilometers of hiking on a hot day in Bosnia-Herzegovina. It was tempting. I said that I was a pilgrim and pray while I walk. He seemed to understand and continued on his way. A few hours later, now towards lunch time, he came by me once again. This time he had a packed lunch to give me from his wife. He told her about meeting me on the road. Both if them had done a pilgrimage from Bosnia-Herzegovina to a famous monastary in Montenegro. Darko is a medical student who would like to immigrate to Germany once he finishes his studies. So many of his generation would like to do this if they could. We talked and then I prayed for Darko and his wife that the Good Shepherd would direct their steps. They are orthodox Christians who love Jesus and want to follow him.

Photo 4: The single lane wooden bridge that crosses the river and the border between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro

Photo 5: The last view of Bosnia-Herzegovina. My heart was greatly touched by the people I met there, their history and spiritual needs. May God's will be done in this country.

Route Info: 23.30 km | 543.00 hm | ca. 5h54m | Track-Detail-View

22. Aug 2024

Madari - Kuta/Brod

Video: Chris and Katie Saser would like to use this vacant building in the backgroung with the high tower to be a center for their skating business, international church and indoor community skating facility. It would draw young people from the various people groups together to help promote healing and reconciliation which is so greatly needed in Sarajevo.

Photo 1: The sign says, "Warning! Forbidden Entry. Potential mines." I saw it laying on the side of the road that I was hiking on. I do not know where it was originally mounted or whether I was in a landmine area. It is certainly a reminder that you can not just walk anywhere you want in this country.

Photo 2-4: Road following the Bistrica River. I had actually wanted to go a different way, but missed a turn off. This way had a number of tunnels on it. One was long, had a curve in it and no lights. It was good practice for a hike coming up in Montenegro that has a lot of tunnels, some long with curves and no lights.

Photo 5: Mountains of Bosnia-Herzegovina

Route Info: 47.24 km | 1180.00 hm | ca. 11h59m | Track-Detail-View

21. Aug 2024


I got a haircut today. Katie had her hair done on Monday and told her hairdresser about me. She is a good friend of Katie's and the owner of the beauty parlor. She also had lived and worked in the USA for a number of years, so she spoke English very well. When she heard what I was doing, she said: "It sounds like he could use a hair cut", and offered to give me one at no cost. We talked a bit while the gray strands fell to the floor. She comes from a Muslim background. Afterwards I asked her if I could pray for the blessing of Abraham to be with her. This is the promise that God gave Abraham that through his offspring the Messiah would come, and through the Messiah we would find peace and the way to God. She said yes. May God continue to draw her to himself.

Katie then took me to their skate shop. There I met their two employees who also spoke English quite well. The one had studied literature and said he really likes reading the German classics. I said that my favorite classic comes from the antic and was originally written in Hebrew and Greek. He knew I was talking about the Bible and said he had read some of the Old Testament. His favorite story is the one about Jacob wrestling with the Angel of the Lord and wanted to know what I thought of it. Jacob was also a pilgrim who left his home to walk 1300 kilometers to Mesopotania. I recounted the whole story of Esau and Jacob to both of them, two brothers who were at odds with each other, but found grace for reconciliation after Jacob's visitation with the Angel of the Lord. This is also what Bosnia-Herzegovina needs, the healing grace of reconciliation. I prayed as well that the blessing of Abraham would come into their lives.

Photos 2 - 4: Later in the afternoon I went with Chris and Katie to the old city to meet a young Christian woman from Japan who was on her first embassy asignment in Sarajevo. I would say she was going through cultural shock, and I am sure Chris and Katie will be able to help her work through this. She said she wanted to be available for God's purposes in the city while she is there. New City Church will be the place where she can find encouragement and spiritual support. It is good that there is this church in Sarajevo.

Route Info: 0.00 km | 0.00 hm | ca. 0 | Track-Detail-View

20. Aug 2024

Sarajevo - Madari

Photo 1: Sign at the entry to the Serbian section of Sarajevo remembering the pain of the past

Photo 2: Many buildings still show the scares of the war...

Photo 3: Some cooler weather and greatly needed rain came yesterday and today.

Photo 4: I decided to extend my route today so I would not have to go so far on Thursday. All together I walked 39,62 kilometers with 1523 altitude meters. That will reduce my hike on Thursday from 47 to 33 kilometers. I only took a day pack today. Curt picked me up so I could stay another day in Sarajevo. Tomorrow will then be another rest day after today's long hike.

Photo 5: This stray dog greeted me on the side of the road and then followed me for about three kilometers. He was looking for a friend, someone to give him a home (again)... but I unfortunately could not be his savior today. When I took a break, another dog chased him away.

As I was going through the town of Trnovo in the later part of today's hike, a man came out from a coffee bar and called out to me. He had apparently seen me earlier this morning walking out of Sarajevo. Now almost seven hours later I was passing through his town. He wanted to know where I was going and invited me to have a drink or a coffee with him. Fortunately the waitress understood German fairly well, and I ordered a mineral water. There were four other men sitting at the coffee bar as well. The waitress translated their questions and my answers while I drank my water. I explained that I am a pilgrim and pray for the countries I walk though, the people who live there and the people I meet. I asked whether I could pray for them. They all said yes. I knew they did not undetstand what I prayed, so at the end I said in Russian: "God is love! Praise be to God! Amen!" They all crossed themselves... a special moment.

Route Info: 22.28 km | 824.00 hm | ca. 6h21m | Track-Detail-View

19. Aug 2024


Video: Clip from the church service yesterday evening in Sarajevo

Photo 1: Today was my day of rest. The Saser's dog Ruby gladly joined me.

Photo 2: The city of Sarajevo

Photo 3: This building was once the Lutheran Church during the time of the reign of the Austrian Hungry Empire. Today it houses the Art Academy. The red signs to the left advertise the Film Festival that is taking place this week in Sarajevo.

Photo 4: On the corner in front of this red building by the bridge is where the Serbian Gavrilo Princip fired two shots, the first hitting Franz Ferdinand's wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, and the second hitting the Archduke himself. The event is considered to be one of the immediate causes of World War I, which eventually led to World War II, which brought about the division of Europe between east and west, which gave rise to the European Union, which then... God knows.

Route Info: 0.00 km | 0.00 hm | ca. 0 | Track-Detail-View

18. Aug 2024

Pause / Godi AM+PM

Video: Sunday morning service at New City Church in Sarajevo. It is the only international English speaking church in the capitol city of Bosnia-Herzegovina. It just got started a little more than a year ago. It is located in the area of Sarajevo called Novi Grad which means "New City". I was the guest speaker at the service this morning. I really liked seeing a number of young people in the meeting. It was also great meeting people there who live and work in Sarajevo, but also see their work assignment as an opportunity to be a part of what God is wanting to do in this city.

Photo 1: Meet Chris and Katie Saser, Assembly of God intercultral workers and founders of New City Church. They have also launched a skate board business in the city as a point of contact with people in the community. They have two Bosnian employees, one who is muslim and one who is Serbian. One of the values of the business and New City Church is to help bring healing and build bridges in the community between the different people groups who live here. Chris and Katie will be my host for the next four days.

Photo 2: Meet Curt and Sara Hobbs, Assembly of God intercultral workers also living and serving in Sarajevo. They are assisting Pastor Sasha and the ministry of the local Pentecostal Church, one of the leading evangelical churches in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Curt and Sara have a heart for students and the next generation, are involved in dicipleship groups and camp ministry outreaches.

Photo 3: Meet Pastor Sasha, one of the leading pastors in the network of evangelical churches in Bosnia-Herzegovina. He is very supportive of new church starts in Bosnia-Herzegovina, including New City Church and the new start from Pastor Andrei in Banja Luka where I was two weeks ago.

Curt arranged for me to speak at the Sunday evening Pentecosral Church service and Pastor Sasha translated. A short video clip from the time of worship will be posted tomorrow. May I ask you to pray for these people, ministry outreaches and the city of Sarajevo?

Route Info: 0.00 km | 0.00 hm | ca. 0 | Track-Detail-View

17. Aug 2024

Čizma - Sarajevo

Photo 1: It was bound to be another hot day. I had one major uphill climb and there was no promise of finding shade on the road. Then this cloud came. I had shade from heaven almost the whole rest of the way. At the end of the stretch there was a light refreshing rain as I entered Sarajevo.

Photo 2: Just about the whole walk today was on the state road. The closer I got to Sarajevo, the more traffic there was on it.

Photo 3: There was one side road I could take coming down from the uphill climb. It was early afternoon. I said to God that it would really be nice if I could find a shady place to sit to have my lunch break before I would get back to the main road. About two minutes later this man comes up the hill in my direction with his two daughters. They are taking their garbage to the bins that I had just passed. I greeted him and he answered in English. His name is Jaber and he his from Kuwait. He and his daughters and sister are spending the month of August at their summer home there near Sarajevo. He asked me to come to his home and sit in the shade in his garden. I gladly accepted and had my lunch break in their picnic corner of the garden. Jaber then brought out tea and cake. We talked about the Koran and the Bible and I was able to explain to him the message of God's grace and life that he gives us in Jesus. In Islam people endeavor to earn "points" through good deed to pass the test of life on earth. I explained that the only way to pass the test is to get 100% points just as God is 100% holy and pure. No one can achieve this. Therefore God declares that we have all failed the test. But then God gives us Jesus who completed the test of life with 100% and Jesus gives us his points as a gift of life from God to us if he come to him and ask him. Jaber said that this is very good and that he had never heard this before like that. I told him that this the "iinjil", the word gospel in Arabic, which means "good news". Jaber's younger daughter understands English quite well and listened intently to our conversation. I then prayed for Jaber and his family before moving on. His older daughter came and took this picture.

Photo 4: An old Roman bridge near the entrance to Sarajevo

Photo 5: This welcoming sign to Sarajevo gives a constant rememberance of the siege that took place during the war. The pain of the past is still very present.

Milestone: 1000 Kilometers

Route Info: 28.94 km | 530.00 hm | ca. 6h51m | Track-Detail-View

16. Aug 2024

Busova_a - Čizma

Photo 1: Kiseljak is a popular mineral water in Bosnia-Herzegovina. It comes from a natural water spring in the city of Kiseljak. That was my destination today and at the end of the day I drank from the spring.

Photo 2: Shortly after I took this photo of the mosque in the town of Kaćuni I walked by a little fruit shop. The muslim owner called out to me and gave me some grapes and a cold 1.5 liter bottle of Kiseljak mineral water. All together today people would give me 4.5 liters of mineral water. I guess God knew I needed the minerals. My left leg had cramps in the evening after the last two long hikes.

Towards noon I passed by a large party tent were a muslim wedding was being celebrated. I know some of the people saw me walk by. I had this desire in my heart to somehow connect with the people and say a prayer of blessing for the bride and groom, but knew this would not be possible, or would it?

Down the road I bought things for lunch at a supermarket and ate in a shady corner. Shortly thereafter I saw a car with a German license plate and the Christian fish symbol. People were sitting outside in the shade, so I had to find out who these people were from Germany. It turned out they were Catholic believers from Cologne visiting relatives in Bosnia. We talked and prayed. About 15 minutes after I got back on the road, the wedding caravan drove by honking their horns and waving. I stopped, took off my hat and waved back with my hat in the hand and sang out my pilgrim song of blessing as each car drove by. It was a special moment.

Photo 3: It was getting really hot in the afternoon when a large storm cloud filled the sky. I made a short water stop at this Orthodox Church and thank God for the shade he had sent.

Photo 4: Shortly before Kiseljak a van pulled up in front of me. The driver, Ivan, said something to me, but I did not understand. I saw the van was from Austria so I answered back in German. We talked and I prayed for Ivan. He invited me to get something to drink, but I had just had my water break and was not very far from my destination. I explained that I just wanted to get to my room and take my shoes off and continued walking. About 15 minutes later Ivan pulled up again. He said he told his wife, Olivera, about meeting me and she said she would like to meet me as well, whether they could take me out for dinner this evening. Certainly, I said. The night before all I had was müsli with powdered milk, some grapes, nuts and a piece of chocolate. They picked me up and took me to this very nice restaurant that overlooked the city of Kiseljak. Their 19 year old son Luka came as well. I took this picture of the sunset from the restaurant... and had a great meal! On the left of the picture you will see a Catholic Church up on the hill. At night it is lit up with lights... very beautiful.

Photo 5: There were many questions asked about faith, God and following Jesus. In course of the conversation Ivan and Olivera mentioned that they never could have a church wedding because of a previous marriage that one of them had had. I asked whether anyone had ever said a prayer of blessing for their marriage. No, was the answer. I suggested that after the meal we go to the church lit up with the lights and have a marriage blessing. We did. It was amazing. Steps led up to platform before large wooden doors which had a carving of Jesus on them. There they said yes to each other and I blessed their marriage before God. Their son Luka was the man of honor. It was a God-Moment.

Route Info: 26.43 km | 380.00 hm | ca. 5h49m | Track-Detail-View

15. Aug 2024

Turbe - Busova_a

Video/Photo 1: On the first part of today's stretch there was an old railtrack that is now a walking path that I could follow. Early in the day I caught up to this shepherd leading his sheep. We came to an open area were this photo was made. Shortly after that a car came and stopped. The shepherd stopped to speak with the driver. I passed the sheep and the next thing I knew, the sheep were following me and did so for about 100 meters. Maybe they knew I was a German shepherd!

Photo 2: More and more in this area you can still see bullet holes on the surfaces of the buildings.

Photo 3: As I was walking through this muslim city, a man at a Café called out to me. He wanted to know where I was heading. He could only speak Bosnian, though, so communication was dufficult. I then gave him the slavic greeting of departure: "S' bogom! / With God!" He responded: "Here "God" no, Allah yes." I then gave him the Arabic greeting: "El salam aleykum! The peace of Allah be with you!" He smiled and shook my hand. I said: "Isa (arabic for Jesus) dom (slavic for house)" and pointed to my heart. That is all I could say. This is Bosnia. I think if I could have spoken his language, we could have had a good conversation about God, Allah, Jesus, the Bible and the Koran. Who will come to these cities and villages and share with them God's story of love, grace and redemption in their language?

Photo 4: Scarecrows in a field

Photo 5: The last part of the stretch today was an actual walking path along a river that went parallel to the highway.

Route Info: 34.85 km | 336.00 hm | ca. 7h37m | Track-Detail-View

14. Aug 2024

Jajce - Turbe

Video: Dogs get so excited when I walk by. It gives them something to bark about. In some villages the first dog bark sets off a chain reaction to let other dogs know "Someone is coming your way! Get ready to bark!"

Photo 1: Another view of the Jajce Falls that I took this morning as I was leaving the city. I booked a "Sobe" (room) for the night online. My room was in the home of a Muslim couple who lived next door to the mosque. One of the speakers for the Imam's call to prayer was pointed directly towards the house. Just as I was falling asleep, the voice of the Imam penetrated the walls of my room. I got up early this morning at 5.00, ten minutes before the next call to prayer came. After this experience I must say that I much more prefer church bells!

My hosts were very hospitable. They mentioned that their home had been completely destroyed during the war in Bosnia. Many Muslims fled the city and walked the 40 kilometer path over the mountain to Turbe, the same route I would be walking today. I would be carrying a backpack. They carried burdens of fear, survival and an uncertain future. I would be walking today a historical path of tears.

Before I left for the day's hike, I prayed for my Muslim hosts and gave them a hug. Hundreds of years ago there had been a people group living in Bosnia called the Bogomils. They had some dualistic elements in their faith, but also embraced many elements of Christianity. They however refused to submit to the ecclesiastical hierarchy of the Catholic and Othodox Churches and were therefore decleared to be hereritics and were severely persecuted by both. In order to survive, they "converted" to Islam. As I hugged this Muslim couple today, I wondered whether they might be desendents from the Bogomils. I wondered how the history of Bosnia might have been different, if the people of God had truly been the people of God.

Photo 2: I was warned that there might be bears and wolves along this path, particularly further up the mountain. I was startled when two large animals came out of the brush towards the mountain road... and relieved to see that they were cows!

Photo 3: A long snake did cross my path.

Photo 4: Even though it was a long stretch today of 40 kilometers and 1175 altitude meters, most of it was in the shade going up through the valley and not on a busy road, quite a relief compared to the roads the past few days.

Photo 5: Once I went over the top of the mountain, I walked through a small muslim village. As I did, I sang my pilgrim song. At the bottom edge of the village I came to this spot with a spectacular view of the valley that I would be walking through the next three days leading towards Sarajevo. The burden of the history of the path, the pain of the past and the fate of the Bogomils gripped my heart. I looked to the many villages that I could see and sang out my pilgrim song with tears. If you would, zoom in on this photo and pray for the river of God's healing and redeeming grace to flow through this valley all the way to Sarajevo...

Route Info: 38.70 km | 1116.00 hm | ca. 10h17m | Track-Detail-View

13. Aug 2024

Krupa na Vrbasu - Jajce

Video: When I see waterfalls like this one in Jajce, I think of the words of Jesus when he said that through our faith connection to him rivers of living waters would flow from within. The water keeps coming with life, vitality, freshness and power, for us and through us to others. This is how Jesus intended our spiritual life to be.

Photo 1: I got an early start today. I wanted to get out and use the cooler hours before noon. Temperatures have been and will continue to be in the mid to upper nineties.

Photo 2: The whole walk today was on the main road and followed the Vrbas River. I had to walk through 9 tunnels. At first I was somewhat hesitant of how this might be. After going through the first ones I actually looked forward to the next tunnel: It was cooler in the tunnel and the acoustics were great for my pilgrim song! Being on the highway like this, I did not think I would have much of a chance for a Talk-and-Pray encounter. I had three. Viktor was a fisherman whom I met sitting in a shady spot at a hotel just before the first tunnel. He was a Bosnien Croat who spoke English quite well. About halfway through the stretch I met Zoran who was overseeing a contruction site that I passed through. He was a Bosnian Serb who had worked in Germany for awhile. Towards the end I stopped at a Catholic Church where there was a water faucet and a place to sit in the shade. Ivan was also sitting there and understood English. We talked and prayed.

Photo 3: The medieval fortified city of Jajce. In its golden age it had been the city of the Bosnian kings before it was conquered by the Ottoman Turks.

Photo 4: Jajce is known for its waterfalls.

Photo 5: The ancient Roman Church and Bell Tower of St. Marys was converted to a mosque after the Ottoman conquest. Eventually the Mosque was burnt down three times. Now the shell of the original church structure remains as a reminder of its turbulent history.

Route Info: 45.65 km | 1334.00 hm | ca. 11h58m | Track-Detail-View

12. Aug 2024

Krupa na Vrbasu - Jajce

Pastor Andrei and family were great hosts. It was like being at home away from home these past three days.

Photo 2: Today's stretch started in Krupa na Vrbasu where I had stopped on Saturday. Andrei took this photo as I walked away. I now have an emergency vest on the back of my backpack so vehicles coming from behind can see me better. I wave to the traffic coming towards me to make sure they see me and give me space.

Photo 3: There were many memorials along the road of mostly young men whose life ended on this road. One curve in particularly today had a whole row of them. I do not think there were any hikers among the remembered... and I do not plan to be the first.

Photos 4-5: The highway follows the Vrbasu River. Towards the end of the stretch and up higher there were some nice views. Originally I wanted to try to walk the whole distance from Krupa na Vbrasu to Jajce in one day. That would have been a very exhausting hike of 46 kilometers. I decided to stop at a motel after 18 kilometers to get off the road and out of the sun. Tomorrow I plan to start early and hopefully get at least half of the rest if the hike completed before noon when there is more shade in the valley and the temperature is a bit cooler. Today it got up to 97 degrees in the afternoon. Tomorrow it will be the same.

No real God-Talk today other than a short exchange with a lady sitting in the shade at a gas station. With my limited slavic expressions I explained what I was doing and that God gives me the "energy of the resurrection" to do it. Her husband, who was working at the gas station, also came over. He heard the same and nodded in agreement. Only with God's help can I go one day after the other...

Route Info: 45.65 km | 1334.00 hm | ca. 11h58m | Track-Detail-View

11. Aug 2024


Photo 1: I had a nice day of rest in Banja Luka with Pastor Andrei and his family. We had a great lunch together by the Krupa River. The restaurant owner had spent some time in Germany and spoke some German. I told him what I was doing and he shared that with another family that was there who were visiting from Austria. They were curious and asked questions. I was able to tell my story and pray for the family and restaurant owner in German. It was a good bridge builder for Pastor Andrei to connect with the restaurant owner.

Photo 2: In the afternoon Andrei took me to meet these two brothes from Norway, Jørgen und Aril, who will be working with Andrei in the new church plant. I shared with them personal experiences about ministry and the importance of following the leading of the Holy Spirit. I prayed for them and they prayed for me... and my right foot. Please pray for this new church start in Banja Luka.

Photo 3: The Christ our Saviour Cathedral in Banja Luka

Route Info: 0.00 km | 0.00 hm | ca. 0 | Track-Detail-View

10. Aug 2024

Banja Luka - Krupa na Vrbasu

Photo 1: I wanted to start today's stretch by praying at the main Orthodox Church in Banja Luka, Cathedral of Christ our Saviour. Pastor Andrei took me there. In Serbia he had many connections with people from the Orthodox Church and has a heart to help them find their way beyond tradition to a living relationship with God through Jesus. This became very clear to me as I watched people in the church bow before the various icons, kiss them, and make the sign of the cross. It reminded me of my mother who was isolated from the outside world during her last year of life because of corona stipulations. My sister could only go to the window and knock. My mother could not understand why my sister did not just come in. I think God feels this many times as well.

A group of young boxers from Lithuania walked by and offered to take this photo. They spoke very good English. I said that maybe one day I would walk and pray through their country, shared briefly my story and prayed for them.

Photo 2: The Vrbas River that flows through Banja Luka. All day today I would be walking along this river.

Photo 3: The last half of today's hike followed the river on this main road. It would have been a very beautiful hike had I not constantly need to watch out fof the traffic.

Photo 4: After 29 kilometers I arrived at my destination, Krupa na Vrbasu. I then walked to these waterfalls which is one of the sources to the Vrbasu River. It was a relief to sit in the shade and be away from the trafgic. The tempetature got near 92 degrees this afternoon.

Photo 5: About 200 meters up a hill was the Krupa Monastery with the church of the holy prophet Elijah. I felt prompted to go up and take a look while I was waiting for Pastor Andrei to pick me up, even though I really was not excited about walking up a steep hill. Inside the church it was cool and quiet. I sang my pilgrim song and prayed for the people in the region. The monastary is runned ny three monks. I met one of them in the gift shop. I told him that I love Jesus. He also said in good English that he loves Jesus. I told him I was 16 when I said yes to Jesus. He was 15 and told me his story. We connected. I said a prayer of blessing for his life and ministry. He gave me a liter of mineral water. It was a special moment. After Andrei picked me up back down by the falls, I asked him to drive up to the monastary to also meet the monk. They too talked and connected.

Milestone: Altitude Meters 2 x Mt. Everest

Route Info: 27.29 km | 542.00 hm | ca. 6h37m | Track-Detail-View

09. Aug 2024

Omarska - Banja Luka

Early in the morning I passed by two men sitting on a porch and drinking the traditional liquor called rakija. They held the bottle up and called out to me to come over. I did... and asked for water. The level of communication was quite limited as they spoke niether English nor German. The few words I know in Russian helped a bit. Still they understood that I am walking from Germany to Greece and that I love Jesus. They were actually 2 and 4 years younger than me and amazed that I was doing this. I said in simple Russian: "God to me energy resurrection!" They understood. I prayed for them in English. That they did not understand, but God did.

Later in the afternoon I walked by a group of men who were sitting in the shade by a place to purchase cold drinks. They were all drinking beer. I greeted them with the slavic greeting "Dobre dan!" One man answered in German: "Spazieren Sie?" - You are walking? He had worked once in Austria and still knew a few words in German. They offered me a cold beer, but I took a mineral water instead for which I wad grateful. My water supply was not warm and getting low. Again conversation was limited. They understood how old I was, that I was walking from Munich to Athens and that I have Jesus in my heart who gives me "the enery of the resurrection."

Inbetween these two encounters, around noon, I passed through another small village and saw a car from Germany parked in front of a house. A man was there and I greeted him in German. He did not seem to understand, but said in German: "Daughter from Germany". He then motioned for me to go with him to a shady spot in back of the house. His daughter and children were there visiting from Germany as well as his sister-in-law and her husband who were also visiting from Germany. I ended up having an impromtu lunch with them. We talked, and I was able to pray with them... in German.

Two things I learned today: 1) The people in Bosnia-Herzegovina are very hospitable. 2) It is important to have people who know the language and culture to be able to speak to the heart.

Photo 1: A wall painting showing the traditional dress

Photo 2: Next week I will have to go over the mountains to get to Sarajevo.

Photo 3: Scenery passing through a village

Photo 4: Fruit hanging down near the road. Quite often I will pick something and eat it as a quick source of energy, vitimans and moisture.

Photo 5: After 37 kilometers I was very happy to reach Banja Luka, a predominatly Serbian city. Pastor Andrei Cicală picked me up. I will be staying with him and his family the next three nights. Just two weeks ago they moved from Serbia to start a new church here.

Milestone: One third of the way is now complete.

Route Info: 32.44 km | 615.00 hm | ca. 7h51m | Track-Detail-View

08. Aug 2024

Prijedor - Omarska

Video: In the heart of the town Kozarac is this memorial to the 3500 muslims who were massacred there in 1992 during the war. A man who spoke German was showing his nephew who was visiting from Germany the name of a relative listed on the memorial. I talked briefly with them and expressed my sorrow for what had happened there. I also said that I wanted to pray for God's healing grace, peace and spirit of reconciliation to be at work in the hearts of the families of the victims, whether they would like to be there when I prayed. They stayed and recorded the moment on their phones. I have found it helpful to say that I am from Cincinnati, Ohio near Dayton, as it was the Dayton Accord in 1995 which ended the war. It was obvious to me that the pain if the past was still very present.

Photo 1: I stayed last night with Pastor Danko Malešević in Prijedor. His church runs a thrift store among other humanitarian ministries in the community. His favorite Bible verse is on the truck: John 11:25-26. Last night I spoke at the prayer meeting which met at his house. The time of worship was very simple, but also sincere and refreshing. Pray for Pastor Danko and his team. They are doing a great work.

Photo 2-3: Orthodox churches and mosques fill the landscape. Pastor Danko suggested I walk a different way and not spend the night in my tent in the town I had planned to do. He knew someone who runs a camping place up in the hills and arranged for me to stay the night there. That changed my route which also led to a number of God-Talks. The first one was with a lady from France. I got to use my left-over French and testimony from last year's camino. Shortly thereafter another woman greeted me from her gate. I said that I speak English and German. She got real excited and called her husband. After the war they found a new life in Switzerland. This was their vacation home in their village. The husband, a muslim, had been a prisioner of war for 7.5 months. Ever since then he cannot speak clearly. The wife is a Serb and Orthodox. She related how Jesus appeared to her in a dream and healed her of a number of illnesses. I also related how I had a speach impediment as a child and that through my mother's prayers I was able to overcome it and that Jesus set me free from the fear of people and the fear of speaking. I prayed then for the husband that God would help him as well. I cannot say that he was immediately healed, but I did notice that his words were coming a bit easier. About 2 kilometers further I saw a car with German license plates and a group of people sitting in front of a house. I greeted them in German. They invited me to have some watermelon. I love watermelon! We talked and then prayed. The two men had also been prisioners of war. I prayed for healing of the pain in the soul. Just before coming to this house, I walked by multiple graves where the massacred had been buried. God have mercy on us humans for what we will do to each other...

Photo 5: Pastor Danko's friend on the left who runs the campground. There was a group of men celebrating a bachelor party. I got to have a plate of the grilled specialities as well. They were singing and making music all afternoon and evening. No sense to try to sleep... so I got my blog updated!

Route Info: 28.21 km | 311.00 hm | ca. 6h3m | Track-Detail-View

07. Aug 2024

Hrvatska Kostajnica - Prijedor

Photo 1: The border crossing from Croatia to Bosnia-Herzegovina. Pastor Nikola took me across the bridge, over the border and about 10 km into Bosnia-Herzegovina. That saved me about three hours of walking. I still did almost 25 kilometers to get to the city of Prijedor. The swelling in my right foot is better, but I still feel discomfort almost with every step. I take it a day at a time...

Photo 2: Two puppies along the way

Photo 3: A view of the scenery of Bosnia-Herzegovina

Photo 4: The cyrillic alphabet is used more in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Photo 5: A little less than 50% of the population are Muslims. I will be seeing Mosques now as I walk.

Shortly before arriving in Prijedor I was running low on water. I decided to go to a house to ask for water. The lady who answered soon realized that I speak German. She and her husband had lived and worked a number of years in Germany. Their son still lives there and was visiting. They not only gave me water, but also a freshly made smoothie. We talked and at the end prayed. They are orthodox Christians, but do not own a Bible and really do not know the biblical message of Jesus. I encouraged them to get a Bible and to read the biography of Jesus. The father had an interesting name, Bogdan, which combines the words for "God" and "Day". Bogdan said as I was about to leave: "I cannot believe that an American has walked from Germany and that we are having this conversation in German at my home here in Bosnia-Herzegovina!" I guess God wanted that to happen on this day... "Bogdan"

Route Info: 37.61 km | 776.00 hm | ca. 9h15m | Track-Detail-View

06. Aug 2024

Petrinja - Hrvatska Kostajnica

Video: The sheep answer to the call from Pastor Nikola.

Photo 1: The feet of a pilgrim... The missing toenail on the big toe of left foot is from crossing the Pyrenees last September. You cannot see where the blisters were, but they have turned to leather. The right foot is swollen between the big and little toe and feels pain particularly after the first few hours of walking. I welcome prayer for my right foot. A friend of mine from our church in Moosburg who is a doctor said that I might have a stress fracture and should get an xray. Pastor Miloş was kind enough to take me to the hospital. Two things to mention briefly here: 1) There is no fracture, for which I am grateful. 2) In the waiting room at the hospital we had the opportunity to speak and pray with a young man from India who was having problems with his liver.

Photo 2: Pastor Miloş is pastor of a Baptist Church. We talked last night and today quite a bit about prayer, revival movements in the past and the infilling and working of the Holy Spirit. The writing above the stage at the front of the church says: "My house shall be called a house of prayer." We both share the same passion to experience a genuine move of God by his Spirit. For this we prayed together.

Photo 3: Pastor Nikola actually lives in Kostajnica, the border town before crossing into Bosnia-Herzegovina. He built a little farm there and invited me to stay the night there. Since I lost a few hours going to the hospital and to give my right foot a day of rest, I accepted Pastor Miloş offer to drive me to Kostajnica. Nikola greeted us with a home made meal, everything coming from his farm. We had a great time of fellowship together, and the extra day of rest did me good... I must be getting older.

Photo 4: One of Nikola's dogs laying on a bed of onions!

Route Info: 34.22 km | 575.00 hm | ca. 8h2m | Track-Detail-View

05. Aug 2024

Velika Gorica - Petrinja

Today was a day to hang out a flag in Croatia. It was Victory, Homeland Thanksgiving and Veteran's Day.

Photo 2-3: Not much happening on this holiday. Two scenes from the walk, one going through a village, and one walking under the expressway.

Photo 4: A God Appointment taking shape... The green line shows the path I intended to take. On the map it looked like a foot path that would take me away from the main road and eventually lead to a river and my final destination. However the foot path became an impassable jungle. I had to turn around and go back to the road (blue line). At the point that I took this screenshot, the distance to Petrinja, my original destination, and the city of Sisak where Pastor Miloş lives, where the same. Pastor Nikola from Zagreb had arranged for me to stay with his friend Miloş who was going to pick me up in Petrinja and take me to Sisak. I decided to just go ahead and walk to Sisak, so Pastor Miloş would not have to pick me up.

Photo 5: In the village before Sisak I saw an older man standing by his gate as if he was waiting for someone. I greeted him in Croatian and he answered back in German. He actually spoke better English, so we continued on in English. When he heard I was walking from Munich, he wanted to do something for me. He called to his wife to bring me a glass of cold mineral water. While we talked, a car pulled up. It was their daughter and family coming from Germany, from Lindau not far from where I live. We talked in German and English. I shared my story and about having the God connection through Jesus and prayed with them. The next day the daughter's husband sent me a WhatsApp to thank me for the short visit. They had gone through a difficult time recently and the talk and prayer had encouraged them.

Route Info: 41.29 km | 594.00 hm | ca. 9h19m | Track-Detail-View

04. Aug 2024


I really needed this day of rest. I washed my clothes by hand yesterday evening and cooked spaghetti to last until lunch on Monday, so I could recover from the week of walking. It was God's idea that we have a day of rest. He knows we need it!

Photo 1: In the afternoon I was picked up by Pastor Nikola Škrinjarić to attend an early evening church service in Zagreb. Shortly after I got in the car, he asked me if I would like to preach. "That would be a great honor," I answered and then gathered my thoughts as we drove to Zagreb. Nikola reminds me of Caleb, who at age 80 said: "I still have that one moutain to take. I am not finish yet!" Nikola is almost 70 and is helping five church plants in the region.

Photo 2: It was a small group that met this Sunday evening, but the worship filled the room. Dragan who lead the music (video) also translated for me. We had a great evening together. Pray for God's purposes to take place in Croatia.

Route Info: 0.00 km | 0.00 hm | ca. 0 | Track-Detail-View

03. Aug 2024

Samobor - Velika Gorica

I was not sure if and how there might be a God appontment today. The paths were empty of people. Later in the day I passed a young man lost in his thoughts, who was walking towards me. At some point he turned around and passed me again. This time he was curious and wanted to know where I was going. I told him I was walking from Germany to Greece. His response: "O, my God!" "Exactly," I answered. "I am walking with Jesus!" Briefly I shared with him what it means to have a God connection through Jesus and prayed for. During the prayer he said a number of times: "I was just thinking about that!"

Photo 1: About two hours later and towards the end of the stretch for the day, I was walking through a village when I saw a lady and her daughter working in the yard. She recognized the Way of St. James logo on my hat and also wanted to know where I was going and whether she could get something for me. I asked for a glass of cold water. Before I knew it, the whole family came together. The lady brought out a tray with water, fruit and cake. We talked and I was able to pray for them. They let me know that the stores are closed on Sunday, and Monday is a holiday where nothing would be open. I was very tired after walking 30 kilometers on a hot day. The son offered to take me to get groceries before the stores closed and to bring me to where I would stay that night and Sunday. I accepted his offer... I have been having pain in my right foot, so this was a relief at the end of the day.

Photo 2: Bicycle path leading out from Samobor

Photo 3: Nature perserve right before Zagreb.

Photo 4: Tunnel under the expressway

Photo 5: Lunch break on the shore of the Sava River... giving my feet a short rest

Route Info: 36.75 km | 291.00 hm | ca. 7h34m | Track-Detail-View

02. Aug 2024

Krško - Samobor

I like staying at hostels. It is sometimes very tight the sleeping area and the facilities very simple, but then it does not cost much to stay the night. Also there are quite often a number of young people and who are happy to talk with an "old man" pilgrim. At the hostel last night in Krško I actually had a room to myself. There were hardly any people there. Vanja was filling in at the reception for someone on vacation, a very helpful young lady. Since the nearby restaurant was closed, she was kind enough to order a pizza for me so I would not have to walk somewhere. Also this morning she made breakfast for me... I was the only one having breakfast. I told her I was a pilgrim walking through her country and praying for the people and nation of Croatia, and that I would pray for her if she would like. It was a brief encounter that ended with a prayer of blessing, but it touched the heart.

Shortly before the border to Croatia I went in a small market to buy something cold to drink. The lady at the cash register was apparently also the owner. She recognized the Camino logo on my hat and wanted to know if I was a pilgrim. She then motioned to her husband to give me a liter of cold mineral water in addition to what I purchased. She was so happy to so something for me, and I was so glad to have the cold water. Within the next hour, I drank everything. I was very grateful for the many acts of kindness that I experienced from people in Slovenia.

At the hostel in Samobor this evening I shared a small room with a young man from Serbia who is the same age as my son, Sorin, works as an electrician like my son and could pass as his twin brother, particularly when Sorin has a beard. The young man also had a very kind heart like my son. We connected. I shared some things about God and prayed with him... like I do as well with my son. Also at the hostel I met another young man from Nepal who was waiting for his working permit to do construction work in Croatia. We talked about hiking and the famed sherpas from his country who carry the backpacks for the tourist trekking to Mount Everest. I told him that when I have a hard time carrying a backpack, I think about the Sherpas. I also shared with him my story. It was the first time I ever spoke to a person from Nepal about Jesus. That would never had happened had I stayed at a hotel.

Photo 1: Path along the Sava River

Photo 2: One of the power stations along the river

Photo 3: Border crossing to Croatia

Photo 4-5: Samobor, Croatia... one fourth of the journey now complete

Route Info: 28.89 km | 419.00 hm | ca. 6h29m | Track-Detail-View

01. Aug 2024

Radeçe - Krško

I did not know where I would find a sleeping place when I got to Radeçe yesterday evening. There was no campground, no bed and breakfast, no hostel, no private rooms. After the challenging hike yesterday I needed a good meal. At the restaurant where I ate they had a playground The boss at the restaurant said I could put my tent up there and I had access to the toilet facilities. The restaurant was right on the Sava River. From my tent I had this great view of the church on the hill light up at night (video).

Photo 1: I am getting nearer to Croatia and Zagreb. Unfortunately the special letters in the Slavic language do not always come out right on the title of the hikes. This sign shows my destination for today: Krško.

Photo 2: The man in the mirror...

Photo 3: A view of the Svenica Castle looking through the sideboards of a barn where I took a short break.

Photo 4: One nice thing about approaching storms is that it cools things down. I was glad for the cloud coverage when this storm passed through and even more glad when the thunder rumblings faded away before it got to me.

Photo 5: The old town of Krško where I spent the night at a youth hostel.

Every day I wonder whether there would be a God appontment on that day and how it would come about. About halfway through the hike today a man and a woman passed me on their motorcycles. A little bit later I noticed they had stopped at a shaddy spot. I thought there were just taking a break. When I got to that spot, I noticed that they were riding Harley Davidsons and had German license plates. So I greeted them in German which surprised them and sparked their curiosity. Why is an old guy like me carrying such a big packpack from Germany to Greece. I shared my story. We had a God-talk and I was able to pray for them and their journey through life. So why did they make the pit stop? A wasp had flown into the helmet of the man and stung him in the ear. What are the chances of that happening while riding a motorcycle? Was it God getting their attention to allow them to hear about his love and grace for them? If so, it worked!

Route Info: 33.37 km | 540.00 hm | ca. 7h38m | Track-Detail-View

31. Jul 2024

Tieneti_e - Radeçe

It was between a rock and a hard place...

Photo 1: For the first hours today I had to walk along a highway. As I mentioned on day one of this trip, I hope to see the glory of God, discovered in simple things like this flower growing between the guardrail and the highway. Little did I know, but this photo would become a prophetic picture of the rest of my day...

Photo 2: "Rocket-Man" passed me early on in his velomobile. A little later I caught up to him. He was parked before the the two signs srating that the road was closed. He had ridden on, hoping he could somehow still manage to get through... something I would do. The road was closed because of falling rocks. A construction team was actively knocking rocks from the cliff so they would fall down to the road to clear the danger. Erik said it was just too dangerous. This was the "Rock". There was really no other option. The paths going over the mountain did not take the direction I needed to go. There was no other road. Going back would mean going a whole day back by foot. On the other side of the river, though, there was a railtrack...

Photo 3: I prayed about going through the falling rocks or walking the railtracks. I decided to take the calculated risk of walking the tracks, not really a good idea, and I would not recommend this option to anyone. This was the "Hard Place". To get to the tracks I had to go over this foot bridge which had seen better days. The sign suggested strongly to not take the bridge. I did... very carefully, clinging to what was left of the suspension structure... just in case.

Video: Actual footage of me going as fast as I could on the tracks. I needed to go about 4 kilometers to get to a point where I could reconnect with the road. I had to step aside for two trains that were coming towards me. Their whistles were blowing long and hard. A third train passed on the other track going my direction. It was a single yellow maintenance wagon. It stopped and two young men motioned for me to get in. They took me safely the last two kilometers to the next station where I could reconnect with the road. The expierece reminded me of God's promise to me (see Story/Snail-Trail) that he would pick me up when I needed it and put me where I needed to be. I was between a rock and a hard place, but even there God's grace and faithfulness can be discovered.

Photo 4: Shortly after I got back on the road, I came to this accident scene just as the ambulance was taking the driver of this truck away. How glad I am that Jesus is the Good Shepherd who watches over me.

Photo 5: I was glad to make it to my destination for the day... all us well that ends well, a good meal to celebrate the goodness of God!

Route Info: 33.57 km | 865.00 hm | ca. 9h1m | Track-Detail-View

30. Jul 2024

Dolsko - Tieneti_e

Photo 1: One of the nicer stretches along the Sava River

Photo 2: This path followed the train tracks. In the distance up on the hill you can see a church. When I got there, the door was locked, but someone had placed two apples on the doorstep. I took one of them and ate it. I will be honest: It was the apple without the bruise.

Photo 3: I met Boris yesterday evening at the campground standing in line for a shower room. He is from Switzerland, traveling through Slovenia by bike and train. Twenty years ago he walked the Camino. I got an earlier start today then he did, but Boris caught up to me on his bike. We walked and talked the next several kilometers together. In that time I shared with Boris my story, explained a bit more clearly why Jesus came into our world, went to the cross and rose from the dead. Boris also shared with me about his spiritual journey, and then wanted to know where I thought the world was heading. He was not aware of the pictorial prophecy of the course of world history recorded in the book of Daniel in the Old Testament more than 2600 years ago. I assured him that God knows what is going on, has a plan, and that the end will actually be a new beginning. I like the verse in Revelations 4:2 where John is told that he would be shown the things that will come. John then sees a throne and one is seated upon it. That is really all we need to know. Behind the curtains of history there is a throne. A good and just God sits upon it. When all is said and done, his kingdom of peace and righteousness will prevail and remain. I can rest in that. I prayed for this peace from heaven to be in Boris' heart as well.

Photo 4: Meet "Rocket-Man". His name is Erik from Holland. We have a bit in common, not wanting to retire from life when you release the daily responibilities from your life's profession. He is 65 and riding this velomobile from his home, through the Balkans, then take a boat to Italy and ride back home. We understood each other quite well...

Photo 5: Somewhere along life's journey, however, Erik let go of the notion that there is a true, good and loving God. I asked him if he had ever really had the God connection. So often religious rites keep people from the heart relationship to their Creator. They think that the forms, rituals and holiday observance is all there is, and go away empty. We talked about this for quite some time. The next morning, when these pictures 4-5 were made, I prayed with Erik. He said he usually feels aversion when people would want to talk with him about God. This time it was different. It was natural. He felt a closeness that surprised him. I said it was Jesus in me wanting to lead him to a life giving relationship with God.

Route Info: 21.68 km | 604.00 hm | ca. 5h56m | Track-Detail-View

29. Jul 2024

Ljubljana - Dolsko

Before I left the hostel in Ljubljana, I had one more short talk with Joe from England. I think if we were neighbors, we would have many conversations. Joe has a good heart, just needs the God connection. Perhaps our talks were a start in that direction. I prayed for him and his journey through life.

From Ljubljana to Zagreb I will mostly be following the Sava River (Photos 2-5). Some of the paths are directly along the waterway. Some are on country roads that take me through small villages (Photo 1). Some are heavily traveled streets with and without sidewalks, and some trails follow the rail tracks. One thing remains consistent: There is no other hiker. I do see bike riders from time to time that speed by me. I have a lot of time to pray for the people and countries I pass through.
Please note: We had some technicle difficulty with the sending out of the weekly updates. I am not sure if the English version has been sent out at all. There should have been two other mailings before this one. With the German version I know that some people have received multiple copies. The person who manages this is an intercultral worker with VM-I and has been in the process of moving his family to the Philippines. Thank you for your understanding and continued interest in the Snail-Trail.

Route Info: 19.11 km | 408.00 hm | ca. 4h51m | Track-Detail-View

28. Jul 2024

Pause / Godi: Celov_ka cesta 43

This morning Pastor Chris Scobie picked me up to take me to the Sunday morning church service in Ljubljana. He is playing the guitar in the videoclip and his wife is leading the worship from the keyboard. This was my first time to be in a time of worship with God's people since I left home three weeks ago. The melodies of the songs were familiar as was the spirit of worship, even though I did not always know the song text. I shared a few words about what I am doing and a few stories of God appointments along the way. Afterwards a man came up to me who also enjoys taking long hikes through his country of Slovenia. He said he was encouraged to be more aware of the leading of the Holy Spirit to speak with people he meets along the way. Pastor Chris and his congregation are endeavoring to build the first Penecostal Church building in Ljubljana, the capitol city of Slovenia. Pray for God's blessings on this project. Ljubljana is also a city with many students. There is definitely a need and opportunity for student ministry outreach here... but who will do it? Who will come?

Photo 2: When I got back to the hostel I looked in the community kitchen and saw Barry sitting there alone working on a language learning app. He is from China, is a professor of science and mathamatics, speaks very good English, and is wanting to learn German. We talked about God and the world, but mostly about God, his creation and how to live in realtionship to God. I prayed for Barry and his journey through life. Afterwards he took this picture and sent me a copy.

Photo 3: If God can take care of the birds, can he not take care of us? Lunchtime in Ljubljana...

Photos 1/4: The famous Dragon Bridge in Ljubljana

Photo 5: The main church in the center of the old town.

Sunday was my rest day. I stayed in a student dorm room for three people. When I got back to my room, Joe from England had just arrived. He is a young man in his early thirties who had some religious influence in his younger years, but now was quite distant from it. I told him that even though I am a pastor, I am not religious. He wanted me to explain that. I said that God is not looking for rituals, but relationship. I encouraged him to look beyond the smokescreen of religiosity and connect with God in a real relationship. We talked quite a bit until early evening. That is when I started working on my blog... almost to midnight. I never got to it during the week.

Route Info: 0.00 km | 0.00 hm | ca. 0 | Track-Detail-View

27. Jul 2024

Naklo - Ljubljana

I was so glad to arrive at the home of Pastor Drago Sukič and his wife Megy yesterday evening. It had been a long hike of 9.5 hours walking time. My talk with Renate delayed my arrival by a good half hour. Pastor Drago got on his bike to look for me. When I came around the corner to their house, Megy was standing in front of the house with their neighbors. What a relief! I made it! I was able to share my story with the neighbors and pray for them. That is what the Snail-Trail is all about: Walk-Talk-Pray. I had a wonderful evenig with Drago and Megy. They are very gracoius hosts and great people of God. They lead and pastor the church in the city of Kranj. Pastor Drago also works full time and is the Assistent Superintendent of the Pentecostal Churches in Slovenia which consists of a network of 13 churches. Slovenia is a country of about 2 million people. There is a great need to reach the younger generation and to develop younger pastors. Please listen to the video and pray for Slovenia.

Photo 2: This church in Kranj was originally a Protestant Church, but was taken over by the Catholic Church during the Counter-Reformation. It was a very sad chapter in the history of Christianity in Europe that still impacts its spiritual landscape today.

Photo 3 - 4: Much of the day I followed the River Sava. Sometimes I walk on roads, sometimes on raw nature paths along the edge of the river. I never thought I would have a God-Talk with someone on this path...

Photo 5: ...Then I saw two dogs coming out of the brush. A little later their owners followed, a young couple Pavel and Marsha. Pavel recognized my "Camino" logo on my hat - They Way of St. James. That got the conversation started. The two are Catholic and want to follow Jesus. We talked about God's purposes for their lives and prayed together. It was a special moment.

On my way into Ljubljana I saw three Mormons coming my way. They greeted me in Slovenian, but I knew they spoke English and answered: "Tell me what you think about Jesus!" We had a great conversation where I could share my story and explain some serious questions that I have about some of their teachings. They did allow me to pray for them... Walk-Talk-Pray.

I got to the hostel in Ljubljana later than I wanted. But that was also God's timing. While I was making something to eat, I heard two young girls speaking German. I outed myself as a German speaker and they invited me to eat with them. Let me just say that a very long and meaningful conversation took place. There were tears. We prayed. I believe God touched and encouraged their hearts in a special way.

Route Info: 34.23 km | 474.00 hm | ca. 7h53m | Track-Detail-View

26. Jul 2024

Javorniski Rovt - Naklo

Photo 1: Joe and Dragica are innkeepers with heart and soul. They did everything they could to make my short stay a good one. Joe spoke English real well. As I was leaving, I offered to pray for him and Dragica and their mountain house. Afterwards Joe mentioned that he would be taking two young girls down the mountain to the train station, whether I would like a ride as well. I had been offered a ride before, but always turned it down. However I was still feeling very tired from going over the mountain the day before and was now looking at a 40 kilometer hike to my next stop. Since I already had walked 32 kilometers longer than what was planned, I decided to save myself a few steps and said yes. It was a God appontment. The two girls were from Holland. They wanted to know my story which I gladly shared. I then asked them if they also had a God connection. They said no and were not sure if God existed. I asked that if God was really real, would they like to know it. The one girl said yes. I asked if I could pray for them. The one girl said yes and I could see her eyes turning red. I prayed. When I said amen, we arrived at the spot were I was to continue my walk. Joe got out of the car to open the trunk for me to get my backpack. He said: "Thank you for your prayers!"

Photo 2: Vefore I left the mountain house, I also had a talk with Tom from near Stuttgart. He had some changes in his life and was looking for direction. I encouraged him to seek the God connection, to get to know Jesus, and prayed for him. Aftetwards he asked to have a picture taken with me. That is always a good sign that the talk, the prayer, the moment was meaningful. There are many people in Europe like Tom and the two girls from Holland who just do not know how to find the God connection. It is really very simple. Just speak out the words: "God, here I am. Help me to know you." God will always answer that prayer.

Photo 3 - 4: The walk around Lake Bled was just extremly beautiful. On one path I met a family from Denmark. We starting talking and I felt prompted ro share how I came to faith in Christ in what Jesus has done in my life, particularly since the two boys are the age where God started his work in my life. It turned out that the family are Jehovah's Witnesses. They were the only ones who so far did not want for me to pray for them. Still, I sensed God wanted to speak to the young hearts of these two boys through my story.

Photo 5: After I left Lake Bled, I eventually came to the River Sava and will be following it for a number of days. It was another long day, still 37.5 kilometers. I ran out of water about an hour away from my destination. As I passed through a small village, a lady was working on her carport. We greeted each other. She realized I was a foreigner, saw my big backpack and wanted to know in very good English were I was heading to. I said Greece. She wanted to know if I needed anything. I said I could use a glass of cold water. She brought me water for my water bottle plus a refreshing cold can drink. We started to talk. I told her my story. Her name is Renate which means "Born Again". I asked her if she was born again, if she had ever said yes to Jesus. She said she would like to expierece this, but did not know how. We prayed a simple prayer together. She said yes to Jesus. Renate was reborn.

Route Info: 40.35 km | 739.00 hm | ca. 10h40m | Track-Detail-View

25. Jul 2024

Faaker See - Javorniski Rovt

Photo 1: Morning view on Lake Faak

Photo 2: Path approaching the mountain. At one point a bridge was out and I had to backtrack. That cost me over a half hour of hiking time and energy.

Photo 3 - 4: Scenes along the way.

Photo 5: This was my path up the valley and over the moutain into Slovenia, a total climb of 34 kilometers and 1182 altitude meters. I was completely exhausted when I arrived at the mountain house where I spent the night. The people there were so kind. They did my wash and served me a Christmas dinner! I talked briefly with the young waitress and asked her what she wants to do with her life. She would like to study medicine but is afraid she cannot make it. I said that fear is not a good advice giver. Fear would have kept me from doing many things in life including walking from my home in Germany and climbing over this mountain to Slovenia. I encouraged her to put her trust in the Good Shepherd who would guide her steps just as he has done mine. Life is like going on a pilgrimage: you take it one day, one hill, one mountain after the other. After awhile you look back and realize how far you have come, just by taking small steps.

Route Info: 28.64 km | 1302.00 hm | ca. 8h50m | Track-Detail-View

24. Jul 2024

Döbriach - Faaker See

Photo 1: The path started off today in the woods, then went along the river leading to Villach...

Photo 2: Then the path took me to the highway, not so nice. But right at that point was a rest area for drivers. There I met Manuel (in the picture) and Mathew from Iran. They were working on finishing up a snackshop at the rest area that they hope to open the first of August. I said the few words that I know in Persian. They wanted to know how I learned them. I said that I helped refugees from Iran and Afghanistan learn German who had come to my city in Germany. Manuel, the owner of the snackshop, invited me to have a cup of tea. I took my lunch break and we talked. Manuel was a cultural Muslim in Iran. Mathew was an athiest Muslim. I do not know their whole story, but they fled their country, came to Europe, found the God connection through Jesus, were baptized, got the papers to live in Austria, found work, have families, and are now starting a business. I was so happy to meet them, one very positive example that asylum does help people start a new life. I prayed for Manuel and Mathew, their families, the new business and their journey now with Jesus.

Photo 3: Walking through Villach

Photo 4: Once I arrived at Lake Faak, I walked on a pier and took this picture. Somehow and somewhere I will need to get over those mountains tomorrow to Slovenia. As I walked off the pier, a man from Austria called out to me. He saw my backpack and wanted to know where my journey was taking me. He had done part of the St. James Way, but did not have the active faith relationship to Jesus. I shared my story, encouraged him to get to know Jesus by reading his biography, and prayed for him.

Photo 5: The campground where I stayed was on the other side of the lake. It was packed out. The junior boss was so impressed that I had walked from my home in Bayern to Lake Faak that he allowed me to put me tent up on the beach. That is where I took this picture of the sunset. I told the young man that my strength comes from the Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth. This faith in God is not just for emergencies and the point of death, but for every day living. I encouraged him to seek this God connection and prayed for him.

Route Info: 38.97 km | 852.00 hm | ca. 9h54m | Track-Detail-View

23. Jul 2024

Seeboden - Döbriach

Photo 1: At the beginning of my hike today I saw this sign. It says: "Paths are made by walking them." There are a few places in the woods where I live that now have visable paths, because I have walked them. This is something I hope to do with the Snail-Trail as well, to encourage people to walk unknown paths, make life and God experiences, and engage with people along the way. Christianity is not boring when you walk with Jesus!

Photo 2: I spent half the day today walking around Lake Millstätte. It was a beautiful hike.

Photo 3: Last night I wanted to buy a carrot to have with my picnic dinner, but they were all in bags. This morning at another store I had hope to buy a carrot for my picnic lunch, but they were all in bags. Later on the path I saw a couple from Austria feeding these ponies carrots from one of those bags. I asked if a human could have one of those carrots as well, and they gave me a nice one! They had passed me earlier on the path on their bicycles and where curious to know where I was from and where I was going. I shared my story with them. I told them that wr are all pilgrims here on earth, we are all just passing through. It is important that we know our end destination. That gives us orientation for the here and now. For me that is the God connection that I have through Jesus. If they were wanting to make progress in their spiritual life, I suggested that they go to the source, to read the biography of Jesus. The man pulled out his telephone and typed in "Biography of Jesus" and wanted to know where he could find that. I love this question! It shows a seeking heart. I said that he could find this in the books of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John, the first four books of the New Testament in the Bible. He then asked his wife if their Bible at home would have these books as well. She thought so. I then prayed for them and their family before continuing on.

Photo 4: I decided to not stay at the other end of the lake as originally planned, so the hike the next day would not be so long. As I went over the mountain and through the woods, the sunny day turned to rain. I found shelter up on a hunter's stand... and ate an apple.

Photo 5: I made it to the village of Fresach, which happens to be on the Austrian Way of St. James. However there are no pilgrim hostels and no campground there. Near the local school building I met an elderly lady from the village who was walking with her daughter-in-law and grandchild. I asked them how it would be to put my tent up on the school grounds. The lady suggested I put my tent up under the roof of this historical building on the property to have rain protection. Then she added: If anyone asks who said you can stay here, just give them my name. I slept good that night, and even though it rained in the early morning, my tent was dry.

Certain names carry authority. That is what I like about the name of Jesus!

Route Info: 15.80 km | 307.00 hm | ca. 3h50m | Track-Detail-View

22. Jul 2024

Gries - Seeboden/Millstäter See

It rained most of the night. I could hear thunder now and then. But the rain had stopped by morning and I could dry my tent before packing and moving on. There was one long stretch along a highway that I had to walk on and was dreading to do (Photo 2). The traffic, though, was not as heavy as I had expected. After about an hour walking on the highway, I found out why. In the town of Kremsbrücke the road had been closed. The storm that passed over the campground where I had stayed the night, hovered about ten kilometers further over this area. It caused heavy flooding, a mudslide and took out part of the road. I was so glad the storm did not hover over the campground. Even though cars were being turned back, I was permitted to walk through the town (Photo 2). Emergency vehicles and personal were everywhere. An Austrian news team was reporting on the scene. A camera man asked me where I was walking with my large backpack. I told him briefly what I was doing. He said that would make a good news story, but he had unfortunate no time to do it then and there. I continued on, prayed and sang softly my pilgrim song as I passed through the disasterous area. On the other side of the town I tried to warn approaching cars to turn around. Most ignored me, but a few did stop to listen to what I had to say. It felt like preaching to secular Europeans: Most are so convinced of their direction in life that they just keep speeding on. Some though will listen and take the turn back.

Many hours later I walked through another small town called Treffling just before Lake Millstätte where I would stay the night. As I walked by the local fire department, five men were sitting there with a beer crate relaxing after their day of work. They called out to me to come over. They had recognized me from walking through the catastrophe zone earlier in the morning. They were surprised that I had walked the distance from there to their town with the backpack. They offered me a cold beer, but I said I would prefer cold water, which they gave me. They wanted to know my story, so we talked. The local priest will be moving on to another place this September. They asked me if I would to stay and be their priest. I said that I am not Catholic. They said I could become one. I answered that they could become like me, a follower of Jesus! We had a good time together. I was able to share from my life and walk with Jesus and pray with them before I continued on.

Route Info: 32.45 km | 660.00 hm | ca. 9h4m | Track-Detail-View

21. Jul 2024


Today was a day of rest. It was nice to be able to sleep a bit longer. The day was hot and sunny, good for getting my clothes dry (photo 1). I purposely brought with me this bag with the theme on it from VM-I: "Your story can be hope for somebody." It is a reminder of why I am making this trip. I have a story to share of God's grace at work through my life. At the campground today I spent most of my time sitting at a shaddy spot and working on my blog. I got to know a couple from Holland whose campsite was right across from me. They invited me for a cup of tea. We had a great afternoon together and talked about God and the world. The man lost his faith in God at some point in his life and the woman comes from a Hindu tradition. I personally value encounters with people who think and believe differently than me. Jesus calls us to be salt and light, to share our story. It might bring hope for someone who is in need of hope. It was special for me that they allowed me to pray for them. They gave me tea begs for my journey and tape to seal the wholes in the plastic sheet that goes under the tent. (It got snagged in some barbed wire passing through a narrow cow gate.) Every time I lay out my tent now, it will remind me to pray for them.

Photo 2: A storm came over the campground to cool things off in the evening. I hope I get a dry start in the morning.

Route Info: 0.00 km | 0.00 hm | ca. 0 | Track-Detail-View

20. Jul 2024

Mauterndorf - Gries

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." (Psalm 119:105)

Early this morning I walked past this lamppost next to the path. I immediately thought of these words from Psalm 119. How true this has been for my life since I said yes to Jesus when I was 16. There is so much wisdom and truth in God's word to help us discern, make life's decisions and direct our way through life. God's word has never failed me, but many times corrected, protected, encouraged, enabled and renewed me.
Photos 2-4: The path today started off very gentle and through the valley. At the end, however, was a steep climb 815 meters up a ski mountain called Katschberg. If you look at the trail profile, it looks like a pyramide. The downside of the mountain was a steep walk along a road. I was glad when I got to the campground and could order some gulash and noodles to to refill my energy levels. While I was eating, another young man from Belgien sat down to eat as well. He had just ridden his bike up and down the same mountain and is on his way to Hungary. He told me he had to push his bike up the mountain part of the way and cursed as he did it. I said I had to carry my backpack up the whole time, but sang my pilgrim song now and then as I did it. He said he is a personal trainer. I told him I was a spiritual trainer. He said he was raised as a Catholic, but that faith has been pushed way to the back in his life. He knows God is there for emergencies. I said that God will help us in a time of need, because he is gracious, but he has much more to give us like strength and wisdom for our daily challenges, even overcoming physical and mental mountains. His word is there to be a light to our path...

Photo 5: All is well that ends well. It was a cool night after a hot and strengous day. I slept real good.

Route Info: 23.05 km | 749.00 hm | ca. 6h36m | Track-Detail-View

19. Jul 2024

Südwiener Hütte - Mauterndorf

Video: You will never guess where this concert is taking place. I will give you a hint: "Silent Night". This is the church where the Catholic Priest Joseph Mohr served as a Vicar in the time that he wrote the Christmas classic song. I will tell you about how I got there below.

Photo 1: I woke up right at six in the morning and felt compelled to get up and go outside right away. God wanted to share with me the glory of the new day that he created. If you look closely there is a old hiking boot being used as a planter right in line with the rising sun.

Photo 2: These are my friends that I met yesterday evening. We also had breakfast together and talked about how Jesus is our bridge from this life to the next. The proprietor of the hostel joined in as well. I appreciated his own confession of faith in Jesus. As a pilgrim I offer to pray for the people that I meet along the way. This morning I felt comfortable enough to sing my pilgrim song as we looked to the mountains gleeming in the morning sun. Another one of those special moments.

Photo 3-4: From the hostel it was another steep climb, but not so long as yestetday. Coming down from the peek I began to sing my pilgrim song. In the distance another couple coming up the mountain heard me. When our path crossed, the husband mentioned in jest: "It is easy to sing when you are going downhill!" In the course of our conversation they mentioned that there would be this concert at the church where the composer of "Silent Night" had been a priest. It is located about 8 kilometers away from where the campground was where I would spend the night. This couple from Dresden was kind enough to offer to pick me up should we all make it back down the mountain in time. We did...

Photo 5: The Mariapfarr Church where the priest Joseph Mohr had been a Vicar.

Route Info: 25.09 km | 513.00 hm | ca. 7h22m | Track-Detail-View

18. Jul 2024

Pongau - Südwiener Hütte

Last night was my first night in the tent. It rained most of the night which was good for sleeping, and fortunately the sun came out a bit in the morning so I could dry off the tent before packing everything away. It turned out to be a beautiful hiking day, but also a difficult one. This was my first full mountain climb with the complete backpack. Was I ever glad to make it to the top! (Videoclip).

Photos 1-4: I loved seeing the glory of God in his creation as I walked these paths. I also had two God-Talks along the way. A couple from Denmark and on bikes just happened to make a photo stop in a shady spot right before me. They greeted me in English and so our conversation started. I was able to share my story and pray with them before they road off and I continued on my way. A bit later along this waterway (Photo 2) I saw a young man sitting on a bench. He was from Germany and fishing for trout. I took a water break and sat next to him. We started to talk. In earlier years he had taken pilgrimages with his father, but active faith was not currently part of his life. I encouraged him to seek that God connection and said a prayer of blessing before continuing on.

Photo 5: I stayed the night at a Berghütte (Mountain Hostel). This is the view from my window. I book a bed in a dormitory room for seven people, but had the room for myself. That was great for sleeping. There were some other hikers staying the night as well. I sat with a group of three others for the evening meal. We connected, had God-Talks and I was able to for them and our evening meal. It reminded me of some of those special moments at the pilgrim hostels last year along the St. James Way. It was not easy today, but it was a good day!

Route Info: 22.43 km | 1173.00 hm | ca. 6h21m | Track-Detail-View

17. Jul 2024

Anaberg - Pongau

This videoclip is from yesterday when I took off after saying good-bye to Astrid. I felt a tug in my heart. It is not always easy to say good-bye.

Photo 1: The Ambrose family were very gracoius hosts. After they drove me from Salzburg to the starting point of today's hike, the followed my suggestion to hike as a family to the Schwarzenbach Falls where I had passed by yestetday. That is where this photo was taken.

Photo 2: Sometimes the only way to go from one point to the other is on a road, and sometimes that road can be quite busy, and sometimes there are no walking paths along such roads.

Photos 3-5: Today was the first day that I carried a full backpack including my tent. It weighed close to 20 kilos including water and food provisions. Everything was full: soap/shampoo bottle, toothpaste, sun lotion, etc. Each day it will get a bit lighter. Walking past scenes like this, help you not to feel the weight so much. Also each day you get a little bit stronger. Sometimes life is like that. God allows us to carry certain burdens, not to break us, but to build us.

Route Info: 22.81 km | 555.00 hm | ca. 5h51m | Track-Detail-View

16. Jul 2024

Golling - Anaberg im Lämmertal

It is interesting when you plan a hike in an unknown area to then actually walk out the route you had planned. In the planning stage all you see is the lines that represent paths and roads. You never know for sure how those paths and roads will actually be. Today I was pleasantly surprised with a beautiful walk along a mountain brook leading to Schwarzenbach Falls.

When you start a new day, you do not always know how it will be. Sometimes there are surprises, sometimes challenges or disappointments, the ordinary or unusual. Anything can happen. Each day is a gift from God waiting to be unpacked and lived. Today I unpacked a departure. Astrid and I had our final farewell until I will return the end of October. There was also in my day the beautiful hike as well as the blister pain on my right foot. At one point there was thunder, but no lightening or rain. In my day today there were new friends. My colleague Alan Ambrose picked me up at the end of the hike so I could be part of a prayer meeting in Salzburg and stay the evening with him and his family. Special moments.

Route Info: 24.81 km | 886.00 hm | ca. 7h08m | Track-Detail-View

15. Jul 2024

Salzburg - Golling am Salzach

The day of rest did me good yesterday. The pain level of my blisters is down to 60%. Speaking of my feet, there is one story I forgot to mention from last week. It happened on Wednesday as I was walking on a narrow foot path along the River Alz. The path led around a tree and then went slightly down hill. As I took my first step going around the tree I noticed that there was something laying in the middle of the path and I did not want to step on it. I took an extra big step over it and realized I was stepping over a snake. I then turned around and watched the snake coil in defense. It looked at me and then slithered off into the grass. As it did, I saw the cross markings on its skin. It was a "Kreuzotter"... the first time ever that I know of that I saw a poisonous snake in the wild. I was so thankful for God's protection.

Yesterday evening Astrid and I shared a table with another couple at a restaurant. Just as I like to sing my pilgrim song in empty churches, the man also will sing from time to time a spiritual song in an empty church. They are not church goers. They do not own a Bible. But in those moments when he sings in the church, he senses that God might be real. Astrid and I encouraged them to go to the source of spiritual truth, to read the words of Jesus and about his life in the first four books of the New Testament. We prayed for them and our meal. There are so many people in Europe who have a certain form of godliness, but they do not know the living God nor the power of his redeeming love and grace through the cross and resurrection of Jesus.

Route Info: 27.79 km | 418.00 hm | ca. 6h16m | Track-Detail-View

13. Jul 2024

Petting - Salzburg Süd

Today was my last walk through Germany.

Photo 2: I sang my pilgrim song while walking by this field and these two cows starting walking over to me. Other than animals and bike riders and perhaps someone walking their dog(s), I have yet to see another hiker on these paths.

Photo 3: Made it to the border of Austria!

Photo 4: The crowded streets in the old city of Salzburg

Photo 5: Astrid joined me shortly before Freilassing and we walked the last 15 kilometers together through Salzburg (Photo 1).

Route Info: 30.89 km | 457.00 hm | ca. 7h4m | Track-Detail-View

12. Jul 2024

Palling - Waginger See/Petting

Today was a nice hike through the country side. The blisters on the right foot are still there, waiting for nature to turn them into leather.

(Photos 1-4) There are so many churches and chapels and displays of the passion of Jesus in this area of Germany. May people be awakened to the reality of God's love in Jesus Christ, that the cross is not just a marker in history, but God's power today to redeem and transform lost humanity.

(Photo 5) I was picked up at the end of the hike by my colleague from Salzburg, Alan Ambrose, to do a youth meeting at the church in Salzburg. There I met *Denny, an Afghan refugee, who found faith in Christ and was part of our Assembly of God church in Athens before he came to Austria. I hope to visit that church in Athens at the end of my journey. Pray for the many refugees who have fled to Europe that they would find God's grace in Jesus Christ.

Route Info: 23.12 km | 397.00 hm | ca. 5h36m | Track-Detail-View

11. Jul 2024

Polling - Palling

The three kilometers that I did not do yesterday, I made up this morning. It made for a real long hike. I was so glad to see Astrid at the end of it. We will be making a station at Lake Waging for the next five evenings where she can take me to the start and stop of each stretch. What a blessing!

Photo 1: The church in Polling was open, so I was able to start the day with my pilgrim song and prayer for the community. I love to do that!

Photo 2: I saw this St. James Way sign as I approach Garching on the River Alz. It brought back many memories from last year. Of course the sign was pointing west towards Spain. I will be going south towards Greece. No signs pointing that way...

Photo 3-5: Walking along the River Alz. When I left the river area to go through Trostberg, I had a short talk with a young father trying to get his daughter to sleep. He was from Russia and had no faith connection and did not know whether God was real. I said that maybe God was trying to get his attention though our conversation. I was able to pray with him just before he need to go to the right and I to the left. The last stretch for today was about one and half hours along a busy road. Not so nice. Again, this is not a normal pilgrim path to travel.

Route Info: 32.24 km | 681.00 hm | ca. 7h49m | Track-Detail-View

10. Jul 2024

Lain - Polling

I slept real good, and needed it. The days leading up to my departure I had so much to take care of that I went to bed late and got up early. I was so exhausted after the hot day yesterday. Dirk and Meike Hellmann (Photo 2) are great friends who took me in for the night. They have a little cottage on a lake, so it was nice to cool off yesterday evening with a short swimm in the water. Dirk and Meike led for many years the Teen Challenge Rehab ministy in our area. They then went to India to start a new center in Goa. Unfortunately they had to leave the country during the days of corona, and then an aggresive cancer ate away at Dirk's neckbone. His head is literally screwed on to his shoulders. Inspite of constant pain, Dirk is a living testimony of God's sustaining grace. Dirk is another one of those people that I think of when the going gets tough. He gathered his strength this morning to walk, talk and pray with me for the first kilometers.

Pastor Andreas Reusser is another one of my heroes (Photo 5). He works full-time, has a family and leads a small congregation in a very challenging region. They are praying and believing for greater things. This evening there was a prayer meeting and I wanted to get there in time or it. I tried to keep a good pace, even though I felt the blisters with every step. After about 25 kilometers storm clouds started coming together (Photo 4). Fortunately Pastor Andy saw me on his way home from work and picked me up about 3 kilometers shy of my destination. I am glad he did. It was such a heavy rain. It was a great prayer meeting. I stayed the evening with Andy's parents. I was so glad I did not spend this night in the tent!

Europe needs more people like Dirk, Meike, Andy and his wife Lucia who are willing to invest their lives for God's purposes. Pray that God would raise up such people!

Route Info: 33.26 km | 477.00 hm | ca. 7h37m | Track-Detail-View

09. Jul 2024

Buch am Erlbach - Lain

The countdown that was on the webpage was for the moment I would leave my home in Buch. Yesterday's trek was just a short one from Moosburg to Buch. Today I thought of another verse from Ecclesiastes 3:1... "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven..." There is a time to prepare, and then there is the time to go. There is a time to carry a backpack, and there is a time to put it back down again. There is a time to day good bye and leave the trusted, loved and known, and there is a time to embrace an unknown future, walk an unwalked path and to enter a different world as a complete stranger. The first step of a pilgrimage is into a totally new time zone. Today was that day.

Photo 2: Astrid and Sorin joined me for an official send-off by the mayor of the town where we live, Elisabeth Winkelmaier-Wenzl. Pastor Ben came as well. Again I wanted to leave my home town by giving a blessing to the mayor and the community.

Photo 3: Astrid walked with me and Sorin for the first few kilometers from our home, and Sorin went the whole first stretch (Photo 1). It was a real hot day and the first blisters popped their heads up on my right heel and small toe.

Photo 4: Old US license plates mounted on a wooden gate. I am pointing to the one from Ohio from the year 1957.

Photo 5: Countryside of southern Germany

Route Info: 28.10 km | 519.00 hm | ca. 6h45m | Track-Detail-View

08. Jul 2024

Moosburg - Buch am Erlbach

This morning before I left, I read from Ecclesiastes. The verse 7:8 spoke to me: "Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof..." Starting something like a long foot journey can be very exciting. Finishing it is more than just succeeding. It is overcoming and enduring. The first step is taken in hope. Many questions fill the mind: "How will the journey be? What if this or that?" I like what Hebrews 12:2 says, that we are to look to Jesus who is the Author and Finisher of our faith. He calls us and keeps us. He will bring us to our God given destiny. Jesus is not only with us on path, he is the Way. He is the Shepherd who leads and guides...

Photo 1: One of the things I look forward to along the way, is seeing the beauty of God's creation, learning to see his glory in small things... like in a red poppy flower in the midst of a wheat field. If we can see God's glory in the simple things, we will recognize his hand at work in the greater things.

Photo 2: Astrid joined me for a farewell meeting at the mayor's office in Moosburg. I wanted to start with a prayer for Mayor Josef Dollinger and the city where our church is. Also Karin Linz from the city council and Robert Fetzer who is a business man who recently came to faith in Jesus Christ, were there.

Photo 3: On my way out of town I stopped by to see Richard. He lives near the Moosburg church. I got to know him as he would ride in his wheel chair past our church to go to the shopping area near by. Whenever my feet hurt and the walking is difficult, I think of Richard. His challenge is also making it through the day. Everyone has their mountains to face.

Photo 4: The first chaple that I passed, went in and sang my pilgrim song, prayed. It was a nice moment. The owner and builder of the chaple came. We talked and I was able to pray for him and his family. He invited me for tea and cake when I get back. Start and finish...

Photo 5: Walked through this cornfield.

Route Info: 0.00 km | 0.00 hm | ca. 0 | Track-Detail-View

30. Jun 2024

Willkommen zum Snail Trail 2.0

Welcome to snail trail 2.0 from my home near Munich, Germany to Athens, Greece! Many thanks for your interest in this pilgrim and prayer journey. I greatly appreciate your encouragement and prayers. The first step starts on July 9th...

Route Info: 0.00 km | 0.00 hm | ca. 0h0m | Track-Detail-View

Blog Way of St. James

08. Nov 2023

Final thoughts

I had wanted to write out a list on day 100, but never got to it. So this list will be a bit longer than the lists from day 10, 30 and 70...

1. When you do long distance hiking like this, you will always be hungry, you will always be thirsty, and you will always be tired in the evening.

2. Altimeters: It is not so much how many there are on a day’s hike that will be the challenge, but the steepness, whether the path is paved or rocky or wet and slippery, or whether there are multiple climbs and descents or just one or two real long ones.

3. A dotted line on the map does not always mean that it is a good path to follow and scenic trails are not always the easiest trails to hike, but well worth the extra effort.

4. What appears to be the obvious path to take at a crossing, is not always the case. Check the map!

5. Rain in the forecast is not always rain-rain. But when it is, you will get wet, real wet.

6. …how to put on a poncho over myself and my backpack when I am on the path alone.

7. Eating mixed nuts with your Snickers candy bar is a great way to intensify the eating experience.

8. You can eat a yogurt with a plastic spoon. If it is vanilla yogurt and you wash out the cup with orange juice and drink it, it will taste like a creamsicle.

9. If you do not have honey or sugar for your black tea, you can cut up grapes and put raisins in it to make it sweet. Afterwards you will have a warm fruit cocktail.

10. Eat some of the apples that fall to the ground along the way. They will give you needed moisture, vitamins and energy.

11. Greet the pilgrims that you see along the way. You might end up sharing the same bunk bed room in the evening with them.

12. The more pilgrims that are on the path, the harder it is to find a private tree to pee behind.

13. Bed bug bites swell, itch and hurt. I had at least three attacks at different places.

14. When you walk with Jesus, you never walk alone.

15. The harvest is there, but the workers are few. People have spiritual needs. They have questions and are looking for answers. They will listen to truth that has been lived out, to personal stories that demonstrate God’s love and grace.

16. God keeps his promises.

17. …how good it is to be back home!

A microfiber cleaning cloth
My favorite combo swim suit/sport shorts
A real nice travel fork-knife-spoon set
A thermos bottle that my daughter gave me
A 50 Euro bill
A good pair of hiking socks
The toenail on my left big toe
One tooth filling
11% of my body weight (8 kilos)

Many new friends.
Life experiences and the experience of a lifetime.
Confidence in the faithfulness of God.

This is my last blog posting. Thank you for being a part of this journey by reading the blogs, praying for me and hoping with me that I would make it. I really appreciated the encouraging comments I received from time to time. It let me know that you are interested in the Snail-Trail and gave me the feeling that a whole number of people were actually walking with me, even though I could not see their faces, but I felt their hearts. I am forever grateful for my wife Astrid who believed I could do this and allowed me to walk away from home for over four months. I greatly appreciated the partnership with VM-I allowing me to use their internet space for the Snail-Trail webpage. Also Martin Körber from VM-I did a tremendous job in developing and managing the Snail-Trail webpage. Thanks so much! I express my thanks to Kirk Priest from the Assemblies of God World Missions for his encouragement to me to take on this challenge of doing the walk and for his efforts to communicate the Snail-Trail to the American audience. We have been a team. Without you and God’s grace I would not have made it. Many thanks! Also I want to express my thanks to those who have made either a one time contribution or a per kilometer pledge to the projects listed here on the Snail-Trail webpage. Your investment can help bring about God's purposes in Europe! Thanks so much!

Along the way I met many people from different nations to whom I gave this webpage. I would love to hear from you. You may get in contact with me by using my personal email: dunn.steve@gmx.de
In many conversations I encouraged people to get to know Jesus by reading his biography which can be found in the first four books of the New Testament: Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. If anyone does not have a New Testament and would like to have one, just send me a note and let me know in which language you would like to have one. I will send you one free of charge. This offer will be my Christmas present to you and is valid until the end of this year.

Along the path I met and prayed with many people. Getting connected with God is just a prayer away. Some were not yet ready to make that decision and needed time to consider what it means to say “yes” to Jesus. Should that time come, hopefully very soon, I leave you with this simple prayer:

Dear God in heaven, I believe you are real and that you love me. Thank you for giving me grace for a new start in life through Jesus. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God who took my sins upon himself on the cross. I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and broke the power of sin and death so that I can be connected to God. Thank you Jesus for this amazing grace. Thank you for the forgiveness of sin. Jesus, fill me now with your Holy Spirit. Turn the light on in my soul that was turned off by sin. Be the Lord of my life. Your will be my will. Your way be my way. Thank you for new life, for eternal life. Thank you for making me to be a child of God!

Jesus said (John 5:24): “Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.”

Be blessed everyone!

Route Info: km | hm | ca. | Track-Detail-View

05. Nov 2023

Rückreise nach Deutschland

God loves difficult people. At the hostel in Muxia I met a Belgian, Phillipp, who was one of those unique people that God sends our way every now and then to give them a chance to hear about his loving grace. Phillipp had a very rough life growing up. He was mobbed by the kids in his neighborhood and despised by his own father. Later in life he was rejected by his wife and children... a lot of pain in the past. Phillipp claimed to have a higher than average IQ. He did know many things and liked to talk... a lot. In the course of conversation of several hours yesterday afternoon and evening and this morning while I was fixing and eating my meals, there were moments when I could share my story and explain the message of Jesus. Jesus could help him come clear with his past, but he would need to forgive those who had hurt him. This was out of question, Phillipp responded very expressively. He then wanted to know why I kept directing the course of conversation towards Jesus regardless of the issue of problem that was discussed. I said that Jesus is my inner compass who gives me the orientation I need in life. He then asked me what would happen to my compass on the moon? I knew this was a challenge and responded: "A compass from this earth would be useless on the moon, because there is no north pole on the moon. But Jesus is beyond earthly limitations. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. I will always be connected and keep my orientation." Phillipp said: "I can see that you are an intelligent person. Today I have learned that an intelligent person can still have strong convictions about God and Jesus." It saddened me to see how a bruised heart could become so calloused that it is difficult for God's love and grace to bring healing to it. And yet God will continue to reach out, because he loves people whom we would consider to be difficult.

Video: My daughter Jacky and cat Mo getting ready for me to return home...

Photo 1: (Sunday, November 5th) My last picture before I left to get the bus from Muxia back to Santiago de Compostela. I was not feeling so well, woke up sweety the past three nights. Probably the constant change between wind, rain and sun the past three weeks was starting to get to me. I think my body was saying: "That's enough now! Go back home!"

Photo 2: (Monday, November 6th) This was one of the worst long distance traveling experiences I ever had. For 20 hours I rode in this bus from Santiago to Paris. The seat was very uncomfortable, I could hardly sleep, plus I was having some digestion challenges...

Photo 3: (Tuesday, November 7th) I was so glad to get off the bus, make my way to the East Paris train station and get on the train to Stuttgart and on to Munich. After a few delays I finally made it to Munich and then on to Moosburg by 6:20 pm. Astrid, Jacky and Sorin were there to pick me up. The welcome home sign being made in the video clip above, was now visible in the entry and could be seen from the street. It is so good to be home again!

Photo 4: (Wednesday, November 8th) Still recovering from the return trip, starting to slowly feel better. I am sitting on my reading chair with the Bibel on my lap. I was really looking forward to this moment.

Route Info: km | hm | ca. | Track-Detail-View

04. Nov 2023

Lires - Muxia

Video: One of those God moments in the making... I was walking across this pilgrim bridge and filming the scene at the same time. I wanted you to get a feel for all the rain that had fallen in Galacia these days. All of a sudden this man appears in the camera window with his arms wide open. He smiles and says "Steve"! On the other edge of the bridge I can see another face I recognize... Lee and Dora from Canada. I had met them about two months ago in France. A couple times we stayed at the same hostel, had the communal meal together, bumped into each other here and there on the trail, talked and prayed together. Then I took the North route of the Camino and they went south on the French route. We had not seen each other for about six weeks. Lee said that they were hoping that our paths would cross one last time. Today they did. It was their last hike and mine. I was coming from the direction of Finisterre going north to Muxia, and they were coming from Muxia going south to Finisterre. There on the last rock pilgrim bridge our paths crossed. One last time we could look each other in the eyes, give a hug and say a final prayer of blessing. This is life on the Camino. Now, there is another side story to this. The late afternoon before at the restaurant where I had an early dinner, I was given my bill with a smooth round white rock on the little tablet. The owner of the restaurant said something and I undetstood that the rock was a piece of white chocolate that they had made. He was actually referring to a piece of chocolate cake that he offered me. In any case I wrapped up the rock, thinking it was white chocolate, to take with me and to eat later with a cup of tea at the place where I was staying. I quickly realized that the "piece of chocolate" was really hard and had no flavor. I then thought: "This guy at the restaurant probably thinks that I stole his rock!" So this morning before I moved on, I went by the restaurant, returned the little white rock, ordered some orange juice to take with me... and had a great talk about Jesus with him and another Frenchman that was also there and whom I had briefly met yesterday. If it was not for the rock incident, the bridge encounter with Lee and Dora would never had happened. I would have missed that exact moment in time. That is God at work even when one does not know it.

Photo 1: Today was my last hike. It was not a very long one, just about 15 kilometers. Most of it went through the woods until I hit the coast right before Muxia.

Photo 2: Once I came out if the woods and started walking along the coast, the wind blew so hard I had to break myself with my walking sticks in front of me. A tailwind was thusting me forward.

Photos 3-4: Once on the Muxia penisula, I could walk on the back side of town and the hill to find wind protection and take these pictures.

Photo 5: Once on the tip of the penisula I had to croach down or hold on to something to not be blown away. It was very impressive watching the wind and waves show their power. This was the endpoint of the Snail-Trail. When I turned around, I took my first step towards home. My foot journey from my home in Germany to the west coast of Spain may have ended, but my walk with Jesus continues...


Total days on the Snail-Trail: 130 days

Total days of rest: 14 days

Total kilometers walked: 3268.17 kilometers

Average kilometers per hike: 28.17 kilometers

Total altimeters: 82907 altimeters / 9.37 x Mt. Everest

Average altimeters per hike: 714.72 altimeters

Total weight of backpack when I left home: 17.5 kilos

Total weight of backpack when I got back home: 14 kilos (...lost a few things on the path and sent my tent back at Comillas, Spain)

Total body weight when I left home: 72 kilos

Total body weigth when I got back home: 64 kilos

Total socks used: 6 pair

Total number of hiking shoes used: ONE!!!

Number of people I met, talked with and prayed for: Beyound numbers...

Amount of grace needed: 130 daily portions... God's grace is new every morning and enough to take one through the whole day!

Route Info: 17.56 km | 496.00 hm | ca. 5h43m | Track-Detail-View

03. Nov 2023

Kap Finisterra - Lires

It was just Jesus and me today. I took a coastal hiking path that is no where on the St. James Way map to be seen. It was a slow go, because it was more difficult to hike, but the scenery of the coast, the waves, the sky and the beach was amazing. I had prayed that God would show me his glory, and he did. The rain and wind held back until towards the end. I really enjoyed this first half of the way to Muxia... just walking and talking with Jesus!

Route Info: 18.03 km | 493.00 hm | ca. 5h13m | Track-Detail-View

02. Nov 2023

San Roque - Cape Finisterre

Video: Thanks so much for being part of the journey! When you make a video like this where you mention thanks to different people and groups, you are bound to forget someone. Astrid and I have been so grateful to our many friends, family and the churches from several different ministry networks who have prayed for us and supported us through all the years. In mentioning the states where churches have been partners with us, I for instance forgot to mention Michigan. My expenses from walking the Snail-Trail these past four months were covered by our ministry account through AGWM and that was possible because of your financial support to that account. You truely have been part of our life and ministry in Germany and the Snail-Trail walk, and we want to say thanks!

Photo 1: Today was another mix of sun, rain and wind. It was my hope that at least on the cape we could enjoy the experience and the views... and that is how it was. Today was the last day on the trail with Peter.

Photo 2: Kilometer 0.0 marking the end of the Camino to Cape Finisterre. According to the legend of St. James, the Apostel James had traveled to what was thought to be the end of the world to proclaim the message of Christ. If any part of the legend is true, it is that the people in Spain were not interested in hearing what the apostel had to say. Allegedly after St. James was beheaded, his physical remains were first laid to rest in Finisterre and then hundreds if years later buried in the Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela. Because of this connection between Santiago and Finisterre in the legend of St. James, many pilgrims will continue on to the coast after visiting Santiago and some will also include a walk to another coastal town called Muxia. This is what I plan to do.

Photo 3: Pilgrims in the middle ages would often bring back a shell from Finisterre to prove that they had made it all the way there AND back. There were no buses, trains or airplanes back then. I so much had hope to find my own "St. James" shell on the beach of Finisterre and was very happy when I did.

Photo 4: Memorial to the pilgrim hiker's shoe. The gluing and taping of the tips of my shoes seemed to help. I made it through the whole pilgrimage up to today with the same pair of shoes! I am sure they will last for the last two hikes to Muxia.

Photo 5: The cross on Cape Finisterre. Even though it is very unlikely that St. James ever made it to Spain, the legend and history of the pilgrimage has drawn thousands and millions of poeple through the ages to walk the St. James Path. Many who do will have a God experience somewhere along the way... or at the end. That is how it was for Philipp, a Frenchman just a few years younger than me, whom I met at the hostel where I stayed in Finisterre. The deep lines edged in his face showed that life had not always been so easy for him. We ate dinner together. I shared my story and listened to his. Philipp wanted to know more about what it means to walk with Jesus. I took time to explain God's grace and plan of salvation from Adam in the garden to Jesus on the cross. Philipp was looking for orientation. I told him that it was the work of the Holy Spirit at creation to give a godly order to chaos to enable life to emerge. The Holy Spirit does the same in our lives. He breaths in God's order, God's kingdom in our soul, so that new spiritual life can come forth. The light in the soul is turned on which sin had turned off. Philipp prayed that Jesus would come and turn the light on in his soul. What a great way to end the Camino on the "end of the earth"!

Milestone: Kilometer 0.0 to Cape Finisterre
Milestone: 9× Mt. Everest

Route Info: 18.70 km | 485.00 hm | ca. 7h7m | Track-Detail-View

01. Nov 2023

Olveiroa - San Roque

Video: No, that is not a flying tomato. It is Peter standing his ground in the strong wind. I did not finish my sentence at the end of the clip, because a strong gust pushed me away and I almost fell to the ground. What did I want to say? "You can hardly stand in this wind!"

Photo 1: The day started out calm and for a brief moment their was a hint of a sunrise.

Photo 2: Zoom in on this one to see the face. This is how cats must feel in Galacia with all the rain and strong winds!

Photo 3: Clouds, rain and wind all day

Photo 4: The coastal town of Cee. This is where I caught up with Peter. He was the only other pilgrim that I came across today.

Photo 5: Steps leading out of Cee and up to the last ascent for the day to San Roque. Peter and I were the only ones staying at the hostel there. It was a great place for our last evening together. The lady who runs place even placed an order for us to have dinner delivered to the hostel. There was otherwise no place nearby to get food.

Route Info: 24.03 km | 498.00 hm | ca. 6h23m | Track-Detail-View

31. Oct 2023

Negreira - Olveiroa

Photo 1: Going up the hill after leaving A Pena. Three other pilgrims follow behind: Patrica and her boy friend and a young man from Mexico whom I shared about Jesus during the evening meal yesterday. Contrary to Patrica, he said he had a spiritual experience at the Cathedral in Santiago. During the church service a memory of going to mass as a child with his mother came to his mind. He said he wanted to turn his heart back towards Jesus.

Photo 2: With the wind and constant change of weather, we see a lot or rainbows these days in Galacia.

Photo 3: This long distance photo shows the shifting of the clouds and waves of rain.

Photo 4: Lunch break under shelter

Photo 5: Aged storage area for drying grain made with rocks.

Route Info: 31.40 km | 801.00 hm | ca. 8h11m | Track-Detail-View

30. Oct 2023

Santiago de Comp. - Negreira

Photo 1: Yestetday at noon I met Peter Wieners at the Cathedral in Santiago. We are both on the Exectutive Committee of VM-I, a foreign missions sending organisation affliated with the German Pentecostal Church. Peter is also the Managing Director of VM-I. He did the Camino starting in Portal, Portugal. About a year ago we planned to meet in Santiago and then walk together to Cape Finisterre, not knowing whether either of us would make it that far. Ten years ago it would have been unthinkable for Peter to walk the two weeks from Portal to Santiago. He had a health condition that greatly limited his physical capacity. As Peter was contemplating involment with VM-I, he knew he could only do this if God would heal him. God did.

Photo 2: This kilometer marker shows the next two destinations that were possible on the Camino. Peter and I walking to Finisterre. I will then continue on to Muxia.

Photo 3: Walking through the woods leaving Santiago

Photo 4: I love these old rock bridges. Right before crossing this one, I met Patricia, a young Spanish pilgrim. I asked her what she does when she is not doing a Camino. Her voice cracked with emotion: "I am not working at the moment... I am searching for my place." I shared with her the story of Jacob who left everything behind him including a lot of pain, and walked 1300 kilometers to an uncertain future in Mesopotamia. He was looking for his place. God met him on the way and gave him the promise to be with him, that he would make it to there and one day come back. I could see a tear trickle down her cheek. Patricia said she would hope that God would speak to her. I could sense by her comments and questions to me that she was disappointed by her experience in Santiago. She did not have a God encounter. I said that maybe God was speaking to her now through me and asked if she knew how to make the faith connection to God. She said no. I asked her if she believed that Jesus is the Son of God, that he died on the cross and rose again. She had difficulty believing in the physical resurrection of Jesus. So for the next several kilometers I explained God's plan of salvation, starting with Adam and Eve in the garden all the way to the resurrection if Jesus... that through the cross and the resurrection the power of sin and death were broken. When we ask Jesus to come into our heart, he turns the light on in our soul that was turned off by sin. This light in us can connect with God's light, ans so we become God's children. We at this point we arrived at the next town. Her boy friend was there at the first bar/restaurant waiting for her. Patricia thanked me for the talk and said that she would think about the words I had spoken to her. She did not know that she could read about the life and teachings of Jesus by reading the first four books of the New Testament... this is secular post Christian Europe. She said that she wanted to do this now. There are so many people in Europe who have grown up on a religios system, but do not have the God connection.

Photo 5: I caught up with Peter at the pilgrim hostel behind this church. Peter usually leaves much earlier than me, and I will catch up somewhere towards the end of the hike. This way each will have their personal Camino experience on the path and we can share the evening and breakfast time together.

Route Info: 25.60 km | 757.00 hm | ca. 7h24m | Track-Detail-View

29. Oct 2023


Video: It was my hope to see the famous botafumeiro of the Cathedral Santiago de Compostela being swayed across the length of the naves of the church. The botafumeiro is an enormous incense burner for liturgical use. The Galician word, used to name it since the 19th century, literally means smoke expeller. The botafumeiro does not sway at every pilgrim mass, but only on special occassions or days or when a group of pilgrims will special order it at a cost. When I went to the pilgrim office yesterday to get my official pilgrim certificate (La Compostela) that I had completed the pilgrimage, the clerk who was processing my pilgrim passport (Credential) was so impressed that I had walked all the way from my home in Germany to Santiago that he got up from behind the counter, gave me a hug and hinted that the botafumeiro might be burning in the early pilgrim's mass on Sunday morning. It was and I was sitting almost right under it! It was very impressive, but not the highlight of my coming to Santiago. In the middle of the church was a large alter with the glitter of gold and silver. The alter was actually a throne and on the throne was a statue of St. James. Under the throne and under the ground was the supposed tomb of St. James. People would stand in line for hours to go down the steps to see it and then come up on the other side, go up another set of steps that led behind the throne so that people could hug the statue of St. James from behind. For many people this was the highlight of their visit to the Cathedral. I felt sadness in my spirit as I watched hands appear from behind to hug a lifeless statue. I wondered how many hearts that were searching for an encounter with the living God, went away empty that day.
For me the highlight of coming to Santiago occurred as I was approaching the city and came up to the top of the last hill before entering the city limits. At that moment a gust of a head wind blew against me. I raised my arms and my poncho begann to flutter in the wind. I felt like an eagle soaring through the air and thought of the eagles that I had seen with wings spread out as they soared from the peaks of the Pyrenee Mountains. In my spirit came the verse from Isaiah 40:31...

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."

Tears came to my eyes. God had kept his promise!

Photo 1: Day and Night, the Beginning and the End... Cross emblem in the Santiago Cathedral

Photo 2: The sun trying to come through the clouds over the Santiago Cathedral

Photo 3: During the early morning pilgrim's mass a marathon was taking place on the streets of Santiago.

Photo 4: Loren (USA), Lu (France), me, Nikolai (Germany)... people I met, talked and prayed with on the path. We all ended up staying in the same shared room our final night in Santiago. Nikolai would leave in the night at 1.00am in an attemp to walk 100 kilometers from Santiago to Finisterre in one day. He asked me to pray for him before he tried to get some sleep. At 1.00am he got up to go. I gave him a hug and wished him God's help and blessings. Nikolai made it!

Photo 5: The hostel where we stayed is called KM.0 in reference to the kilometer stones showing how far still to go to reach the Cathedral. The hostel was about 150 meters away from the church.

Route Info: km | hm | ca. | Track-Detail-View

28. Oct 2023

Lavacolla - Santiago de Compostela

I ate my müsli breakfast at the hostel when first one, then two, then three young buddhist girls from Taiwan sat across from me. We started talking and I shared briefly my story. I then asked them their names. The first one said Debbie, the second one said Brenda and before the third one said anything, I interrupted and said: "Now tell me your real names!" They did, and I repeated them, and they said I pronounced them quite well, but I would not have a chance to remember them now, let alone to write them correctly. I then said that names usually have meanings and asked what meanings their names might have in their language. The first one said "Rose", the second one said "Hope" and the third one was not so sure. "Those are beautiful names," I responded, and spoke out a blessing to each one corresponding to the meaning of their names. For the third girl who was not sure what her name meant, I just spoke a blessing as the words came to my mind. I wished them all a blessed journey in life, particularly that they would know that God is there and that they would find their steps to live in the purposes for why God created them. They smiled and said: " Thank you for the encouring words." I particularly pray and hope that they will come to know that God is real, because in true Buddhism there is no God. Buddhism is more like a philosophy to help people cope with life and perhaps better their carma for the next round of reincarnation. The goal of Buddhism is enlightment to rid one's self of all personal striving. Once a person achieves the highest level of purity and personal emptiness, the soul is released from the cycle of reincarnation to be melted away in the universal sea of energy called "Nirvana". The soul as such no longer exists. God's book gives us a different message. It tells us that God will make a new heaven and a new earth. Paul wrote that we will be known even as we are now known. John stated in his first letter that when Jesus returns, in the resurrection, we will be as he is. This tells me that in eternity I will still be a person with a purpose. Heaven will not be boring. God will take us into his new creation. He has great plans for us... and with us. Trust me: You do not want to miss out on this!

“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” — the things God has prepared for those who love him..."
(1. Corinthians 2:9)

Milestone: After 122 days and walking 3162 kilometers, I arrived at the door of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. In that moment a strong rain came down. I celebrated those last in my own special way... (see video).

Route Info: 10.66 km | 239.00 hm | ca. 2h13m | Track-Detail-View

27. Oct 2023

Arzua - Lavacolla

Photo 1: Three different camino paths merged together in the city of Arzúa: the French, North and Primitive Routes. Yesterday until early evening I could still see a stream of pilgrims coming into town from the French Route. The North Route that I took is not frequently traveled because it is generally consudered to be more difficult. So this morning when I started off, I saw a whole number of pilgrims leaving town again and making their way to Santiago de Compostela. I had not seen so many pilgrims at once before since France.

Photo 2/Video: Today there was a mixture of rain, wind, no rain and even a bit of sun now and then.All it took though was one strong rain in the morning to turn the walk ways into waterways.

Photo 3-4: Getting closer to Santiago de Compostela

Photo 5: Many pilgrims stopped in the town of O Pedrouzo. I continued on another 8 kilometers to the village of Lavacolla just on the other side of the Santiago airport so I would not have so far to go tomorrow. In the afternoon the rain stopped as I walked through these woods. I was now alone on the path and began to sign out in the Spirit. It was a special moment just walking with Jesus. I make it a point not to force talks with people about Jesus, but to wait for an inner prompt, a question that someone might ask me or a subject that might come up in a conversation where I can give a faith perspective. Even though there were so many people on the trail today, I had none of these inclinations for a God-talk. After the worship time in the woods there was a long climb up a hill near the airport. Almost at the top a young German man caught up to me. We walked and talked for a few kilometers. He was impressed by the stories I shared about living and walking with Jesus. He is part of a music group in his Lutheran church. The thought of having a personal relationship with Jesus was something he had never experienced or thought about. I encouraged him to get to know Jesus by reading his biography in the first four books of the New Testament. So many people are a part of religion, but apart from Jesus.

Route Info: 30.31 km | 781.00 hm | ca. 7h1m | Track-Detail-View

26. Oct 2023

Sobrado - Arzua

Photo 1: I spent the night at the monastary in Sobrado dos Monxes. In the evening a group of about eight of us made a communal meal together. I provided the salad and said the prayer. This will probably be the last meal with a group of pilgrims like this. Loren, Nikolai, Janosch, Markus and Robert were all there, people whom I got to know along the way and had had God-Talks with. It was a special evening.

Photo 2: Everyone had to leave the monastary by 8.00 in the morning. The kitchen was closed and we were not permitted to eat anything in our rooms. It was dark and rainy when I started off... and hungry. This was the first picture I took once there was enough daylight to do so. I was always happy to walk under trees like this as there was less wind and rain.

Photo 3: The rain makes the footpaths turn to waterways. Shortly after I took this picture, Robert caught up to me. We walked and talked until we came to a small town that had a coffee bar open. A few pilgrims had already sought refuge there from the rain. Robert and I went in, had breakfast, watched a heavy rain pass by and continued our conversation about knowing Jesus. Back on the trail I asked Robert if knew how to enter into the faith connection with Jesus. He said no. I then asked whether he wanted to know. He said yes. I then asked whether he would want to do this. He said: "I can give it a try." So we prayed as we walked in the rain for that faith connection with Jesus to take place. I wonder whether this conversation would have taken place had I had my usual müsli breakfast at the monastary and had it not been such rainy weather...

Route Info: 22.89 km | 508.00 hm | ca. 5h52m | Track-Detail-View

25. Oct 2023

A Lagoa - Sobrado

One of my major challenges now is keeping my shoes together at the tips and getting them dry after a rain day. In France I would keep switching the side of the road I walked on depending upon where the most shade was. Now I do it depending upon where the water flow is less and the puddles are fewer. As we read in Ecclesiastes 3:1+
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted..."
I would add: "There is a time to walk under the sun, and a time to walk through the wind and the rain." That time was today... wet, cold, wind and rain. Since the walking direction is westward, the wind is mostly a head or side wind, depending upon how the curve in the road goes. Since there was no one around, I just started singing in the Spirit. The more I did, the warmer I felt and the more energy I had to go up and down hills. Finally I spotted three pilgrims ahead of me and caught up to them. One was Jack from England. We walked and talked for about two kilometers. Jack asked questions and I told him God stories from 50 years of walking with Jesus. We arrived at the hostel where he was going to stay and I prayed for Jack. He had had some religion growing up, but what he needed was the God relationship. He was really thinking when we parted ways. I continued on another 15 kilometers.

Video: This little kitty did not want to be out in the rain. I know the feeling. It tried to climb up on my poncho shoulder while I was making the film clip. Shortly thereafter a lady came out of the house and took the kitty...

Photo 4: I have to tell you the story behind this picture. I wanted to take a close up of a hen eating out of the yellow plastic container in front of the chicken house, but it ran into the house once I approached it. So I made chicken sounds to try and coax it back out. All of a sudden this rooster steps out to take a look and the hens look on from the shadows behind him.

Route Info: 28.41 km | 652.00 hm | ca. 7h23m | Track-Detail-View

24. Oct 2023

Vilalba - A Lagoa

Today was another rain day. On a day like this you do not anticipate seeing many people on the path or having a meaningful converstion with anyone. You just want to keep moving and get to your final destination for the day. I found a refuge from the rain for my lunch break in a small bus stop shelter that looked like an iglu made out of hard plastic... and then it happened. Another pilgrim entered the bus stop iglu to have lunch as well, a young German man whom I had met at the pilgrim hostel where I had stayed on Saturday and Sunday. His name is Robert and he lives in Munich. Many times it is the second or third encounter with a pilgrim before I would have a meaningful conversation with them. I shared my story, talked about walking with Jesus, answered questions that Robert had, explained church history to understand the development and difference between the Catholic church and the "free churches" as we call the evangelical and pentecostal churches in Germany. I think heaven was pulling on Robert's heart. He would like to come and hear me preach once we both are back in Germany.

Photos 1-3: Scenes from the St. James Way
Photo 4: I finally found a decent rain shelter towards the end of the hike, only it was not raining any more. I stopped to take my poncho off and to eat a banane.
Photo 5: San Alberte

Route Info: 34.67 km | 800.00 hm | ca. 8h54m | Track-Detail-View

23. Oct 2023


Today was a good day. Not because the rain stopped, which did not happen, nor because the hike was especially interesting and very scenic, which was not the case, but because of the God-Talks that happened today. The first one took place on the trail. Hector and Veronica are from South America, but have been living in Australia almost as long as I have lived in Germany. They speak English very well. I first met them briefly about two days ago. Today we had time to talk while we walked. They wanted to know what prompted me to leave my home in Germany and to walk already 3000 kilometers on the way to Santiago de Compostela. I shared briefly my story and that I was celebrating 50 years of living and walking with Jesus by walking with Jesus on the camino. I then asked them why they were doing the camino. Hector responded with one word that was very difficult for him to speak out: "Sadness." I have no idea what they were dealing with. As we continued our walk together I shared about the Good Shepherd from Psalm 23 who goes with us through the dark times of life. David begins this beautiful portrayal of the Lord gramatically using the third person: "The Lord is my shepherd... He leads me..." But it is in the dark valleys where the "he" becomes a "you": "I will fear no evil, because you are with me... Your rod and staff..." It is in the difficult seasons in life that faith becomes real and is lived out. This is where we learn to kmow and trust God in a much deeper and personal way. As we walked and talked our way through Psalm 23, I could sense their hearts being comforted. As I have already stated in this blog, our God can take the pain and injustice of the crucifixion and transform it into a resurrection. We may not like or understand what has happen, but God can transform it with his resurrection grace and allow all things to work together for good. We give God our pieces, and he gives us his peace.

The hike was not as long today, so I got to the hostel earlier than usual. Loren and the young German man I mentioned in a blog a few days ago, where aleady there and preparing something for their next couple of meals. I felt in my heart that I needed to speak to the young German man about Jesus, so I asked him if he understood why Jesus needed to come to earth. He really did not have a clue. We had a long and very good talk about God's grace at work through what Jesus did on the cross so that we could become God's children. It was the first time he ever really heard the gospel message.

Later in the evening I met a young couple, he from Spain and she from Germany. The Spanish man is a believing Catholic and said that his girl friend was just starting to believe. She asked me the same question that the young German man asked me earlier that afternoon: "What can I do to start moving in the direction of faith?" They were not there yet, but were willing to take steps towards the God connection. I suggested that they read the biography about Jesus in the four gospels, to get to know him and read what he said.

Photo 2: I forgot to record today's hike. Here is a screenshot from an app that shows the stretch from Albadín to Vilalba.

Route Info: km | hm | ca. | Track-Detail-View

22. Oct 2023


I had a very nice pilgrim hostel for my day of rest today. When I do this, it changes the flow of people that I might see along the way. Those with whom I had contact the past days, move on, and those that I passed the past days or maybe even a week ago or more, catch up. All my clothes have been hand washed and the last batch is now drying... in the sun. It would have been a nice day today for hiking, but the weather today is also good for drying clothes... and I really enjoy these days of rest. Later this afternoon a German and Swiss man that I met and talked with last week, arrived at the hostel together with a third man from Germany. We all plan to arrive in Santiago de Compostela next week on Saturday. I mentioned that there should be a special pilgrim mass on Sunday in English at 10.30 in the morning, but did not think that there would be one in German. The one German said I could translate and the Swiss man said I could give my own sermon. I replied that they would probably not be happy with my sermon and told them what I would say, that finding God occurs more along the way and in real life than at one special ceremony in a Cathedral. The way is the goal and Jesus is the Way.

Photos: Some impressions from the past week that did not make the daily top five...

Route Info: km | hm | ca. | Track-Detail-View

21. Oct 2023

Lourenza - Abadin

Photo 1: First picture of the day. The weather kept changing from partly cloudy, to rain and sometimes windy. I put the poncho on, then off, then the wind jacket and back to the poncho. That's life on the trail.

I had a good God-talk with a young lady from Germany during breakfast at the hostel in Lourenzá. As a child she opted out of going to confirmation class and forewent the party and the presents that come with it, because she did not just want to go through the religious process. She wanted to find and experience God and had not yet done so. I shared with her my story and encouraged her to get to know Jesus by reading his biography in the four gospels.

Photo 2: Whenever I see a rainbow in the sky, I think: "God remembers and keeps his promise." The same is when I see a snail carrying his shell on the back. I remember God's promise to me to be with me on the way and to help me when I need it. He has been faithful! When the weather is like this, I see more snails. I was dreading going through this week of rain. Now I am almost through it. In France I learned: "Jesus and I, we can do 40 degrees and hike up hills." Now I know: Jesus and I, we can do rain and hike up hills." Today it was 1107 altimeters.

Photo 3: Pilgrim crossing to the city Mondoñedo since the 16th century. The current struture was built in the 18th century and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2015.

Photo 4: Cathedral of Mondoñedo

Photo 5: As I was going up the hill leaving Mondoñedo, a young woman, a pilgrim, passed me on her bicycle. It was almost noon. About fifteen minutes later and further up the hill I saw her again sitting on a bench at a bus stop and having lunch. This time we looked at each other in the face. It was Stephanie whom I had met three days ago. We had had a God-talk at the hostel back then, but I forgot to offer to pray for her. Because of the rain weather she had taken a break for two days. So against all odds we met again and continued that conversation. A third pilgrim joined us from the UK whom I had met at a hostel a while back and then saw again at the hostel yesterday evening. I prayed this time for both before we continued on our Caminos.

Milestone: 3000 kilometers. I always wondered how I would feel when I would reach this milestone. Now I know... just like at the end of most walking days: you are happy to get a shower, get your clothes washed, get something to eat and get to sleep!

Route Info: 26.42 km | 1107.00 hm | ca. 7h35m | Track-Detail-View

20. Oct 2023

Ribadeo - Laurenza

Photo 1: Loren ended up staying at the same hostel as I did last night. There were two other American girls staying there as well, and one of them said that she too was a follower of Jesus. When I was about to leave and wanted to say "Buen Camino!", Loren, the two other girls and a young German man were in a corner in the breakfast area praying. So I joined them. Another good start to a dark, glooming rainy day. This photo is from the city of Ribadeo. I leave the north coast and turn south towards Santiago de Compostela.

Photo 2: The next couple days will take me through the mountains. Today the path was 30 kilometers and 987 altimeters.

Photo 3: I am now in the Spanish region called Galicia. I like the way their way markers for the St. James Way are. They give the exact distance remaining to Santiago de Compostela.

Photo 4: If you look real close, that black ant standing in front of the church in the mirror is me!

Photo 5: Every day I pass one or more cemeteries. This may sound strange, but it is a motivating factor for me when I do see one. The bones in those graves no longer walk. The voices of the dead can no longer be heard. One day will also be my last. If I am going to walk with Jesus, talk with people and pray, I need to do it now. I think of what Paul wrote in Ephesians 5:15-17...

" Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is."

Route Info: 30.00 km | 987.00 hm | ca. 8h42m | Track-Detail-View

19. Oct 2023

Navia - Ribadeo

Photo 1: I knew it would be a rainy day and a long hike today, so I got up early to get an early start. At breakfast at the hostel I met Loren from the USA. She is a follower of Jesus and also felt that God put it in her heart to do the Camino. She was trying to listen to a prayer meditation on the internet, but the connection was not so good. I told her that I could do that, pray for her and speak out God's words of truth and blessing, which I then did. It was a good way to start the day before going out in dark and in the cold rain...

Photo 2: Truely frog weather today

Photo 3: Is it a giant crow? Darth Vader without his face mask? St. James risen from the dead and battling the elements? No! It is the Gringo from Munich walking the Camino!!!

Photo 4: The sun came out briefly as I approached the last beach that I would pass on the North Camino. I sat for a moment, enjoyed the warmth, and thanked God for bringing me to this point on the journey.

Photo 5: Shortly after I got up from the moment of sun on the beach, the next wave of clouds and rain came. This is my last beach photo.

Milestone: I turned the page today. I am now on the last page of five pages listing my schedule of daily hikes. Page five has the shortest list.

Route Info: 34.96 km | 670.00 hm | ca. 8h37m | Track-Detail-View

18. Oct 2023

Queruas - Navia

I accidently stopped the recording of today's trek and did not notice it until about 3-4 kilometers later. That is why there is a break in the green line should you click on the link for the map of today's hike. The statistics of 30.93 kilometers and 662 altimeters come from the official listing of the St. James Way for this stretch. Speaking of statistics, today was my 100th hike since leaving my home in Germany. The average distance for each hike has been 29.2 kilometers and the average climb has been 717 altimeters. No wonder I am always feeling hungry, thirsty and tired!
I had spent the night at a real nice pilgrim hostel in Querúas. There were four other pilgrims who stayed the night there as well. Eventually I had a God-talk with each one. Last night I was able to speak with and pray for a young lady from Holland. This morning I had breakfast and a good conversation with Stephanie from Austria... It was nice being able to talk in German. She is one of the few pilgrims that I have met who is doing the camino by bicycle. She left her home in Austria about one and a half months ago and will continue on to Morocco after Santiago de Compostela. When Stephanie peddled off, she said: "Du bleibst mir in Erinnerung!" - "I will not forget you!" As I watched her dissappear down a hill, it dawned on me that I had forgotten to offer to pray for her. God is not bound by time or place and will hear a prayer of blessing whether the other person is there or not. It is important that we pray for and bless others when we speak with God. The other two pilgrims were young men, one from France and one from Switzerland. I met up with them along the way today, one at a rest spot and one on the path. It was intetesting for me how God arranged the right time and situation for each of these God-talks.

Photo 1-2: The port town of Lluarća
Photo 3: Ruins of an ancient church
Photo 4: The St. James flag often seen along the way in this area of Spain
Photo 5: Crosses at a cemetery

Route Info: 28.70 km | 621.00 hm | ca. 7h32m | Track-Detail-View

17. Oct 2023

San Juan - Queruas

Morning has broken, like the first morning...

Photo 1:This is how my day started. I knew it would be a long hike today, so srarted walking early. I stayed the night at a surfer hostel which was located up on a hill near San Juan. Yesterday I did not appreciate the steep climb up at the end of the day, but I enjoyed the view coming down on a different path to reconnect with the St. James Way.

Photo 2: The trail does not go directly along the shoreline, but every once in a while there is a nice peek to the ocean.

Photo 3: After walking a lot on the road the last couple of hikes, the trail today was more in the woods or on country roads.

Photo 4: A stone figue of St. James. He is always depicted wearing a rain hat and a poncho (cape). Illustrations of the St. James figure usually show the cape blowing in the wind. I now know why... Much wind and rainy weather here these days!

Shortly after I took this picture, I caught up with another pilgrim, Markus from Germany. He said that he heard that there was an American who was walking the camino from Munich. I guess that is me. We walked and talked until the lunch break. At one point we passed by a house and a Spanish man came out, greeted us and gave us a note with a webaddress. It was to direct pilgrims to a website that offered spiritual thoughts while walking the camino. I told the man that I was doing the camino with Jesus. He looked at me and said with a big smile: "I can tell that you are with Jesus, but he is not." An interesting statement... and true.

Photo 5: Three horses

Route Info: 35.24 km | 954.00 hm | ca. 8h14m | Track-Detail-View

16. Oct 2023

Salinas - San Juan

Photo 1: This is how my day started. I was looking forward to walking this coastal route, but it was closed off due to saftey concerns. I had to turn around, go back into town and then up a high hill. I connected with the official St. James Way and decided to stay on it.

Photo 2: Old church along the way

Photo 3: Another shoe that did not make it all the way. Today I glued and taped the tip of my shoes. I have just 16 hiking days left!

Photo 4: View of a fortress tower across from San Esteban

Photo 5: Today I ran into John and Jong again on the path who live in the USA. Several days ago I mentioned meeting a couple from America and praying for the wife who was not feeling very well. She has recovered and continues on with her camino. We were happy to see each other again and thanked God together for answering prayer.

Route Info: 24.54 km | 835.00 hm | ca. 5h44m | Track-Detail-View

15. Oct 2023


I am spending my day of rest at this Surfer Hostel (Photos 1-2). This morning after breakfast I had a good God-talk with a young woman from Morocco who did not go surfing, because she was not feeling well. I spent most of the day resting my feet and legs, getting the blog postings up to date and planning out next week's walking stages and places to stay. Because I hiked further on Saturday as originally planned, I readjusted the lengths of the hikes for the coming two weeks. There should not be another hike over 35 kilometers, and, if I stay on schedule, I will arrive in Santiago de Compostela three days earlier than originally planned on Saturday, October 28th... good news for my shoes which have splits in the seals on the toe of the shoes and let water in on rainy days.

Route Info: km | hm | ca. | Track-Detail-View

14. Oct 2023

Deva - Salinas

It was a long hike today of almost 41 kilometers and mostly in the rain. It is not a popular path to walk. Probably a good 30 kolometers was walking through a city, an industrial area, or on the highway near the expressway. There was one nice stretch through some eucalyptus woods and the scent of the natural oil from the leaves was stronger from the rain. There was also a nice river path leading into the city of Aviliés which took me off the highway... it was also not part of the official St. James Way. Many pilgrims will skip the hikes I did the past two days and take a bus or train from one of the last coastal towns to either Gijon or Aviliés. Some will then end their pilgrimage here and then continue on from this point later on. One lady said that I was a "purist". I just thought that if God has helped me walk this far, he can help me walk the rest. If I am able and the path is doable, I will continue on. Needless to say, I did not have any encounters with other hikers on the path today. I am staying the weekend at surfer's hostel in Salinas... Yes, I finally made it back to the beach! One of the workers here is from Peru. He was happy to hear that I am a pastor from an Assembly of God church. He showed me his Bible and said that he too is from a Pentecostal church on Peru...

Photo 1: Yesterday I bought this poncho that goes over my backpack as well. It matches my black coyboy rain hat...
Photo 2: I Gijon I found a church that actually had the doors open. There I saw something I rarely see in a Catholic church: At the center of the altar was a depiction of Jesus who had defeated death on the cross...
Photo 3: The industrial area on the other side of Gijon
Photo 4: Eucalyptus woods
Photo 5: Child on the street in Aviliés

Route Info: 40.86 km | 628.00 hm | ca. 8h44m | Track-Detail-View

13. Oct 2023

Sebrayo - Deva

Photo 1: I am now following the official St. James Way and will be doing so for the rest of the Snail-Trail.

Photo 2: I knew that today and tomorrow would not be very pleasant hikes by looking at the map. Most of the 34 kilometers were on the road. Also today was the first of a number of rain days that are expected to come. I did find this unmarked path that took me off the highway for about an hour. A man saw me when I passed his house and he try to tell me that I was going the wrong way, that the road I was on was a dead-end. I showed him my map and asked whether there was not a foot path that continued on. He motioned with his hands and said: "No, no, no!" I then used Googles translator and asked: "Is there no foot path at the end of the road, or do you not know whether there is one?" He motioned with his hands again making hiking movements and said that he was not a hiker and did not know if there was a path. So I continued on. The paved part of the road ended at this deserted farm house. You can see the traditional way they built storage areas on rock pillars.

Photo 3: The unkown and unmarked path turned out to be a good one that took me over the mountain. This picture is from the path on the backside of the mountain. The whole experience made me think of the Bible verse from Psalm 34:8
"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him."
So many people turn away from God because of things they have heard from other people. There is a difference between knowledge that comes from personal experience and assumptions based on presumptions.

Photo 4: Two donkeys on the unmarked path

Photo 5: Early evening view approaching the coastal and industrial city Gijon. I stayed the night in a shared room at a campground in Deva. They offered a nice pilgrim menu at the restaurant. There I sat with a man from France and Spain. We all spoke a little of this and that, but English was the strongest common denominator. The man from France mentioned that he was "afraid" of the developments happening now in Isreal and wanted to know what I thought. I did not want to get in a political discussion, so I answered as Jesus did. He said that there will be wars like this, earthquakes, famines and the such, and that these things are birthpains leading to the coming of God's kingdom. Birthpains come and go, but they become more strong and frequent leading to the final press of birth. That is what is happening now. This is a birth pain. More will come... and then history as we know it with all of its pain will end with the coming of God's kingdom of peace. The best is still to come!

Route Info: 34.09 km | 906.00 hm | ca. 7h32m | Track-Detail-View

12. Oct 2023

Ribadesalla - Sebrayo

"I heard there was a pastor on the Camino who walks really fast... and now I meet you!" I met Javier early on the path this morning. We walked and talked a number of hours until the early afternoon. He is from Spain, a medical student, and he is Catholic, loves and wants to follow Jesus. I shared from my life. We talked about understanding and doing the will of God. He would like to do pediatrics. I encouraged him to grow in his relationship with Jesus and to follow his lead. Perhaps God would use his future medical skills in helping people in areas of poverty or catastrophe. I prayed for Javier that God would give him wisdom and grace in taking his steps through life.

Photos 1-2: Last glimpses of the coast before heading inland
Photo 3: Lonely cat
Photo 4: Ancient church... whereas most of the churches and chaples on the St. James Way in France were open, here the doors are locked.
Photo 5: Walking through the hills

Route Info: 29.84 km | 729.00 hm | ca. 6h10m | Track-Detail-View

11. Oct 2023

Barro - Ribadesalla

Today was the day of seeing natural bridges. It was one of the few days left where I will be walking directly along the coast. The St. James Way will be heading inland tomorrow and then come back to the coast for one last short stretch. Also rain is coming on Friday and may stay with me for the rest of my time on the north coastal route... not really looking forward to that! Today I saw the German lady early on the path whom I had met two days ago at a pilgrim's hostel. She is walking part of the St. James Way in an effort to work through a grieving process. We walked and talked most of the day. We came to a point where my alternative path led to the coast and the official St. James Way continued on more inland. I offered the German lady to follow me, but could not give any garantees how the trail would be. She followed and it ended up being one of her best hikes on the St. James Way. Tomorrow will be her last walking day. Later in the afternoon we reconnected with the St. James Way. I prayed with her before moving on at a quicker pace. Before doing so, I said that the hike had been like a parabel. She was willing to trust my ability to lead the way not knowing for sure how the journey would be. In the end she got to where she wanted to be and had a great hiking experience. This is how it is when we follow Jesus. We trust him to lead us through life and into eternity. We do not know how the journey will be, but still we follow. Jesus takes us to where we want to be... in God's kingdom... and we have a great life experience along the way.

Route Info: 31.20 km | 532.00 hm | ca. 7h21m | Track-Detail-View

10. Oct 2023

Oyambre Beach - La Paz

"From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD'S name is to be praised." (Psalm 113:3)

This video and the first picture were taken early in the morning. I really enjoyed this moment and wanted to share it with you.

Today the walk went mostly along the coast. Some paths that I took were ones that I picked out and separat from the official St. James Way. That enabled me to be more directly on the coast. The video and first picture for instance were taken from one of my alternative routes. Not all of them were doable, though. Two led to locked gates and two were impassable. Fortunately I did not go very far before discovering this and could make a quick adjustment in the route. What was interesting was that when I had to turn around because the path was impassable, shortly thereafter I met pilgrims on the path with whom I could talk and pray. One incident was at the beginning of the hike. I met a middle aged couple from California who were walking real slow. The wife was not feeling well. Each step was difficult for her. I encouraged them both and prayed for them. They were so thankful for the words and encounter. The other one occurred towards the end of the hike. When I got back on a walkable path, I met a young woman from Japan. We walked and talked. She stopped earlier than me, so I offered to pray for her before I continued on. She as well was very appreciative of the prayer and blessing. I think many people on the St. James Way are hoping for things like this to happen, that someone will talk with them about God and pray for them... "From the beginning of the hike unto the end of the same, the LORD'S name is to be praised."

Route Info: 31.10 km | 611.00 hm | ca. 7h32m | Track-Detail-View

09. Oct 2023

Oyambre Beach - La Paz

Video: After walking over 30 kilometers mostly on the road, it was nice to finish off the last 5 kilometers on a coastal foot path.

Photo 1: Cows sometimes have the best views. They just do not know it. In the background you can see the mountains. At some point I will need to cross over them to get to Santiago de Compostela. This time when I go over the mountains my backpack will be at least 3 kilos lighter...
Photo 2: Today I sent my tent, sleeping pad, and a few other things back to Germany. That lightens my load by 3 kilos or 6.6 pounds. It is the off season now and camping places that are still open, might not have their markets or restaurants open. This reduces the available food options at the end of a hiking day. Also the cost for a campsite is sometimes more expensive than a bed at a pilgrim hostel. I decided to stay on the St. James Way and try to find a hostel where possible. I will as well probably have more contact with other pilgrims at the hostels. This evening for instance I stayed at a "donation" hostel for pilgrims. There are no set charges for staying there and sometimes a communal meal in the evening and a breakfast are included. A person donates whatever they want. At dinner time I mentioned that I was a pastor and offered to pray for the meal. Afterwards a man from Poland, Adam, wanted to talk with me. He shared an experience that he had on the St. James Way one evening while sitting in a church. He looked at the cross on the altar and was thinking about the Camino. Suddenly the thoughts came to him very strongly: "I am love. I am salvation. I am everything." I told Adam that the Bible tells us that God is love, that the name "Jesus" comes from the Hebrew "Joshua" and means "God is salvation" and that Jesus said: "I am the bread of life", and that he gives us the water of life. Jesus is the source, the beginning and end... he is everything! I prayed with Adam that he would grow in his understanding of who Jesus is. I also encouraged him to read the gospel of John. There he would find the seven "I am" statements that Jesus made that show us that he is God's son.
Photo 3: Eucalyptus trees growing near the beach.
Photo 4: St. Vincent
Photo 5: The shoreline still ahead of me.

Route Info: 31.10 km | 611.00 hm | ca. 7h32m | Track-Detail-View

08. Oct 2023


Today is a very warm sunny day. I spent most of it resting and catching up on my blog.

Photo 1: The beach of Comillas
Photo 2: The city of Comillas
Photo 3: The pilgrim hostel where I am staying... about 1 kilometer uphill from the beach.

Route Info: km | hm | ca. | Track-Detail-View

07. Oct 2023

Polanco - Oyambre Beach

Photo 1: This is how my day started. The St. James Way sometimes goes through industrial areas and on busy streets.
Photo 2: One highlight today was going through the medieval city of Santillana del Mar.
Photo 3: Following the official St. James Way there are just about 500 kilometers left before reaching Santiago de Compostela.
Photo 4: I was so happy to breath in the salty ocean air once again.
Photo 5: This is how my day ended shortly before the city of Comillas. I decided not to go on to the campground at Oyambre Beach, another 5 kilometers, because there was no town close by. Many of the campgrounds no longer have their restaurant or market in operation, because it is off season. I did not want to spend Saturday evening and my off day at a place with little or no food options. So I booked a bed at a pilgrim hostel for two nights in Comillas. I had a few talks in the evening with some other pilgrims including Anna who was also there. Looking forward to the day of rest tomorrow.

Route Info: 35.40 km | 699.00 hm | ca. 8h44m | Track-Detail-View

06. Oct 2023

Santnader - Polanco

Photo 1: This is what I was supposed to see. It must be beautiful. All I saw was fog. At least it did not rain. Well below the path I was walking on I could hear the waves breaking on the rocky shoreline. I knew there was more to what my eyes could see.
Later this evening I stayed at a small pilgrim hostel that had just two rooms each with two beds. I was alone in my room and a young Italian woman who lives in Dublin was in the other one. Her name is Anna. Painful things have happened in her life that have caused her to disconnect with God. I would say that she is angry with God. She is not the only who has been angry with God. I told her that this is okay. A doctor will first remove what is diseased and infected before healing can occur. I encouraged Anna to express her anger, hurt and dissappointment to God. In the book of Psalms we read of such "complaints". God can handle this. If we stay in communication and relationship with God, he can bring us to a point of peace over the things that we cannot controll. This is the faith that overcomes the world. It is seeing beyond the fog of pain and knowing that God is there. This faith will hear the gentle sounds of the waves of his love towards us filtering through the haze of pain, dissappiontment, failure... or whatever. God is there. He does love us. I told Anna that being a follower of Jesus does not mean that a person will never go through difficult times, but he or she will not go through them alone. She responded: "Maybe that is the difference." Indeed. Knowing that the Good Shepherd is walking with you through the dark valleys, does make a difference.
As the day continued on, the fog began to lift a bit. I was able to take the other pictures posted on today's blog. Maybe the talk and prayer with Anna helped as well the fog in her heart towards God to lift a bit.

Mikestone: 100 days... my shoes just need to make it another 30 days!

Route Info: 27.60 km | 609.00 hm | ca. 6h55m | Track-Detail-View

05. Oct 2023

Loredo -Santander

Video: Ferry ride across the ocean inlett going fro. Loredo to Santander. In the background you can hear three Americans that were talking who were also on the boat with me.
Once again the official St. James Way went to the left once off the boat. I went though to the right to walk the true coastal path... very beautiful! It was also a long walk and the very last climb along the edge of a cove took me through some thorny shurbs. That slowed me down, but the timing was exact. Right when I arrived at the reception to the campground, the group of 11 Germans was there. We celebrated when we saw each other again, because not many pilgrims come this way. Andreas, the lead coach, was negotiating a price for his group to stay in two bungalows, each for six people. Since there was a bed free in the bungalow for the men, he offered for me to take it at no cost. This was a blessing which I gladly accepted. Regina, his wife and other lead coach, mentioned that I had left such an inspiring impression on the group that she asked whether they could film a short interview with me. Again, I gladly accepted. I forgot to mention it, but yesterday Anika from the Christian radio station in Munich reached me by phone and did an impromtu interview. Perhaps later I can post a link to the radio interview and a photo from the fiilming session.

Route Info: 28.20 km | 446.00 hm | ca. 6h32m | Track-Detail-View

04. Oct 2023

Isla Playa - Loredo

Yesterday evening I could hardly walk anymore. I had a very painful shin splint in my right leg, the first time ever I had something like this on this trip, probably from walking a number of kilometers directly on the beach with a backpack. Astrid found and sent me a video that showed how to massage a shin splint pain and stretch the muscle to avoid it in the future... and we prayed. In the morning the pain was gone and I walked 32 kilometers without any difficulty. I give thanks to God for resurrection grace. Again and again I have experienced that I am completely exhausted when I go to sleep in the evening. In the morning when I rise it is like a miniture resurrection, a new day and new strength.
Today was a good day. No more rain or fog. Towards the end of the hike I met a group of 11 hikers from Germany who were doing a part of the St. James Way as a coaching experience. I talked briefly with the coaching couple, Andreas and Regina, who were leading the group, and offered to pray for the group before I moved on. It was another one of the special moments. Shortly later I met a young German couple who were surfers. We stood, talked and prayed on the brim of the cliff that you see in the last photo. Here again the thought that God is looking for relationship and not ritual seem to open up conversation about the God-connection through Jesus. I spent the evening at a surfer's hostel directed by Carlos who also spoke English quite well. He was very friendly and helpful. When I prayed for him, he said that he did not know how to pray. Many people feel this way. I explained that prayer is not reciting memorized words and saying them again and again, but it is expressing what you think and feel to a person, your Father in heaven.

Milestone: 3/4 of the way now complete

Route Info: 26.80 km | 714.00 hm | ca. 7h10m | Track-Detail-View

03. Oct 2023

Laredo - Isla Playa

After taking a ferry across the ocean inlet between Laredo and Santoñia, the official St. James Way went to the left. I went to the right to stay on the a true coastal path. It had more ups and downs, was not always easy, but very beautiful... even though it was foggy and rainy. I did not see a single pilgrim on this path, but I did meet Carlos. He is a biker and a hiker and on days like this he likes to hike the mountain path going along the coast from Santoñia. For two hours I had a personal guide on the path. Carlos speaks hardly any English and I hardly any Spanish. We spoke with our hands and feet and with Googles translator. I shared with Carlos briefly my story and he told me his. Apparently in his younger years he had gone to a seminary and had a very painful experience. Carlos said: "Jesus, yes! The rest, no!" I understood. My response: "Jesus did not come to earth to start a religious organization, but to connect our hearts with God's." Carlos shook his head in agreement. There was not too much more I could say through a Googles translator. When I looked into his eyes I could see the heart of a wounded soldier who could no longer continue the march. I prayed with Carlos for the pain of the past to find peace.

Milestone: 2500 kilometer walked.

Route Info: 28.10 km | 683.00 hm | ca. 7h19m | Track-Detail-View

02. Oct 2023

Castro Urdalies - Laredo

Video: I saw the emergency hellicopter fly over when it arrived and take off when it left. For one pilgrim their journey ended unexpectantly. I cried. Then I prayed. If it were not for God's grace I knew it could have been me in that hellicopter. Today I took a route that was a true coastal path. It is not part of the official St. James Way. It had its challenges. I remember what one French hiker told me in the Pyrenees at a very difficult point in a climb: "You need to think how a little lamb would do this." Today I used that wisdom at a difficult point in the climb. I got down on my hands and feet and kept my nose down close to the ground. Then I reached for a rock with my hands, took little steps with my feet and pushed my way up through the steep and tight spot. A wrong move would have quickly ended my journey. Two things I never want to happen on this trip: 1) For it to end with a ride in a hellicopter. 2) For millions of dollars and euros to be raised as a sympathy reaction to the news headlines: "Pastor dies by falling off mountain trying to raise funds for Christian ministries".
Again I prayed: "Lord, give me feet like a deer." All that training as a small child crawling up and down stairs on my hands and feet came into use today. We call it muscle memory. It reminds me of a truth that we find in Proverbs 22:6...
"Train up a child in the way that he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."
It is important what fundament we give the next generation to build their lives on. It will help them to climb their mountains...

Photo 1: The day of rest in Laredo was real good for me. This is a look at the beach in Laredo against the morning sun.
Photo 2: The start of the climb on the coastal path
Photo 3: I was again up there where the eagles soar. I counted at least six of them.
Photo 4: Yes, the path went through that little gap in the rock.
Photo 5: I stayed the night in a room with ten beds for pilgrims at the campground in Laredo. The bed was cheaper that a campsite for a tent. I was the only pilgrim there. Probably good as I continue to recover from a cold.

Milestone: 7x Mt. Everest
Notice: After today the hike posted in the blog is in sync with the actual hike of the day.

Route Info: 30.30 km | 829.00 hm | ca. 8h19m | Track-Detail-View

01. Oct 2023


I was not feeling so great when I arrived at the pilgrim hostel yesterday evening in Oriñon. I tried to stop earlier at a campground, but it was their last day before closing until next season. I was feeling the effects of a cold more, was tired and my lower back was hurting.I was glad when I finally arrived at the hostel which is located near the beach. To my surprise I was the only pilgrim to show up for the whole werkend. Usually hostels do not allow people to stay for more than one night. When the lady who runs the place heard that I was a pastor and a "real" pilgrim who had walked from my home in Germany, and when she heard that I was not feeling well, she let me stay the second night. The quiet and rest did me good. A bout of heart burn flared up last night, plus I was coughing and sneezing a bit, so it was good that I had a room to myself. The pain in my back relaxed the more the Sunday progressed.I even took a little walk on the beach in the early evening (Photo 2+3) and had my feet in the ocean water for the first time since being on the coast (Photo 1). I know the church in Moosburg had prayed this morning during their church service that God would strengthen me. God answered that prayer. I know as well that many others are praying for me even though they may not know exactly how I am doing. Many thanks for those prayers!

Route Info: km | hm | ca. | Track-Detail-View

30. Sep 2023

Santurtzi - Castro Urdalies

It was at this eucalyptus tree on a cliff overlooking the city of Castro Urdailes that I met Roberto. He is a Basque man and a policeman. He lived there by the cliff because it was not as expensive as in the Basque region. Somewhere between Portugalete and Ontón where I spent last night, I had crossed over to Spain, Spain, from Basque, Spain. Roberto and I talked about God and the world for a bit. I then told him that I had wanted to pray for a Basque person while I was walking through the land of the Basque, but never had the opportunity to do so, whether I could pray for him. He said yes. Afterwards he said that uf I ever would come this way again, his house would be my house. I almost said: "How about today?" ...but it was too early in the day for me to stop the walk.

Route Info: 26.40 km | 744.00 hm | ca. 7h44m | Track-Detail-View

29. Sep 2023

Gorliz - Santurtzi

I spent the night at a surfer's hostel... and finally had a good breakfast. Surfers also need more than just toast and tea in the morning to have energy for riding the waves just like hikers need it for climbing the hills. At breakfast I had a very meaningful God-talk with three young girls, one from Spain, one from Italy and one from Germany, who were there for a surfing course. The conversation was very similar to many others I have had with young people that I have met on the Snail-Trail. They are looking for spiritual reality and orientation, but have not found it in the church. I wish I could have spent more time with them. They had so many questions. When I prayed for them, I sensed a prophetic touch that God was speaking to their hearts. Particularly the lady from Spain mentioned how meaningful the talk and moment of prayer was for her.
When I crossed the Nervion River at Portugalete, I reconnected with the St. James Way. Almost immediately I saw other pilgrims again. I stayed the night at a pilgrim hostel in a small village called Ontón. There in the evening I had a similar conversation at my end of the table like I did in the morning, this time with one young French and two young German women and one middle aged German man. At one point I mentioned that our God is the only God who can take a crucifixion and transfer into a resurrection. There is always hope. There is always a tomorrow, always grace for a new beginning. This statement really spoke to the lady from France. She never felt comfortable going into a church and seeing Jesus hanging on the cross. She always saw the cross as being something negative, unjust and depressing. It gave her feelings of guilt. She could never see beyond the pain of the cross to the beauty of the resurrection. It was a whole new perspective for her. Later after the meal I saw her writing down some thoughts in a journel, perhaps something about the God of the resurrection...

Photo 5: This time the entrance to the tunnel was not locked!

Route Info: 27.60 km | 976.00 hm | ca. 7h33m | Track-Detail-View

28. Sep 2023

Bermeo - Gorliz

I woke up today with a sore throat... probably good that I walked through a number of eucalyptus woods today and inhaled salty air from the ocean. Today was one of the most beautiful streches that I have walked along the north coast of Spain so far. It is too bad that the path I took is not part of the official St. James Way. All the pilgrims miss this!

Route Info: 29.70 km | 1105.00 hm | ca. 9h9m | Track-Detail-View

27. Sep 2023

Akorda - Bermeo

This morning I had another talk with Mo and prayed with him before I continued on. In the town of Mundaka I met a couple from Montreal, Canada. I told them that I had already walked 90 days from Munich, Germany to Cape Finisterre on the west coast of Spain. The man responded by saying: "That is a long way to go just to go fishing!" What was meant to be a humerous remark actually describes the intent of the Snail-Trail. I have come a long way. I am going fishing. Almost every day I meet people with spiritual needs and questions about God and eternity. Almost every day I pray with one or more people and speak out a blessing for their journey through life. If Jesus was willing to come from heaven to earth to find me, then walking with Jesus from my home in Germany to the west coast of Spain is just a small endeavor in the quest of heaven to connect the heart of God's lost children to the heart of their Father in heaven.

Notice: The listed hikes starting today are out of sync with what I actually walk. I start today about a half day ahead of the listed hike. This may continue for a number of days. The route remains essentally the same, just the starting and ending points are different.

Route Info: 29.10 km | 693.00 hm | ca. 7h31m | Track-Detail-View

26. Sep 2023

Leagi - Akorda

When I picked up a snail last year struggling to make its way across a gravel bike path, God spoke to me and promised me he would pick me up when I needed it and put me where I should to be. Today God did exactly that. Since leaving the St. James Way I rarely see any other hikers on the paths that I am taking. So this morning I prayed specifically that I might meet someone who really needed to hear something about God. I also hoped to somehow get across the ocean inlet of Mundakao Itsasadarra. That would save me at least a half day of hiking. The other option would be to walk around it as originally planned, but I was not real sure if there was actually a bridge where I had hoped to find one before getting to the city of Gernika. If not, then it would be a whole extra day of walking. The whole day today I felt that I needed to get to the inlet by 6.00 in the evening. In my hiking app there was a dotted line going from one point to the other side of the inlet as if there were a ferry there. I had hopes. When I got there after almost 30 kilometers and over 950 altimeters of hiking, I could see no ferry activity. Apparently at low tide it might be possible to walk across the inlet... maybe that was the dotted line. I was there at high tide. I saw a sign that seemed to indicate "pilgrim crossing", but still there was no ferry and no way for me to cross over the water. At that moment two men in a motor boat approached the beach where I was standing, went by me and then turned around towards the direction that I wanted to go. I put my thumb out like a hitchhiker. To my surprise they actually came over to me and offered to take me across the inlet. They came as close as they could to where I was standing. I almost fell into the water with my backpack as I made one big stretching step to the boat from the sandbar. "God" picked me up and took me to the other side. I am now two and a half days ahead of schedule. When I got to the campground on the other side of the inlet, evening was quickly approaching. I had not seen anyone on the trail today. There were no God-talks, even though I felt there would be a person that I needed to talk to. As I was putting up my tent, a bike rider whose tent was next to mine showed up. His name is Michael, but he likes to be called "Mo", and he is from Germany. We went to a restaurant together to get something to eat. There I shared my story and listened to his. A painful event during confirmation class convinced him that the church is not where he wanted to be. How unfortunate that this incident should keep Mo from knowing Jesus and entering God's kingdom. I tried to relate to him God's heart for him and that the "church" and Jesus are two different entities. I think our talk was helpful. Afterwards Mo said to me: "I will not forget you or this evening." God had put me where I needed to be.

Video: My private taxi-boot-ferry

Photo 1: The Basque flag in front of the Catholic church in the town of Lekeitio... I have yet to see the Spanish flag in the land of the Basque.
Photo 2: Looking back over the coastline that I have already hiked.
Photo 3: Looking forward to the coastline that I will be hiking the next couple of days.
Photo 4: The hiking up in the mountains and in the woods
Photo 5: Somehow I needed to get across this inlet to the town of Sukarrieta.

Milestone: My shoes just need to hold out for another 40 days...

Route Info: 28.40 km | 959.00 hm | ca. 8h42m | Track-Detail-View

25. Sep 2023

Deba - Leagi

(Photo 1) Today I went my own way separat from the official St. James Way. I stayed along the coast whereas the St. James Way went back inland to the Basque city of Bilboa. It does not mean that my path was any easier. As you can see the coastal line is made up by mountains formed from volcanic rock. The path is a continuous up and down with beach towns inbetween.
(Photo 2) This sign reflects the political sentiment here in the region of the Basque.
(Photo 3) I was getting ready for lunch on a bench in the beach town of Ondarroa from where this photo was made when Andrew and Lorencia came up to me. They are the proprietars of the last gite (pilgrim hostel) where I had stayed in France. What was over a three day hike for me was about an hour's drive for them. They were taking three days off to come to the coast during the off season. What was the chance of us meeting again at this point? I thanked them again for their kind hospitality and offered to pray a prayer of blessing for them. As I did, they began to cry. I cannot say why. I do not know what burden they may have been shouldering. I have seen this reaction a number of times when I have prayed for people on the path. Perhaps people are just not used to having someone pray for them and it is a special moment when it happens. I think many times people carry burdens that could be made lighter if someone would pray with them.
On my way out of Ondarroa I walked up a very steep hill. A young Spanish girl was walking her dog and throwing stones for the dog to go after. One of the stones came close to me. We started talking. She lives im Panama but was home visiting her parents... and walking the dog! She said that she had distanced herself from the church, but was now starting to find her way back to "spirituality". We talked and I prayed for her and encouraged her to go to the source... to read the gospels and discover who Jesus is. Even though I am not on the official St. James Way, I am still walking with Jesus on the path that I am.
(Photo 4) Eucalyptus woods along the way
(Photo 5) Another great sunset looking down to the town of Lekeitio from the campground where I stayed the night

Route Info: 23.51 km | 899.00 hm | ca. 5h54m | Track-Detail-View

24. Sep 2023


It was mostly a day of rest today. I stayed the night at a municiple pilgrim hostel that had 56 beds and was located in the upper level of the train station house in the city of Deba (Photo 2). It only cost 8 EUR for the night, but one had to leave by 8.30 in the morning and could not stay a second day. There was a picnic table in a little garden area by the train station. There I had my breakfast and talked with JC from South Korea. His mother is hoping that he will somehow have a spiritual experience on the St. James Way and "go to church" when he gets back home. I told him that Jesus never said, "You must go to church", but he did say, "Come to me." We talked about what that means and I encouraged him to get to know who Jesus is by reading his words and about his life in the four gospels. JC responded very positive. He said that everyone was telling him to go to church, but the thought about coming to Jesus was much different. Pray for JC as he continues his journey.
Since I could not stay a second night at the hostel, I hiked up a mountain for about an hour and a half to the next one. It was a hot afternoon, but fortunately there were shady parts along the way through the woods (Photo 3). At the second hostel I met Eva, a young girl from Germany who was raised as an athiest. She also has a good friend who is follower of Jesus and is hoping that Eva would have a God encounter during her few days on the St. James Way (...she was only doing one part for about a week). Maybe it happened. She had questions and we talked a good hour before the evening meal was served. I encouraged her as well to go to the source, to read about who Jesus is and what he said in the four gospels. I then prayed for her that God would become real to her. The next morning she thanked for the talk and said that I had given her some things to think about. Pray for Eva that she would find her way to God's heart.

(Photo 1) I did not see the sun set, but enjoyed the afterglow...

"Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and forevermore! From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!" (Psalm 113:2-3)

Route Info: km | hm | ca. | Track-Detail-View

23. Sep 2023

Orio - Deba

I spent the night at a pilgrim hostel from the religious group "The Twelve Tribes." They were very friendly and hospitable. Men and women pilgrims also slept in seperate rooms. They celebrate the sabbath starting on Friday evening. I got to sit in on part of their gathering to begin the sabbath and joined with them for their communal meal. I enjoyed talking with several men from the Twelve Tribes last night and this morning. I do not doubt that they sincerely love and want to follow Jesus. However they have great hesitation to say the same about me. For them a requirement for salvation is to literally give up everything that a person has and to live in commune as they do, at best, to join and live with one of their tribes. There are some merrits to their way of living, but certainly it does not qualify us for heaven. And this is just "one of the requirements", I was told, "but one of the biggest." The spirit of legalism is always wanting to add "requirements" to accepting the grace offered us in the cross of Jesus Christ.

"And so it was with me, brothers and sisters. When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified." (1. Corithians 2:1-2)

Route Info: 34.42 km | 1065.00 hm | ca. 8h03m | Track-Detail-View

22. Sep 2023

Lezo - Orio

The alarm went off at six in the morning, but it was not mine. In the bed across the room from me was a young Spanish girl by the name of Bilanca. The pension that Astrid had booked for me to stay was a coed one with six beds in a room. Most pilgrim hostel are also like that, often with more beds in the room. I turned my bed light on, said "Beunos dias", introduced myself, told Bilanca what I was doing and shared briefly my story. She had just completed her studies, was working at a nearby festival to earn some money before she started her first job. I encouraged her to walk through life with Jesus and prayed for her before she left for the day. That's how my day srarted. I just hope somebody ate my cheese, red pepper and carrots that I left in the communal refrigerator at the coed pension.

Video: It was another rainy day. In the port city of Pasaia I took this little tug boat ferry to cross the ocean inlet. It was at this point I again picked up the hiking signs for the St. James Way.

Photo 1: This is the second photo I took in Spain, broken chains. These were large ocean liner chains that were piled up on the dock of a scrap metal operation. It took some real heavy duty force to break these chains. I started thinking about the chains that hold people captive in unheathly thought and life patterns, chains of addiction, resentment, and of painful life experiences. Jesus can and does break those chains if we ask him. He is the redeemer and deliverer. It takes the powerful force of the cross and the resurrection to break these chains. But what happens to the broken chains? They are still sunk in the sea, worthless and are not to be recycled...

"He will turn again, and have mercy on us: he will put away our iniquities: and he will cast all our sins into the bottom of the sea." (Micah 7:19)

Milestone: 2/3

Route Info: 28.81 km | 979.00 hm | ca. 7h45m | Track-Detail-View

21. Sep 2023

Herburu - Lezo

Photo 1: Not a Happy Horse Day... It rained most of the day. The beautiful view of the ocean that I had coming down the mountain yesterday was now hidden behind the curtain of rain clouds (Photos 2-4).

Photo 5: Can you believe it? This is my first photo of Spain... a locked gateway to a tunnel. Here's the story behind it. For almost three months I had been waiting for this moment to set my foot across the border in Spain. It happen today on a bridge that crossed the river Bidasoa. Only there was no border marking that I could see, no "Welcome to Spain!" sign. This is Basque Country. For them there is no border separating France and Spain. I found it interesting that in the province of France the French blue color was painted on window frames, doors and shutters everywhere. Once I entered the land of the Basque the French blue color disappeared. The doors, window frames and shutters were painted in a red brown color. I crossed a border that is not a border... and I had no orientation. Because of the rain and since it was supposed to rain tomorrow as well, I decided not to go to the campground on the coast just north of Irun as originally planned. Instead I kept going westward towards the next larger town on the coast, San Sebastian. However, the St. James Way trail markings seemed to have disappeared and I could not use my green line in my hiking app, because I did not continue going north. I had no orientation. There were no hiking signs pointing the way to San Sebastian. Google Maps wanted to take me to a very busy highway. But a Royal Ranger knows how to find his way, right? So I took off to the west using my hiking app and was on a trail leading me through the mountains. The rain had stopped a bit and I kept a good pace, so things were looking good. All of a sudden the trail ended at this locked gate to a tunnel. On my hiking app the trail continued, probably going through this tunnel to connect to another trail to keep going west. I had no choice but to turn around and backtrack a few kilometers. If you click on the map for today's trail, you will see my frantic attempt to find a way around the locked gate. At this point I called Astrid to ask her to help me find a pension in the area where I could stay that did not cost so much. She did, and fortunately there was a large suppermarket near it where I could get some food supplies fir the evening and the next day. As soon as I got to the pension, a strong rain began to fall. It was not only "Not a Happy Horse Day", but also "Not a Happy Hiker Day".

"There is a pathway that seems right to a man, but in the end it's a road to death." (Proverbs 14:12)

Milestone: First day of fall

Route Info: 33.04 km | 1171.00 hm | ca. 8h57m | Track-Detail-View

20. Sep 2023

Ainhoa - Herburu

Video: I took this filmclip yesterday evening from where I had put up my tent. I wanted to share this scene with you as sheep passed by just after the sun went down. This morning I had breakfast together with Joshua and prayed for him before we parted ways. There was a tear in this military man's eye. It is my prayer that this encounter on the hill will help Joshua find his way to the cross...

I was just had about two kilometers still to go to get to the town of Herburu. The path I wanted to take was blocked off, because it was a private road. I started up the official St. James Way and realized it wad taking me back up the mountain and out of my way. I decided to turn back and just walk on the street these last two kolometers. I then met two hikers who where returning to their car after their day of hiking. We started to talk. The lady mentioned that she and her husband just a week ago got married. I congratulated them and said that I was a pastor and asked if they would like for me to pray and bless their marriage. Probably "astonished" would be the best way to describe her reaction. She was from a Catholic background and he from a Protestant one and they could find no one who would do a church wedding ceremony for them. So on the side of the street next to their car we did a short impromtu wedding ceremony. It made their day... and mine... and right across the street from their car was a pilgrim hostel where I stayed the night.

Milestone: 6x Mt. Everest

Route Info: 23.30 km | 905.00 hm | ca. 7h13m | Track-Detail-View

19. Sep 2023

Bidarry - Ainhoa

Photo 1: Today I hiked to where the eagles soar. I took my lunch break at this spot and watched as eagles would spread their wings and be carried by the wind and sail along the cliffs and through the valleys. One came so close to me I could see its right eye. It was a special moment.
Photo 3: In the distance one can see the blue of the ocean. Soon I will be walking along the coast of northern Spain.
Photo 5: This was the most beautiful spot so far on this trip to put up the tent. It was on a hill by a chapel overlooking the village of Ainhoa. I got there just before sunset. A young Frenchman, Joshua, had also pitched his tent there. He is in the military, so I felt very much at ease knowing that he was camping there as well. Horses and sheep freely roamed the hillside. As the sun went down, I sang out in the Spirit towards the village below. I "warned" Joshua that I would do this, that usually I have no singing voice at all, but that it is different when it comes from deep within. Afterwards I could tell that this moment of the sun setting and hearing the praise to God touched his heart as well. I pointed to the chapel behind us and said: "This is not the dwelling place of God, but this..." and pointed to the beauty of God's creation.

"Heaven is My throne and the earth is the footstool for My feet.
Where then is a house you could build for Me?
And where is a place that I may rest? For My hand made all these things..." (Isaiah 66:1-2)

Route Info: 24.80 km | 1014.00 hm | ca. 8h1m | Track-Detail-View

18. Sep 2023

St. Etienne de Baigorry - Bidarry

Video: I actually took this video yesterday on my way up the first mountain crossing through the Pyrenees. There are no churches or chaples in the mountains, so I stop at different high points along the way and sing out in the Spirit as the Waldensians did from the moutain tops in Italy, France and Switzerland hundreds of years ago. They were persecuted for translating God's word from Latein into the language of the common people and reading these translations on the street to the people. From the high places in the Alps they would sing their paises to God. The people in the valleys would hear and sometimes try to immitate these spiritual songs and melodies. That is how yodeling began. I took this video from my first "prayer chapel" in the Pyrenees. I do not know how far my voice traveled down to the Basque villiages below as I sang out the praise of God, but I know my heart was connected to heaven. May God's kingdom come and will be done in France and in the land of the Basque.

Photos: Today was one of the most challenging hikes I have ever had, but also one of the most beautiful ones. Wild Basque horses roam the highlands. The last photo shows three of the six peaks that I worked my way through on this path.

Sidenote: Once back down in the valley at the end of the day, I met a couple from Ireland who helped me and another American order some food at a restaurant. They said they heard someone singing in the church across from the restaurant (that was me) and wanted to go in and listen, but then it ended. They also heard someone singing in the mountains...

Route Info: 19.70 km | 1315.00 hm | ca. 8h6m | Track-Detail-View

17. Sep 2023

St. J. PdP. - St. Etienne de Baigorry

Even though all the pilgrim hostels in St.-Jean-Pied-de-Port were full on Friday when I arrived, I never saw one today on the trail that I took today. I am heading north through the Pyrenäen Mountains to what is called Camino de Norte which is the pilgrim route that goes along the north coast of Spain. For this reason it is also called Camino de la Costa. It is supposed to be more beautiful than the more popular route called Camino de Francés, but it is also longer and more difficult with more ups and downs. Because of this, it is also less traveled. Indeed, the hike today had over 1027 altimeters, but the views were spectacular. Even though I was carrying a heavy backpack, I did not notice it much, because every step gave a new perspective of the amazing scenery.

Route Info: 19.80 km | 982.00 hm | ca. 6h54m | Track-Detail-View

16. Sep 2023


Photo 1: This is the historical pilgrim gate to the medieval city St.-Jean-Pied-de-Port which is today a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Since the 12th century pilgrims coming from different parts of Europe have passed through this gate on their way to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Whereas mostly on the French trail up until now I heard mainly French being spoken by the pilgrims, now much English is spoken. Many French pilgrims will end their journey through France at this point and many international ones will start here.
Photo 2: Today I had a needed rest day. I had walked 160 kilometers in five days and wanted to take a break before starting the treck through these mountains that you see in the background.
Photo 3: St. James Way Tattoo
Photo 4: Cathedral in St.-Jean-Pied-de-Port
Photo 5: Pilgrim service this evening

Route Info: km | hm | ca. | Track-Detail-View

15. Sep 2023

Uhart Mixe - St. Jean Pied de Port

Somewhere between yesterday and today I crossed a border into the land if the Basque. I met a Basque man at a campground about two weeks ago. He said his country was divided by the national border between France and Spain. The people group of the Basque live on both sides of this border. Those in France speak French and Basque. Those in Spain speak Spanish and Basque. For instance here in France the people greet each other by saying "Bonjour!" The Basque say "Agur!" Road signs show both languages. There was a Basque woman attending the service at the church plant two nights ago. There are some evangelical churches in the Basque region, but almost none in their language. As I walk though the land of the Basque both in France and Spain, I will pray that God"s grace in Jesus Christ will be known to this unreached people group. Please pray as well.

Route Info: 29.60 km | 754.00 hm | ca. 7h43m | Track-Detail-View

14. Sep 2023

Navarrenx - Uhart Mixe

I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.
(Philippians 4:12 NLT)

It was great having home cooked meals the last three days. Patric and Reine and Frédéric and Martine were great host who made sure I filled up my calorie tank. That changed today. I thought it strange that none of the other pilgrims I talked to about my destination for today had a clue as to where I was going. After 35 kilometers I finally arrived at about 6.00pm. There were no other pilgrims any where near here. There was no pilgrim hostel. Later I found out that the one that had been there closed its doors five years ago. There was no campground. There was no store of any kind to buy some food... and there was no public source for water. Even the church was locked. I walked to the house across the street to ask for water. They told me that the nearest hostel would be another hour of walking. They were kind enough to give me two small joghurts for breakfast. I decided to put my tent up in a secluded area behind the church. I had müsli with powdered milk mixed with water for my evening meal and saved the joghurts to have with my müsli for breakfast. I did sleep great though! At five in the morning the church bells reminded me of how much time I still had before I needed to get up... and they kept reminding me!

Milestone: 5x Mt. Everest

Route Info: 32.10 km | 746.00 hm | ca. 8h21m | Track-Detail-View

12. Sep 2023

Arzacq Arr. - Arthez de Bearn

Photo 1: "The path us the goal..." I was asked by a reader of the blog about the conditions of the path and the markings. The path can be anything from a trail through the woods, a rocky path, a street, a sidewalk, an open field ... or even stones crossing a stream of water. I try to take pictures showing the path, because I know that many people who read the blog may never be able to walk the Camino. I want to convey a feeling of how the way is.
Photo 2: The red and white stripes are the standard markings for the St. James Way through France. In Switzerland, for instance, it was more the yellow shell pointing the direction.
Photo 3: This is a very important marking. It lets you know you are going the wrong way. I missed this one a few times and did extra fitness training as a result.
Photo 4: St. James Way "Grafitti"
Photo 5: Today and tomorrow I will be staying with Pastor Frédéric and his wife Martine. I love Pastor Frédéric. He has that spirit of Caleb who said when he finally got to the Promise Land at the age of 80: "I still have this mountain to take!" Frédéric is 66 just like me, recently retired, and decided to help a church without a pastor and assist a new church plant in the area. I will be speaking at both places this evening and tomorrow evening.

Route Info: 28.40 km | 820.00 hm | ca. 8h1m | Track-Detail-View

13. Sep 2023

Arthez de Bearn - Navarrenx

"Merci!" I was surprised to hear that. People who know are very much aware that I do not have a singing voice. But when I came out of a village chapel after singing in the Spirit, there was a lady sitting there who had been listening. She said she did not understand anything that was sung, but she felt the Spirit. In the limited conversation that followed, what I understood was that she was not so certain about God and Jesus... and she repeated it again: "I felt the Spirit". Maybe this was a step towards knowing that God us real.

Later in the afternoon I met a young Frenchman on the path. It was his first day on the Camino. He said that he was wanting to turn a new page in his life. I told him that our God is the only God who can take a crucifixion and turn it into a resurrection. With Jesus there is always grace for a new beginning. There is always hope.

Video: In the evening I spoke at the midweek service at a church plant in the town of Salies-de-Béarn. Pastor Frédéric and team have been developing a core group that meet in a garage. It reminded me of the start of the church in Moosburg when we met in a basement. The room size was just about the same. I felt very much at home. From small seeds strong trees will grow...

Milestone: 2000 kilometers

Route Info: 31.70 km | 827.00 hm | ca. 8h28m | Track-Detail-View

11. Sep 2023

Aire s.d. Adour - Arzacq Arraziguet

I have prayed with many different people along the Snail-Trail about many different things. Often I wonder how, when and if those prayers may have been answered. Today I got a peek behind God's unseen curtain of prayer answering. I arrived in Arzacq in the late afternoon. It started to rain just as I approached the town. Instead of going to the place where I would spend the night, I felt this tug in my heart to first go to the church in the center of the village. There I saw Tilda again whom I had not seen since I prayed for her feet and Stephan's legs two weeks ago at a campground. You may recall Stephan's question to me: "Do you think Jesus would help me?" Tilda's feet are doing fine and she has made good progress in her pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. She told me that Stephan also made it to Conques which was his hope and the stopping point of his pilgrimage for this year. I was happy to hear that God had answered prayer.

I stayed the evening with Patric and Reine Rey who are part of the Mourenx church where I will be speaking at a prayer meeting tomorrow evening. We had a wonderful evening together. After dinner Reine gave me a hair cut by using a single razor blade. It was for me an unusual technique, but afterwards my hair was shorter and I look a bit younger as always when there is not as much gray hair showing.

Photo 1: GR 65 is the official St. James Way crossing through France
Photo 2: I am starting to see the mountains. In a few days I will be crossing through them to Spain.
Photo 3: I hike through a number of corn fields today.
Photo 4: Mom and baby cow together on a field.
Photo 5: My very gracious hosts for the night, Patric and Reine with their little dog "Mosquito"

Route Info: 33.50 km | 902.00 hm | ca. 8h45m | Track-Detail-View

10. Sep 2023


The past 13 days I walked 384 kilometers up and down hills in very warm weather. It was great preparation for the mountains that are soon coming and the very hilly coastal region in northern Spain that I will be walking. But it was not easy. "Avec Jésus c'est possible!" I really enjoyed the day of rest today. I slept in until 8.00 on the morning. It had actually rained at night and in the early morning which was music for sleeping. It was a bit cooler today, just in the high eighties. I had time to finally get caught up with my blog posts. The next three days that might be difficult to do. I will be staying with people in their homes from the French Assemblies of God and have a service on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. I greatly look forward to these evenings and encounters with Christian brothers and sisters here in France.

About two weeks ago I did a radio interview with the Christian Media Network ERF in Switzerland. My part of the interview was recorded by way of a phone call at 6.30 in the morning on one of those days that I needed to catch up a half a day. Here is the link if you would like to hear a bit, even though you will probably not undetstand very much:

Photo: French Assembly of God Church in Condom

Route Info: km | hm | ca. | Track-Detail-View

09. Sep 2023

Nogaro - Aire sur d'Adour

A couple was sitting alone at a table for breakfast catty-corner to me. I had slept in my tent that night at the pilgrim hostel, but could use the kitchen and eat in the dining room. This thought came to me very strongly that I should ask them whether they speak English or not. The man did not respond and he did not speak English much. The woman did. She is a Muslim from France. When I told her that I was walking from north of Munich to Cape Finisterre on the coast of Spain, she was very interested in my journey and wanted to know how difficult it was. I shared with her the story about how God spoke to me last year through a snail struggling to make its way over a rough path. That story you will find on this website under the menu point "Story". It is the background to the name "Snail-Trail". I told her that whenever I see a snail on the path, it reminds me of God's promise to be with me on this long and difficult walk. I also mentioned in the course of the conversation that I said yes to Jesus when I was 16 and was now celebrating 50 years walking with him. She wanted to know what that meant to say yes to Jesus, whether I had not been raised as a Christian. I explained to her the difference between going to church and walking with Jesus. She understood. When we ended the conversation to go our separat ways, she said: "Thank you for this special moment at the pilgrim hostel. I hope we meet again on the path. I have so many questions." I am sure she does have many questions just as many Muslims living in Europe do. They just do not often find meaningful contact with Christians who can answer those questions. Unfortunately the couple was being picked up to visit some friends in the area and I needed to get started on the 30 kilometer hike. But since tomorrow, Sunday, will be a rest day for me, just maybe our paths would cross again on Monday. Inshallah... as God wills.

Route Info: 28.80 km | 659.00 hm | ca. 7h22m | Track-Detail-View

08. Sep 2023

Eauze - Nogaro

Today was almost like a free day: short hike of just 21 kilometers and 538 altimeters. This stretch through France at the moment is not the most impressive as far as scenery goes, but you have to keep hiking to get through to Spain...
People generally react surprised when they hear that I come from the United States. Not so many Americans walk through France. They are even more surprised when I tell them that I live in Germany and can speak German. They are amazed to know that I started my walk from my home just north of Munich and will continue on to the coast of Spain. Most people in France will do a week or two one year and continue on the next one. To be quite honest, it also amazes me that I have already walked this far, almost 1900 kilometers. In two weeks I will be coming down from the mountains and enter Spain. Walking like this you loose the sense if time. You are focussed on the moment, taking one step after the other, going up one hill and then the next, going from one place to other. Before you know it, the day is done, a week passed and a month is gone. Maybe that is how eternity will be. God's presence is so fulfilling that there is no other need. He is the Great "I Am", the God of now, the God of the moment that never ends. In the last book if the Bible we read that "time will be no more." Who needs time when you have eternity? The sense of time will be lost living and walking in God's presence... only you will not be hot, hungry, thirsty, and tired at the end of the day, should there be any concept of "day", and you will not get blisters on your feet! God is not only the God of the eternal moment, but he is the Great "I Am" as we travel through time in our journey here on earth.

Photo 2: You can just barely see the Pyrenee Mountains on the horizon.
Photo 5: The town of Nogaro in the distance

Route Info: 23.50 km | 545.00 hm | ca. 6h7m | Track-Detail-View

07. Sep 2023

Condom - Eauze

Pastor David arranged for me to spend last night in Condom with Adrien, a young man and John Deer mechanic who loves Jesus, is active in his church, has a heart for young people and a call to ministry. We talked the best we could with his English and my French. Adrien is at a point of decision. He would like to be more involved in ministry, but does not think that he can do the book study of a formal Bible School. So I gave him the contact infos of a discipleship training school of our VM-International team in Marseille, France. VM-I is one of the foreign mission outreaches affiliated with the German Pentecostal Church. Maybe this contact will be the nudge Adrien needs to take his next step in following Jesus.

Isabelle arranged for me to stay at the hostel in Eauze. She said that the people who ran it where "real believers." They are! Before the communal meal in the evening, all the pilgrims were invited to a short devotional time and prayer in a small wooden shed in the backyard that serves as the house chapel. The two children of the hostel owners also participated and even the cat came and sat in the middle of the floor. It was the first hostel where anything like that took place other than at the monastary in Conques. Usually at the hostels I would just offer to prayer before the communal meal.

Photo 1: Chateau Larresingle
Photo 2: Pont d'Artigues, 17th century pilgrim bridge, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Photo 3: Sunflower seed harvest time in France
Photo 4: The further south I go, the more I see fig and olive trees... and discarded hiking shoes. My shoes are now over the 2000 kilometer garantee which includes hiking time before I left for the Snail-Trail. I need them to last another 1300 kilometers!
Photo 5: The last 10 kolometers today were on this bicyle path. The shade was nice, but the walking surface was very hard.

Route Info: 31.30 km | 717.00 hm | ca. 7h53m | Track-Detail-View

06. Sep 2023

Lectoure - Condom

I was not sure yesterday evening when I got to the city of Lectoure where I would stay the night. There was a park area where people could put up a tent, but no showers, just a toilet. After hiking 31 kilometers on a hot day, I really wanted to take a shower. At the cathedral in the city I met a mother-daughter pilgrim team who had reservations at one of the pilgrim hostels. The daughter spoke good English and she made the phone call in French for me. The lady's name who runs the hostel is Isabelle (Photo 1, person in the middle). After doing the Camino herself she decided to buy a building that could be used as a hostel. For eighteen years now her doors have been open for pilgrims passing through Lectoure. She does it with heart and soul. This morning I was one of the last pilgrims to have breakfast. Isabelle joined me and another lady, who is the second woman in the photo. I shared my story briefly with Isabelle and we talked about faith in Jesus and walking with Jesus. Afterwards I offered to pray for Isabelle and to bless her house as a place of refuge for pilgrims. As I was about to leave, Isabelle asked if she could take this picture. I have had this happen a number of times that after a walk, talk and prayer people would ask if they could take my picture. I guess it is an important moment they want to remember. I do too...

Milestone: 70 Days!
Things I learned since milestone 30:
1) You cannot buy müsli everywhere in France.
2) The standard French breakfast was not designed with hikers in mind who plan to walk over 15 kilometers with a backpack before the lunch break.
3) France is a very beautiful country with very many hills.
4) If you say what you can in French, the French will say what they can in English and usually you will come to a point of understanding.
5) They are way too few evangelical churches in France.
6) There is nothing like eating sun ripened figs and plumbs dieectly from the tree.
7) The network of gites (pilgrim hostels) is a great way to travel by foot through France.
8) I think I would rather carry my own backpack than try to push and pull a donkey to do it.

Photo 2: After eating so much white baguette bread, I finally found a whole grain version. (Isebelle told me about it.) It is almost as if they named it especially for me: Estive
Photo 3: View from the castle in Lectoure
Photo 4: I had my lunch breach at this chapel in the woods
Photo 5: "Knighted" by the four musketeers at the cathedral in the city of Condom

Route Info: 27.70 km | 504.00 hm | ca. 6h48m | Track-Detail-View

05. Sep 2023

St. Antonie - Lectoure

Recently dust from the Sahara Desert has made the sky over this area of France a bit hazy. It also makes the sun appear much larger in this photo. We have been having temperatures in the low to mid 90's. Many pilgrims try to leave the place where the stayed the night by seven in the morning to try to walk as far as they can before it gets real hot. I grew up in hot and humid sommers in Cincinnati, Ohio, and wore sweat suits during wrestling practice during four years of high school. I also have been walking the past 12 years almost every day and in all weather conditions. I feel the heat, am grateful for shady spots and a breeze along the way, drink a lot of water and sweat. If I get on the trail by 8.00 or 8.30 in the morning, I am usually doing good. Quite often I catch up to the early risers by noon. They are usually taking a nap somewhere in the shade, because they are so tired from getting up so early. Each pilgrim has to find his rymthum and pace. I do look forward to cooler temperatures...

Photo 2: The head of a sunflower humbly hangs its head and waits for the harvest...
Foto 3: Village street
Foto 4: Hot days for walking...
Foto 5: The city of Lectoure

Route Info: 25.10 km | 541.00 hm | ca. 6h8m | Track-Detail-View

04. Sep 2023

Moissac - St. Antonie

After hiking up and down many hills in 90+ temperatures the past number of days, it was a welcome change to walk along a canal banked by shaddy trees for half the stretch today (Photos 2-3). Right when I was wanting to find a place to sit for a lunch break, I caught up to Philipp, whom I had met two days ago. His knee was really bothering him and he was walking slow. Today I prayed for his knee. I convinced Philipp to share a sandwich with me. So we ate and talked for a bit. Philipp had been thinking about what a Saint once said about dying, that death is not to be feared, that death is not a struggle, but a release. He was trying to connect this thought with the pain he was feeling in his knee. I then shared with him the thought of the three births. To enter God's kingdom, we must first be born as a human baby. In our mother's womb we had everything we needed. All of a sudden there was pain and pressing and we were pushed out of the darkness into the light of life on earth. This is the first birth. At some point we must come to the spiritual birth as God's children. Quite often this takes place during a dark season in our lives when we realize that we need God. Circumstances and crisis or a searching in the heart will push us to the light we find in Jesus. A spiritual birth takes place in our soul and we become God's children. Jesus said that when we believe in him, we pass from death to life. Death is then no longer the end, but a new beginning. It is the third birth. Quite often it occurs during a season of human weakness. With our last breath our human spirit is pressed out of our bodies and is birthed into eternity. Medical sience tells us that a number of hormones are released at this moment so that the actual act of dying gives a sensation of peace and pleasure. If we have had the second birth in Jesus, death cannot hold us. Philipp responded by saying: "So we are now living in the second birth." I was happy that he understood. "Yes, Philipp," I said. "We are living in the second birth. But one day the third birth will come, and it will be wonderful. It does not have to be today, though. We still have many paths to walk..."

Route Info: 28.10 km | 357.00 hm | ca. 6h11m | Track-Detail-View

03. Sep 2023

Lauzerte - Moissac

I knew it would be a challenging day. It was, but it was good. I said to the Lord that wherever a door would open to speak to a group or at a church along the Snail-Trail, that I would do it. Pastor David arranged you me to speak in the Sunday morning service in Moissac. That meant that someone needed to pick me up at the pilgrim hostel in Lauzerte, take me to Moissac for the service and after lunch take me back to Lauzerte so I could do the walk from Lauzerte to Moissac. It was a 28 kilometer hike that I did in six hours from 2.00 in the afternoon untill 8.00 in the evening. At the end of the day I was real tired, but also happy. Everything went well. God's presence was very strong during the morning church service. I preached what I was experiencing on the Snail-Trail... Isaiah 40:25-31. After the service and during lunch I had a very meaningful conversation with the pastor's son. Even though I felt more like taking a nap after lunch, once my feet were moving, I was ready to go the distance. It was not quite a day of rest, but between Saturday's and Sunday's hikes there were still about 22 hours where I was not wearing hiking shoes.

Photo 1: Steve with Pastor Matthieu in front of the church in Moissac
Photo 2: The town of Lauzerte (Picture taken on Saturday)
Photo 3: Street sign in Lauzerte (Astrid and I like cats)
Photo 4: It was another hot day, glad to have some shade along the way.
Photo 5: Pilgrim Siohouette before the city of Moissac

Route Info: 27.70 km | 568.00 hm | ca. 7h6m | Track-Detail-View

02. Sep 2023

Lascabanas - Lauzerte

Philipp did not want for me to pray for his knee. I met him on the path late this morning and he was walking at a much slower pace because of pain in his knee. "No," he said, "Do not pray for me, but pray for my daughter." I could tell that Philipp was carrying a great burden concerning his daughter and asked him to share with me about her. She is 27 years old, a lawyer, and almost died of a lung embolism last year. An immune system disorder was attacking her body and had caused the embolism. It could easily happen again and be fatal. Philipp is wanting to walk to Santiago de Compostela with a degenerate condition in his knee as his way to seek God for healing for his daughter. I was so moved by Philipp's concern for his daughter that tears came to my eyes as I prayed for her. I said to Philipp: "Your story about your daughter has greatly touched my heart. If it has touched my heart like this, how much more has it touched God's heart?" Philipp also had tears in his eyes. Our talk and the time of prayer gave him comfort and encouragement. Even though he knew that I am a protestant pastor, he started calling me "Father". It was a strange feeling for me to have a guy almost my age calling me "Father"... Please pray for Philipp that he can walk the distance to Santiago de Compostela and for his daughter Eleanor that God's healing grace would bring order and renewal to her immune system.

"...and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.” (Psalm 50:15)

Route Info: 24.30 km | 578.00 hm | ca. 6h14m | Track-Detail-View

01. Sep 2023

Cahors - Lascabanas

"We are knocked down, but we aren’t knocked out." (2. Corinthians 4:9)

I experienced that this morning. I stayed the night at Pastor Frédéric's farm house who is pastor of the Assembly of God Church in Cahors. One of the highlights yesterday was praying together at his church for Cahors and this area of France. God's presence was very strong. Another highlight was the evening meal together with Pastor Frédéric and his family. I was the first pilgrim to ever stay at their place. The farm house is located not to far from one of the pilgrim paths. I slept in an upper area of the barn which once was the hayloft. This may one day become the sleeping place for pilgrims passing through. The barn structure is made from rocks, including a low laying entry door. This morning after breakfast I was rushing to back to the hayloft area to get packed. As I approached the stone frame of the door, I looked down to my freshly washed and dried clothes in my hands to make sure I had not dropped anything. The next thing I knew, I was thrown back with a wack to my head and landed sitting on the ground. "What was that?", I thought to myself. Blood starting dripping from the top of my head. I had not ducked my head far enough to go through the stone framed door. It reminded me of something I have often said, quoting David: "With my God I can jump over walls!" The opposite is also very true: "Without God I run with my head against the wall." Let me tell you: That hurts!
An hour later I was climbing up rock steps to a lookout point which gave a tremendous view of the city of Cahors on the Lot River. There was also a large cross there. To see the view, one had to go to the cross. It was located about 120 meters away from the path. Later in the day I met other hikers and asked if they went to the cross to see the great view. They had not. They missed it. In life many people know about the cross of Jesus, but never take the time to actually "go" to the cross. It is there that we come to see God's love, grace and mercy. At the cross we gain God's perspective of human history and the need for redemption. Coming to the cross is a real eye opener!

Photo 1: Frédéric's cat sitting at the window to the hayloft early in the morning.
Photo 2: Pont Valentré, a 13th century bridge leading across the Lot River to Cahor
Photo 3-4: View of the city Cahor from the cross
Photo 5: It was a hot day, glad to have some shade here and there.

Milestone 1: Exactly 42 years ago I arrived in Munich.
Milestone 2: Halfway mark of the 130 days to walk the Snail-Trail from my home in Germany to the coast of Spain.

Route Info: 25.20 km | 548.00 hm | ca. 6h20m | Track-Detail-View

31. Aug 2023

Cabrerets-- Cahors

I missed a turn. Again. I did not want to backtrack. Again. After looking at the digital map, I decided to try to make my way up a ravine to connect with the path. I saw a deer trail going in that direction and started off. Half way up I thought to myself: "If anything would happen to me, no one would find me here." Fortunately the deer path eventually led to a long and narrow field between two very dense woods. I was wearing my blue colored hiking shirt. As I made my way through the field and high grass, all of a sudden I had all these small blue butterflies following me and flying around me. They must of thought that I was one of them and felt safe to be with me. It was a great moment... and I connected with the trail again.

"Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." (Psalm 23:6)

Milestone 1: 4x Mt. Everest
Milestone 2: I made it through the hot summer months of July and August.

Route Info: 36.05 km | 1010.00 hm | ca. 8h26m | Track-Detail-View

30. Aug 2023

Espagnac- Cabrerets

Often I say to people here on the Camino de Santiago in France who have their struggles: "Avec Jésus!" ... With Jesus! It is an attempt to make them aware that Jesus is there to help us when we are being stretched beyond our limits. This gives courage, strength and hope. Today I had my own "Avec Jésus!" moment. Tomorrow I will need it as well. Last night I finally took a good look at the alternative route that I was on, GR-651, to determine my destinations for the next two days. What I realized was, that most people will take three to four days to go from Espagnac to the medieval city of Cahors. The alternative path that I was on was at least a day longer than I had originally planned for this stretch. I would have to make that up today and tomorrow to stay on schedule... and I wanted to do that, because on Sunday I need to be in the city of Moissac to preach at the Assembly of God Church there. I was really looking forward to that. Aslo Pastor David had arranged for me to stay with a pastor in Cahors on Friday, and I wanted to keep that arrangement. So I was challenged to walk extra long distances in very hilly terrain. In fact, today I made a new record of hiking 1346 altimeters with a full backpack. "Avec Jésus c'est possible!" It was a very long, hard and high hiking path today up and down and around the cliffs along the Célé River, but it was also very interesting and beautiful, well worth the extra effort. Also, I will soon be hiking up and down the Pyrenäen Mountains... today and tomorrow are fitness training for that!

Route Info: 35.52 km | 1346.00 hm | ca. 8h28m | Track-Detail-View

29. Aug 2023

Figeac - Espagnac

I actually saw almost no other pilgrims on the path today. I talk briefly with one lady who was traveling with two nieces and a cousin's daughter. I shared with them my simple testimony in French. They responded very positive and it was evident that they also take their faith in Jesus seriously. They were grateful for the prayer of blessing I offered them. I am always happy when I meet people on the Camino who also profess their faith in Jesus. I wish there would be more...

Before I forget to mention it any longer, all of the eight film clips under the menu item "Trail-Life" have now been posted on the webpage. Aspects of everyday life on the Snail Trail are briefly presented and compared with a truth for living. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Kaleb Oehring, who was the cameraman on many of the film takes, and Martin Körber, who edited the clips and posted them on the website. Many many thanks!!!

Route Info: 31.07 km | 730.00 hm | ca. 7h24m | Track-Detail-View

28. Aug 2023

Livinhac-le-haut -Figeac

" When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to..." (Acts 16:7)

Sometimes the Spirit of Jesus changes your travel plans. I met a pilgrim at the campground who knew the area and walking trails well. I told he the route that I was planning on taking to the city of Cohors, a four day journey. She said that my route was not very nice and suggested I take an alternative trail called GR-651. I knew that if I changed my path, it would also affect the the circumstances in which I might meet and speak with people. I felt an "okay" in my heart to make the change. About an hour or so into the hike I walked through a small town. There I met Frank. He ran a pilgrim hostel and also sold things to eat and dink during the day to hikers passing through. Since I had no more müsli and could not find some the last couple of days and only had French pastries for breakfast, I was happy to buy some tomatoes, hard boiled eggs, fruit and fresh pressed orange juice. I shared with Frank my simple testimony in French and then asked him if he too was "walking" with Jesus. He said no. He also understood English quite well, so we continued talking in English. Since he was operating a pilgrim hostel I asked him whether he had done the pilgrimage himself. He said yes, but only in France. I responded: "...and you did not find Jesus along the way?"
"No, but maybe because I was not looking for him."
"Exactly," I responded. "Religion is man's attempt to find God, to appease a God through rituals, religios works, certain laws, actions, prayers, pilgrimages. But in Jesus, God comes looking for us." Frank was listening now.
I continued: "It was God who came into the garden after Adam and Eve had sinned and called out with a grieving heart: 'Adam! Where are you?' This God took on the human nature in Jesus and Jesus said: 'I have come to seek and to save those who are lost.' The religious were not interested in Jesus. In fact, they were the ones who killed him." Frank was really listening now. He was not religious, but certainly not yet "found". I then shared my story of how God found me and asked if I could pray for him. I find it interesting that when I pray for people in France, they usually do not close their eyes, but watch you speak every word you say. I sensed that this prayer moment became a God moment. After the prayer I told Frank that if he was interested in finding out who Jesus is, he needs to go to the source, to read the four gospels in the new testament. He looked on the bookshelf that was in the room for pilgrims to find something to read if they wanted. On one of the bottom shelves he pulled out a Jerusalem Bible that certainly had not been read in real long time. I showed Frank where the gospels were. He said: "I have it now. I will read it."

I continued on my way and met up with Melen who had just started walking again after a lunch break. I had seen Melen a few times before the last couple of days, but never did we have an opportunity to talk. Today was her last day on the trail. She spoke English quite well. At the beginning of our conversation she said that she was not a believer. Her grandmother is active in her faith, but her mother was not. She had been raised without religion and was not baptised. As a little girl she did have questions, but did not find many answers. Today she heard many answers. We walked and talked the rest of the afternnon together. I listened to her questions, shared from my life and understanding of who God is and why Jesus needed to go to the crosd for us, die and rise from the dead. At one point I thought that maybe I was speaking too much. Melen responded: "No, I like listening to you, the stories you tell. It is very intetesting." At the end of our walk she said that she no longer sees herself as a non believer, but one who is open for God. On the Camino she liked going into the churches and chaples and to sit there in the quiet. I said that this was God calling out to her. The Bible says: "Be still and know that I am God."
So would the Spirit of Jesus change my route just so I could talk with Frank and Melen today? I think so. Jesus was even willing to go to the cross for them so that they may be joined with God's heart.

Route Info: 24.17 km | 651.00 hm | ca. 5h23m | Track-Detail-View

27. Aug 2023


Stephan whom I met at the chapel yesterday and asked if I had rang the bell, and another lady, Tilda, who is also wanting to walk to Santiago de Compostela, stayed at the same campground as me. Yesterday evening I sat with them a bit at the camp restaurant. Tilda was having pain in her feet and Stephan in his legs. I tried to encourage them and offered to pray for them which I did. This morning Stephan and I had breakfast together. He hoped to end his stretch of the pilgrimage in the city of Cahors by the end of the week. He said that after Cahors and once the French summer vacation ends the end of August that there will probably not be so many people on the paths and mostly older retired people. I said, "You mean like me." The conversation continued like this:
"What? How old are you?"
"What is your secret?"
"Isaiah 40"
"What is that?"
"Isaiah was a prophet in the Old Testament. He said that even young men will get tired and stumble. But those that wait on the Lord, those that seek God and live in relationship with God
they shall renew their strength. The winds of the Holy Spirit will lift them up like the wings of an eagle soaring in the air. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not get tired... Avec Jesus c'est possible!"
"Do you think he would help me?"
...This was one of those moments when you look into a person's eye and see their soul... I answered: "Jesus loves you very much Stephan. If you ask him, he will help you not only with your walk, but in your life."

Photo 1: I stayed at this monastary on Friday evening in the middle age town of Conques.
Photo 2: Walking sticks of pilgrims at the entry of the pilgrim hostel at the monastary
Photo 3: The relief over the church entrance showing Jesus on the thone and the seperation of the redeemed and the lost.
Photo 4: In the evening a priest explained the symbolic images of the relief. It was like a middle age comic declaring the message of salvation to people who could not read. There were probably a hundred people listening... a Catholic open air street meeting. Afterwards there was a light show to show how the original colors once looked. (See video clip.) One left the presentation with the question: On which side am I? The redeemed or the damned?
Photo 5: The chuch light up at night.

Route Info: km | hm | ca. | Track-Detail-View

26. Aug 2023

Conques - Livinhac le Haut

I lost my soap. I had stayed the night at the monastary in Conques. I hand washed my clothes in the early evening and left the soap in the washroom when I went to hang the clothes up. It was special travel soap for clothes, shower and shampoo. This morning when I looked for it, it was gone. The first part of today's hike went up a steep hill to another St. Rochus chapel. There I met a father and daughter who were walking together. I told them where I was heading and they said that it was a nice little town. I mentioned that since it was Saturday, I just hope that I can get there and find a store open where I could buy some soap. The daughter responded that today was their last day on the Camino and she would not need her soap anymore. So she gave it to me. I am glad she did, because the only store in the town where I went was closed until September 5th. On the package of the soap was an image of a young woman. I said: "Oh, this soap will make me look younger!" To that the daughter replied: "Yes, I used to be an old woman, now look at me!" Latter in our conversation I mentioned how old I am. They could not believe it. I said it was because of the soap that I use. We all laughed. Before departing I offered to pray for them. Afterwards the father said: "I see humor and love in your eyes." I think that that is how Jesus was. Many of his parables were quite humerous if one thinks about it... "Hey, before you try to get the sawdust out of your neighbor's eye, how about getting the beam out of your own eye!"

Video: While I was talking with the father and daughter, a Frenchman arrived and asked whether we had rung the bell at the chapel. That is part of the tradition when people come up to the chapel... I guess maybe to let people in the village know that you made it up that far and are still alive!

Route Info: 26.80 km | 886.00 hm | ca. 7h50m | Track-Detail-View

25. Aug 2023

Golinhac - Conques

Video: This was the second family I met along the way that was doing the Camino with a donkey. It looks very romanic and makes nice pictures, but sometimes donkeys can be very difficult to handle. This was the family's last day and their donkey was not having a good one. The mother and teenage son speak very good English. I met the son the day before at a pilgrim rest spot. He was taking a break from the hot sun and waiting for cooler temperatures towards the evening before continuing on. We talked a bit and I tried to encourage him. We stayed at the same campground last night and they left this morning before I did. Because the donkey was moving slow, I caught up with them. Apparently the donkey spent the night on a field with dried grass and did not get much to eat. (I think I would move slow too without a good breakfast...) The father and one daughter were very occupied with the donkey, the son had moved on ahead of everybody, and I walked and talked with the mother and her other two daughters, tried to encourage them and prayed for their journey that day... and for the donkey! I then caught up with the son, shared with him my story of how I connected with Jesus when I was his age and prayed for his spiritual journey. At the end of the day they made it to the middle age town of Conques (video clip), their final destination. Apparently the donkey did much better after the prayer until the last two kilometers. As is so often on the Camino, it is not always easy, but it is always good. We learn and grow stronger through the struggles. It was nice meeting this family and being part of their last day of walking.

Route Info: 23.90 km | 482.00 hm | ca. 6h42m | Track-Detail-View

24. Aug 2023

Espalion - Golinhac

It was a long, hard walk today with a decent climb and temperatures over 100 degrees. I tried to encourage other pilgrims and said: "Avec Jesus c'est possible! Avec Jésus c'est l'énergie de la résurrection." It might not be the best French, but people understood what I was trying to say. It was all the nicer in the evening. There was also a pilgrim hostel at the campsite where I stayed and all the walkers were allowed to eat together, whether they were in the hostel or campers. So I saw some pilgrims again that I had met here and there on the paths and I also met some new ones that evening. I was able to share with some of them about my life and faith in Jesus. Stephanie was also there that evening, who made the decision for Jesus yesterday. In the end, a small group of German speakers stayed together. A young man was not doing particularly well because of the heat during the day. I prayed for him that God would touch and strengthen him. For Stephanie it was the last evening. Others will only go one to three stretches further. Just a few plan to go as far as Santiago de Compostela and Cape Finisterre. I am one of them... "Avec Jesus c'est possible! Avec Jésus c'est l'énergie de la résurrection."

Route Info: 26.80 km | 958.00 hm | ca. 7h32m | Track-Detail-View

23. Aug 2023

St. Chély d' Aubrac - Espalion

I thought I heard a strange sound. What I did not realize was that my sunglasses which were hanging from my shirt had just fallen to the ground as I bent down to drink water from the faucet of a spring. Someone will be happy to find them later, I am sure.
Shortly thereafter, I met Matthieu and Maria-Amelie (photo 1), two young French Catholics who love and want to follow Jesus. They also want to get married next year. We had a very good exchange about life with Jesus. It was also somewhat like a conseling session that I would have with people when they want to get married. Maria-Amelie said our talk reminded her of when Jesus came to the two disciples on the way to Emmaus. All of a sudden I was there and talking to them about things that were thinking about. (I think Jesus was a quick walker too.) They took a longer lunch break than I did, so I moved on. But first we prayed for one another. I really appreciated that they wanted to pray for me too, especially that I would continue to have good conversations with people along the way. Thier prayer was quickly answered... I came to St. Come-d'Olt and went into the church there. Although there was a person sitting in the pew, I felt strongly in my heart that I should still sing in the Holy Spirit. So I did. In the end there were four or five people listening. A few minutes later I met a German woman from Lake Constance on the street. She said that what I sang in church was very beautiful. She wanted to know what language that was, whether it was Galic. "No," I said. "It is the language of heaven, the language of the Holy Spirit." We started talking and spent the next few hours walking uphill together. In the middle of the mountain climb we made a stop. She now understood the message of Jesus and realized that she needed to make her own personal decision for Jesus. So she did and we prayed together. After the prayer I asked her how she felt. She replied, "Relieved." You need to know that it is over 100 degrees, she had been carrying a backpack uphill for an hour and says she feels relieved! Only Jesus can do that!!!

Route Info: 22.10 km | 398.00 hm | ca. 6h3m | Track-Detail-View

22. Aug 2023

Nasbinals - St. Chély d' Aubrac

It was a daughter-mother team who ran the Pilgrim's Hostel. They were very nice to me, allowed me to take a shower there and take leftovers from dinner to be my lunch on the path. This morning before I left I said that I was a pastor and offered to pray for them before I would go on. Tears came immediately to the daughter and kept coming while I prayed. It was their first month to be doing this "project for the pilgrims", as the daughter put it. Their heart was definitely in what they were doing and apparently needing some encouragement. The path today continued through this prairie landscape... loved it! In a village a French lady came up to me and said she heard me speaking Englisch to someone and wanted to know where I was from. She had lived in Louisiana for a number of years and taught French there. We talked and walked a few kilometers together. She was not quite sure about who or what God is, but was looking for "signs" as she walked the St. James Way. I said that perhaps our talk and when I would pray for her, that that might be one of those signs. I prayed for her and then picked up my more quicker pace.

Video: It was about this time in August 42 years ago that I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. It happened on the side of a mountain in South Carolina. That experience has lived in me ever since and brought me today to the side of this mountain in France...

Route Info: 17.10 km | 354.00 hm | ca. 4h51m | Track-Detail-View

21. Aug 2023

St. Alban s. Limagnole - Nasbinals

I saw Tom very early today on the path, at first from a distance. I thought he was carrying an unbrella. When I got closer, I could see that it was attached to his backpack. He cannot handle heat so well and the unbrella helps shield him from the sun, but it also blocks the breeze that might come to his head. Tom is from the State of Washington. He loves Jesus. Tom found his way to faith through the Catholic church and was baptized when he was 38. He is very active in his parish and is seeking God about becoming a deacon in the church. We had a lot to talk about. He also likes to go into the churches along the way to pray just as I do... and as I like to sing in the Holy Spirit when no one is in the church, Tom will sing a few verses from Psalm 3 in Latin. We did that together this morning in one church in a small village. First he sang in Latin, then I sang in the Spirit. It was wonderful. Tom started his walk around 5 in the morning to avoid the afternoon heat. So he ended his day much earlier than me. Tom is about a half a day or a day behind me. I like the thought that I will be praying in a church and perhaps singing in the Spirit, and then Tom will be coming after me to pray and perhaps sing in Latin.... wondeful!

Photo 3: Today it was 95 degrees. In the next few days it is supposed to climb to over 100 degrees. It's nice to find a bit of shade!
Photo 4-5: In the early evening I walked through this beautiful prairie landscape. In the evening I was allowed to pitch my tent at a pilgrim hostel and eat dinner and breakfast in the house with the other guests. There I met three young French women who started their hike in Le Puy six days ago. They were amazed to hear from me that I managed this distance in four days, especially in this heat. I said: "Avec Jésus c'est possible!"

Route Info: 37.30 km | 818.00 hm | ca. 8h59m | Track-Detail-View

20. Aug 2023

Saugues - St. Alban sur Limagnole

There were many pilgrims on the road today. But unlike yesterday, I stayed longer in conversations with just a few people. I met a young couple in the morning, he from Venezuela and she from Spain. Both spoke and understood English very well. They had many questions about faith and what it means to follow Jesus. Very interestingly, they specifically asked about the meaning of baptism and communion and wanted to know my thoughts about the second coming of Jesus. I explained to them what God's book tells us on these subjects. Afterwards they said that they had "never heard these things before" and could now better understand them. I said that all of this and more is found in God's Word. Later in the afternoon, I struck up a conversation with an Italian couple who were very worried about their children. Especially the wife spoke very good English, since she had lived in the USA for a while. Her son has been suffering from depression lately and the daughter was unsure about her professional future. We talked and prayed together. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, who guides and accompanies us through dark times and can give direction in life.

Route Info: 32.80 km | 765.00 hm | ca. 8h28m | Track-Detail-View

19. Aug 2023

Monistrol d Allier - Saugues

Photo 1: There are a number of chapels and natural springs claimed to have healing virtues that are dedicated to Saint Roch. The name Roch means "rock". This old stone chapel in the small mountain village of Rochegude was one of them.
Photo 2: It is also possible to walk the Way of St. James with a donkey as a pack animal. It is however, not always easier to do it that way. I saw a man carrying an infant on his back and leading this donkey with his daughter. His wife and four other children went ahead of them and wete waiting for them to catch up in the next village. The donkey needed a break with food and water. I prayed for this courageous father and his family, who, by the way, also professed his faith in Jesus. I think he will be needing God's help with this trip!
Photo 3 - 4: The weather was very sunny and warm today, in the mid 90's. Today I saw many pilgrims on the way and some people who were having picnics. When I was preparing for this trip, I wondered whether I would even be able to talk to people in France let alone tell them something about Jesus, because I do not really speak French. But today I was able to give my short testimony in French to 18 adults. Also a number of children listened very curiously to this American trying to speak their language. With probably half of these people I was even able to pray a prayer of blessing. I never thought that I could have such a day like this in France!
Photo 5: Pilgrims' entrance to the town of Saugues

Route Info: 13.40 km | 551.00 hm | ca. 3h41m | Track-Detail-View

18. Aug 2023

Le Puy e. V. - Monistrol d Allier

Photo 1: The last two days I stayed with Pastor David's mother, Jeanine. She lives directly on the St. James Way between St. Julien and Le Puy. She picked me up at each destination and brought me back the next day to continue my walk. What a blessing it was to have home cooked meals, sleep in a bed and have my salty clothes washed real well! Jeanine made sure I got some of those calories back that I might have missed the last days! She must of sent me off today with about 2 kilos of food. It is a good thing she did, because I had no place to find things to eat for lunch and dinner. I even had a hard boiled egg left to have with my müsli and powdered milk breakfast. Thanks so much Jeanine!
Photo 2: I was just facinated with St. Michael's Chapel built on the top of this volcanic rock and overlooking the city of Le Puy.
Photo 3: A colossal statue of Mary also towers over the city. In the main church of the city there is also a Black Madonna that attracts multitudes of people every year. Just about 100 meters away there was a little gift store. I went in to see if I could get the stamp there for my pilgrim's passport. I could and I did. I spoke with the young lady at the counter who helped me and stummbled through my testimony in French. She seemed interested and smiled. I then said that I am walking with Jesus and asked whether she was too. Tears came to her eyes. She was searching for the God connection. Fortunately she undetstood English quite well and I could continue the conversation in English. I sensed God was speaking to her through what I shared. I asked if I could pray with her. She said yes and cried some more while I prayed. I am hoping that maybe someone from Jeanine's church could make contact with her and continue the conversation. It struck me that a person could be so close to the Black Madonna, be working under the shadow of the giant statue of Mary and surrounded by religious artifacts, and still not know the inner peace that God gives us through Jesus. Jesus is the way and the truth and the life and through him we come to the Father.
Photo 4: The city of Le Puy is the starting point for many pilgrims traveling through France. I noticed that today. I passed by at least 12 pilgrims today. With some of them I spoke briefly and could pray with four. That showed me two things. 1) There will be more people on the paths the next days. Many are very open to speaking about God. 2) I am not doing so bad at my age keeping a good pace even with my heavy backpack!
Photo 5: The small town of St. Privat-d'Allier

Route Info: 30.60 km | 806.00 hm | ca. 8h14m | Track-Detail-View

17. Aug 2023

St. Julien Chapteuil - Le Puy en Velay

"If we could find a church with a pastor like you, we would go there to church." I could take this statement from Manon and Sylvain as a compliment, but it expresses a great need. I met the two of them two days ago in a Gite de Etape, or pilgrim hostel. We ate dinner and breakfast together and talked about many things, especially about God. They understand and speak English very well. The next morning they started off earlier than me and, because of my 4km detour, I could not catch up to them. We were very happy when our paths crossed again today. We then hiked together from St. Julien Chapteuil to Le Puy en-Vay (photo 2). I shared more from my life and my walk with Jesus. I listened to their questions and we talked about them. Unfortunately Pastor David's church plant in La Tour du Pin is so far away. But maybe he can help them to find a similar church in their area. Again, meeting Manon and Sylvain showed me that people in France and in Europe in general are interested in Jesus, but they cannot find a faith group/church connection where they live that can further help them in knowing and following Jesus. I remember what Jesus said: "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."

(Photo 3) Manon and Sylvain ended their pilgrimage at Le Puy en-Vay. Manon gave me her St.
James pilgrim shell for my further way.
(Photo 4) The stairs going up to the Chapel of St. Michael in Le Puy en-Vay.
(Photo 5) Yes, I walked all the way up the stairs. The photo shows the chapel from a distance.

Milestone today: The 50th day

Route Info: 18.40 km | 240.00 hm | ca. 4h25m | Track-Detail-View

16. Aug 2023

Tence - St. Julien Chapteuil

Yesterday evening I was the speaker at a family camp. Pastor David arranged for me to spend the night there. It was an outdoor meeting at sunset (last photo in yesterday's blog post). I gave my testimony of how God healed me of a speech impediment and through the baptism in the Holy Spirit set me free from the fear of standing before people and speaking. Without this touch of God I would never have become a preacher, let alone an intercultural minister in Europe. This morning I was asked to speak again in the early meeting before breakfast. The director of retreat center, Pastor Philippe, and I got along real well. He told me that he was not really a pastor, but to me he is. He has a big heart for people to find Jesus and grow in faith. When he picked me up in Tence last night he wanted to show me a historical exhibition in an old church in town. As we were about to leave, I said hello to the overseer of the exhibition and said that I was a pilgrim walking from Germany to Spain and gave my short testimony in French. Philippe then continued talking to him and gave him a New Testament from the Gideons. Afterwards I prayed for the man and Philippe translated. The man had tears in his eyes. It was another one of those God moments. One would sometimes think that people in Europe have no time for God and no interest in God. But the heart is often in search of that which is "more"...

Route Info: 24.80 km | 685.00 hm | ca. 6h45m | Track-Detail-View

15. Aug 2023

Les Setoux - Tence

Again I took a wrong turn today and walked about four kilometers unplanned up and down an additional hill. But I've since learned that God uses such wrong turns as fitness training sessions for me, and that by taking the extra steps, my time schedule gets more aligned with heaven's. Indeed, I will have quite a number of hikes in Spain that will be very similar to the one from today in terms of length and elevation gain... fitness training! Now for the alignment of the time schedule: I got to the town of Montfalcon later than I wanted, around two o'clock in the afternoon. I was hoping to find something for lunch there. I saw in my hiking app, for instance, that there is a pizzeria in town center. But because today is the Assumption of Mary, everything was closed. As I passed through the main street, I saw to the left that there was a church that had the front door open. I decided to go inside. Nobody was there. So I sang a song in the Holy Spirit and prayed for the people who live in the area. As I did so, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that a shadow appeared in the front door and then immediately disappeared. As I exited the church, I discovered that the shadow was a young Frenchman named Ulysse who was also carrying a large backpack. I asked him if he too was walking the Way of St. James. He said that he was just hiking around France, had already covered 1000 miles and was now on his way home. I asked if he was doing it for sporting or spiritual reasons. He said he was not religious, did not grow up in a religious family, but was looking for answers to life's questions. He then took two small books out of his backpack and told me that he was reading these religious books. One was the Gospel of Luke in French and the other was a small book about the life of Mother Teresa. I told him I thought I could help him find what he was looking for. I explained to him why Jesus had to go to the cross and rise from the dead, that by doing so we are redeemed from sin and death so that God's light can be kindled in our souls, that we then become children of light, as God is light... we then have the God connection both now and hereafter. He got it. (Fortunately he could understand English very well.) We prayed together that he would commit his life to Jesus and that the light of God would be lit in his soul. Afterward we prayed I asked him how he felt. He said he felt peace. I said it is because Jesus brings peace into our souls. There is no longer any religious work that he must do in order to be righteous before God. God gives it to him through what Jesus accomplished on the cross. We then continued on our separat ways. If I had not gone the wrong way this morning and if I could have had lunch somewhere, our paths would not have crossed there at the church. I still had to walk 10 kilometers to my final destination for the day. As I moved on, I felt an energy inside me as if I had eaten a pizza with cheese, spinach and pepperoni. It made me think how Jesus once went through Samaria with his disciples and had no more water or food. He sat down by a well while the disciples went into town to find something to eat. A woman who had a very complicated life then came to the well. There, through her conversation with Jesus, her past found peace. It was a God moment that changed her life. You can read the story in the Gospel of John chapter 4. Luckily it was not a holiday... the disciples of Jesus were able to bring back something to eat from the village. When they got back to the well, they asked Jesus if he wanted something to eat. Jesus answered, "My meat is to do the will of the Father." Now I know how that feels.

Milestone today: 3x Mt. Everest

Route Info: 28.10 km | 631.00 hm | ca. 7h42m | Track-Detail-View

14. Aug 2023

Bourg Argental - Les Setoux

We do need boots on the ground. I had my breakfast at the camping ground in a public room for campers. Another couple who are riding bikes in the region came in as well to have their breakfast there. When you have just a small tent, it is nice when you can sit at a table for meals. We started to talk, me with my very limited French, and mostly the man who could speak some English. I offered to pray for them before we departed and went different ways. They accepted and afterwards the man said: "That was a very beautiful moment." I think it was also a God moment. I have found it to be very interesting on this trip that secular people are open for prayer when you tell them that you are a pastor and a pilgrim walking on the Way of St. James. I also experience that a slight touch of heaven comes down in that moment, a loving knock from God letting people know that he is real and there for them. There is really not much more that I can do. I am very limited when it comes to communicating God's truths in the French speaking culture.
The hike today was mostly uphill, 978 meters. The weather was not so hot and much of the trail went through the woods. Only a few people on bikes passed me. I used the time on the trail to practice giving my testimony in French (see video clip). Shortly after making the video I came to a biker who had passed me and was taking a break. I tried out what I had just practiced. He seemed to understand everything except when I tried to tell him how old I am. He asked me how it was for me walking the Camino by myself. I answered that Jesus is with me and I talk with God when I walk. I asked whether he talks with God too. His said "No". "Perhaps some day", I suggested. That is all I could say. France needs people who can speak their language and share God's love and truths with them in a way they can understand... boots on the ground. Who is willing to come?

Route Info: 19.10 km | 913.00 hm | ca. 5h29m | Track-Detail-View

13. Aug 2023


It was an ingenious idea from God that man should rest one day a week. Not many people know this, but the concept of a weekend has its roots in God's good intentions for us humans. Today I was able to really take it easy in a shady spot and rest. I took my time reading God's Word, washing my salty clothes from the last few days, and writing and posting the blog entries for the week.

Photo 1: The campsite where I am staying this weekend is in this valley just before Bourg-Argental.
Photo 2: A typical building structure in this region of France
Photo 3: The Way of St. James sign on an old wall
Photo 4: Pilgrims from Poland, whom I met again and again in Switzerland. They ended their Camino in Lausanne.

Route Info: km | hm | ca. | Track-Detail-View

12. Aug 2023

St. Pierre de Boeuf - Bourg Argental

I slept a little longer... until 7:00 am. Just before I was getting ready to leave the campground, I heard a man talking to others in English. I then asked him where he was from. "From Germany", he said, "from near Kassel". He is on his way to Spain by bike and has already walked the Way of St. James from Le Puy en Velay in France to Santiago de Compostela. I will arrive in Le Puy next week on Thursday. This is the starting point for many pilgrims. The man's name is Fritz and he is also a believing Christian. I suggested we pray together before we left our separat ways. He had a devotional book with him and read the verses of the day. So I ended up leaving from the campsite much later than I would like. I felt a tiredness all day and was looking forward to the break tomorrow on Sunday. The week was very tiring, but also very good. Today it was not as hot as yesterday, "only" in the upper 80's. But there were many meters of altitude today... 912 on total. Traces of salt could be seen all over my hiking shirt... I guess I am "salt" of the earth!

Route Info: 23.10 km | 824.00 hm | ca. 6h21m | Track-Detail-View

11. Aug 2023

Pact - St. Pierre de Boeuf

Although today's trail was not that far and not that high, it was quite arduous because of the heat... up to 95 degrees. I was grateful for shade and a breeze every now and then. There was absolutely no one else on the path. What I enjoyed along the way was the few opportunities to pray alone in churches and sing out loud in the Holy Spirit.

Photo 4: This is the last time I will see and cross the Rhone River...
Photo 5: St Pierre de Boeuf

Route Info: 27.10 km | 264.00 hm | ca. 5h54m | Track-Detail-View

10. Aug 2023

La Cote St. Andre - Pact

I am back on schedule today. The village Pact is at the very edge of Pastor David and team's church planting target area. So I was able to walk and pray through this whole region for the last three days. It did me good to be with David and his family these days. Their kind hospitality was a soothing oasis after a number of nights in the tent. This evening I had a good conversation with David and Anne's son, Matthieu, about questions of faith. Anne is also the daughter of the Superintendent of the Assembies of God in France. She took my itinerary and sought to find places where I could spend the night here and there with Christians from the Assembly of God churches on my way through France. Already next week, on Tuesday, I can stay overnight in Tence at a family camp that will be taking place and I might possibly speak during the evening meeting. On Wednesday and Thursday I will be with David's mother. She lives right on the Camino de Compostela. What a blessing this is for me that I was not expecting at all. I am so grateful.

Photo 3: If you look real close you will see snow covered Mont Blanc in the background.

Route Info: 26.40 km | 363.00 hm | ca. 6h5m | Track-Detail-View

09. Aug 2023

Lac de Paladru - La Cote St. Andre

Today I walked 20 kilometers from La Batie Montgascon, where I finally stopped in the wrong direction yesterday, to Lac Paladru to reconnect with my green line. Then I hiked another 19 kilometers to make up half of the lost day. But was it really a "lost day"? The whole stretch went through the target area for church planting that Pastor David and his team have. Not only do they want to establish a church in La Tour du Pin, but they also want to reach nine other towns in the province with house churches and church plantings. Our Assembly of God team of missionaries in Grenoble led by Mark and Dalene Good will be assisting Pastor David Maffrey and his group with this project. With your Snail-Trail per-kilometer-pledge or one-time contribution, you can invest in this effort as well. With the hiking stages of yesterday, today and tomorrow, I cross the entire focus area from St. Genix sur Guiers to Pact, a total distance of 96.44 kilometers. More than 100,000 people live in this region without access to a biblically oriented community of believers. There are Catholic churches spread throughout the area, but they are mostly empty. Wherever the front doors of churches were open along the way, I went in to pray for God's kingdom to come and his will to be done there. Three milestones were reached today and the last two days:
1) The first 1000 kilometers are now behind me.
2) One third of the snail trail has now been walked.
3) Exactly 50 years ago, around this time in August, I said "yes" to Jesus. That happened also on a lake shore (see video).

Photo 1: Lake Paladru - Connecting with the green line again
Photo 2: Path through the highway on the way to Lake Paladru
Photo 3: Pastor David accompanied me the last 19 kilometers from Lake Paladru
Photo 4: Way of St. James
Photo 5: Because I'm staying at David's today and tomorrow, I am only carrying a daypack today and tomorrow. This helps me to walk the extra kilometers to make up for the lost day, 39 kilometers today, 40 kilometers tomorrow.

Route Info: 27.60 km | 509.00 hm | ca. 6h49m | Track-Detail-View

08. Aug 2023

St. Genix sur Guiers - Lac de Paladru

It was the wrong bridge. I got up very early so that I could make my way to Lake Paladru in time. Pastor David Maffrey wanted to pick me up there no later than 6:00 p.m. if not already at 5:00 p.m. A meeting with his church planting team was scheduled for the evening. When I looked at my route early in the morning, I saw that my green line in my hiking app would lead from the campsite back towards the city and a bridge for about ten minutes. But I also saw in the app another footpath on my side of the river that led to another bridge and seemed to connect with the green line later down the path without having to first walk back to town. I figured I could save myself the ten minutes. So I took off. The footpath was really nice and interesting. After four kilometers I came to the bridge that I thought would lead to another bridge and finally to my green line. But it wasn't like that. This bridge went over the freeway, and the bridge from the freeway went to the other side of the river where I needed to go, and the path from my green line went under the freeway via an underpass. There was no way to get from my bridge to the motorway bridge and then to the right path. Maybe I was not wearing my glasses when I looked at the route in the app in the morning and did not realize that one bridge would not take me to thr green line like I thought it would. I had walked all morning in vain. I used up precious time and energy for nothing! There was nothing else I could do other than to turn around and walk back. When I finally got to the right side of the river, I saw a road sign pointing to La Tour du Pin. I knew that the village of La Pin is on the pilgrim parh to Santiago de Compostela and thought that La Pin was a short form for La Tour du Pin. I thought that if I would go straight to La Tour du Pin on the road, I could maybe make up for some lost time. But that was not the case. These are two different towns. I kept walking in the wrong direction. By the way, La Tour du Pin is also the place where one if the church planting project is that we are wanting to raise funds for through the Snail-Trail. At least I could walk straight there, I thought, and get there in time for the evening meeting. That was also a wrong assumption. The meeting did not take place in La Tour du Pain, but in another town at the pastor's home. I walked 18 kilometers completely the wrong way today. I was not very happy when I realized this. In that moment, God spoke to my heart.
On the Way of St. James I met a number of people who have very different ideas about God and eternity than what is written in God's book. They go their way towards eternity quite happily and purposefully. A lot seems to be similar. They are close to the water. The way is interesting. They have experiences. It's just that they are on the wrong side of the river. They come to the bridge that should lead to the afterlife, only to find that the bridge does not lead to the green line. They see from afar the true bridge and the clear way they should have gone, but cannot get there anymore. All the time, energy and effort has been wasted. They are so close and yet so far away... the feeling of despair gripped me. I thought of the words of Proverbs 15:11, "The grave and the underworld are open before the Lord, how much more the hearts of men." I started crying and praying for the people I know and have met on this pilgrimage who are walking on the wrong side of the river in life, hoping for a bridge that does not lead to eternal life. This experience moved me deeply.

Photo 1: Pastor David Maffrey with his wife Anne and son Mathieu. They are my hosts today and for the next two days.
Photo 2: Entrance to the city La Tour du Pin, where the church is being planted.
Photo 3: The services take place in the rooms of this school.
Photo 4: Evening meeting with the some of the church plant team... Many were on vacation.
Photo 5: The wrong way directly on the street... not so nice.

Route Info: 30.20 km | 759.00 hm | ca. 7h 29m | Track-Detail-View

07. Aug 2023

Yenne - St. Genix sur Guiers

Today I started late because my tent was completely wet in the morning and it took time to get it dry. It was very cold and moist when I got up at 6:30 am. Nevertheless, today was a very nice day for hiking. The path went quite high today, following the course of the Rhone River. The views from up on high were extremly beautiful. Southern Bavaria has the Alps, Switzerland has the wonderful lakes, and this region of France has the Rhone! Today I met only one couple on the path. The man is from Israel and the woman is French. With my broken French and his broken English, we were able to communicate to some extent. I briefly explained what I am doing and why. When the man told me that he is from Israel, I spoke out the Hebrew names of God: Eliohim (the God of creation), Yahweh (the God of the covenant), Adonai (the gracious Lord), Yeshua (Jesus/ the God who saves us), Ruach (wind of God/ the Holy Spirit). He had a big smile, shook my hand and said, "Jesus was a Jew." I said: "Yes. He was a very great Jew!"

Route Info: 24.70 km | 925.00 hm | ca. 7h31m | Track-Detail-View

06. Aug 2023

Chanaz - Yenne

I actually did this stretch yesterday so I could rest today. The missions board of VM-I is meeting this weekend. Normally I would be a part of this. But today everything is possible via the Internet. So this morning I was able to say "Hello" by way of WhatsApp and do a devotional. Otherwise today I hand washed my clothes and tried to get them dry between rainfalls. Also I have spent a number of hours updating this blog. It was difficult in Switzerland to keep updated because I had very limited internet units. I am now back in a EU country and can use my normal internet package. I hope things are better now. I am spending the day at the campsite in the town of Yenne (see pictures), mainly in the public kitchen, where I have weather protection and have had some short but good conversations with other campers. I was even able to pray with two elderly French women. One recently returned from a three month Buddhist retreat in India. Again, everyone is searching for their own way through life. I prayed that Jesus would accompany them in their search and help them find their way. They were thankful for the prayer.

Route Info: 17.30 km | 533.00 hm | ca. 4h56m | Track-Detail-View

05. Aug 2023

Seyssel - Chanaz

Today the weather was super nice, also the way along the Rhone River. Just because the path goes along a river does not mean that there is no ascent. Yes, it would have been possible to have walked along the state highway in the valley, but that is not very enjoyable. The footpath went over a mountain. Total altitude meters today were 753. But there were beautiful views from above looking down on the Rhone River. I also walked further to Yenne so that I would have a whole day off on Sunday. Today was the first day that I did not pray with anyone. However, I gave my testimony to an elderly couple in very broken French. I said: "I am child of God. I child 16 (pointing and counting my fingers) speak "Yes" Jesus. Today I am 66 (pointing and counting with my fingers again). The couple seemed surprised to know how old I am and making this trip. Then I said, "With God... very good!" They smiled and nodded. They told me that they either walked twice from France to Santiago de Compostela, or that they once walked two of the stages.

Route Info: 22.10 km | 464.00 hm | ca. 5h29m | Track-Detail-View

04. Aug 2023

Chaumont - Seyssel

Today was a real rainy day. I got soaked to the skin. Because I was walking vigorously, I stayed warm. But just before noon and the town of Seyssel I wanted to change my clothes so that I could go to lunch in more dry clothes. So I found shelter under the roof of a garage. Nobody was visible. I started changing. Suddenly the house alarm went off. My ears hurt. I heard words in French over a loudspeaker that I did not understand. My changing clothes was probably discovered by someone on a video camera and an attempt was made to scare me away. Life as a pilgrim, while simple, is not always easy. It was precisely because it was raining so persistently that I met Michael from Austria. He sought shelter from the rain under a tree, and is walking a stretch of the Way of St. James. We then walked the rest of the day together. He is a yoga teacher. He shared his perspective on spiritual understanding with me and I shared mine with him. He said that in the philosophy of reincarnation, all life is aimed at the point of death, when the soul leaves the body. One strives to be as pure in body, mind and spirit as possible at the point of death in order to gain a higher rank in rebirth, or at best to be able to escape from the circle of rebirths. He wanted to know what I think. I said that the grace of God is mightier than the power of reincarnation. I told him about the thief on the cross, to whom Jesus said, "Today you are with me in paradise." I told him about the Monster from Milwaukee, Jeffrey Dahmer, who killed a number of people and ate their corpses, how he found faith in Jesus in prison and was baptized before being killed by another prisoner. I told him about my own father who found the grace to repent just before he died. According to karma, they were all doomed and will have to pay in the next life. According to Jesus, they are righteous as if they had never sinned, because they accepted God's grace of forgiveness of sin. Jesus did the work of righteousness for them on the cross.
Michael: That sounds wonderful!
Me: It's called "the good news."
Michael: "It's too easy!"
Me: "God made it so easy so that everyone can come and receive."
Michael: "I want to keep up my struggle."
Me: "I've been resting in this grace of God for 50 years."
Everyone can choose their path. With Jesus it is clear path, albeit simple. He said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me." His empty tomb confirms that death... and karma, can no longer bind us. The grace of God in Jesus Christ is much more powerful!

Route Info: 17.70 km | 457.00 hm | ca. 5h18m | Track-Detail-View

03. Aug 2023

Genf - Chaumont

Live la France! It was a very nice feeling to set foot across the border from Switzerland and into France. It was also a very nice trail at the border post and the weather was quite pleasant. The light from the sun shimmered through the shadows from the trees. Another milestone reached. That gives courage for the further way through France! After 33 stages from my home in South Bavaria to Switzerland, I have walked 962 kilometers and 20,721 meters in altitude. My daily average has increased from 27 to 29 kilometers. I notice that I am getting stronger. In the beginning, 20 kilometers did not matter much to me and after 25 kilometers I started to look at my watch more often hoping to quickly come to the end of the hike. Now 25 kilometers do not bother me so much and after 30 kilometers I slowly long for the end of the stage to be over. Today I stopped in the village of Frangy and stayed in a bed and breakfast which overlooks the Mont Blanc mountain range. The lady who runs the B&B is a very friendly elderly French woman who had invited three women to dinner and told me that I was welcome to come too. It was a very nice evening where I was able to experience a bit of French culture. Before eating, I offered to thank God for our meal. It is normal for a pilgrim to pray, right? A few times on this trip I have offered to say grace at a meal with strangers. Afterwards they would say how nice it was, as if thanking God for a meal was extraordinary and very special. Actually, it should be quite ordinary and commonplace. All good gifts come from God. He is worthy of all praise and thanksgiving! ...also that I made it to France!

Route Info: 33.20 km | 816.00 hm | ca. 8h19m | Track-Detail-View

02. Aug 2023

Céligny - Genf

The weather was good when I was heading towards Geneva. All week I tried to go a little further each day than originally planned so that I could have Sunday as a complete rest day. So I went further than Geneva this day. The path along the Rhone River after leaving Geneva was very beautiful. The weather was slowly changing and finally I was looking for shelter from the rain. I came into a small town. There was no hostel there and the only hotel was fully booked. The rain lessened. It was mid afternoon and I wanted to make it at least as far as to the village of Cartigny. Although I found a place where I could have put up a tent here or there in the forest along the way, it was still too early to stop. I felt in my heart that God had a place for me, but I had to first get to Cartigny. I arrived in the village shortly after seven in the evening and had hiked almost 35 kilometers. I thought that if I could not find a suitable place to sleep, I at least wanted to have a decent meal and use up my remaining Swiss francs. I did not see a grocery store, but there was a restaurant in the village. I went there and told the waitress that I only speak English and German. Three women at a neighboring table all spoke English and were able to translate for me. We began to talk. One woman is from England, the other from Colombia and the third one from Uganda. They work together on a UN project in Geneva. The lady from Colombia had just retired and had her last day of work today. The three of them then went out this evening to celebrate. Actually they had wanted to go another restaurant somewhere else, but because of the bad weather they came to Cartigny. Here, too, there was no hostel, nothing. I asked if they knew where I could possibly pitch my tent. The woman from England, Heather, said I could do it at her house in the garden... but she also had a bed and breakfast. That was then in France about 15 minutes away by car. She would take me there and bring me back to Cartigny the next day. I accepted her offer very gratefully. Before we left the restaurant, I offered to pray for the lady from Colombia for her new phase of life. Today was almost the first day that I did not pray for anyone. But now at the end of the day it was possible. I felt that God touched the lady from Colombian, a good way to end the special evening. Speaking to Heather in the car afterwards, it turned out that she and her husband have been involved in a church plant in their community for a number of years. What is the chance of us meeting like that? The next day I had good talks with Heather, her husband and daughter. We prayed together. They allowed me to be their guest and without having to pay anything. I was greatly touched by their kindness and God's faithfulness to provide a place for me to stay out of the rain...

Route Info: 25.90 km | 322.00 hm | ca. 5h47m | Track-Detail-View

01. Aug 2023

Rolle - Céligny

Today I had a conversation with a man who was walking his dog. The dog didn't like my black cowboy rain hat and trekking poles... I experience this from time to time. I was all the more astonished that the dog walker still stopped and kept the conversation going. But after a while the dog noticed that I was quite harmless and he layed down patiently waiting. The man recently lost his father which made him think more about eternity. He knew there was something after death and a higher power, but what exactly? His thoughts leaned toward reincarnation. He would be happy to see again all the souls who had gone before him. It was precisely this statement that got me thinking afterwards. You have a lot of time to think when you go on such a long hike! If the teaching of reincarnation would be correct, would a soul released from the circle of death and rebirth truly know and recognize the souls of others? From which time span? From which form, having been perhaps both human and animal? Every soul would have to be reborn umpteen times, if not a million times, and to at least have lived as a man in the end, because according to the original teachings of reincarnation, the soul of a man is a rank higher than that of a woman. So ultimately a soul will escape a deceased male human body after having lived countless of times as other people, perhaps also as animals or insects. What qualities or personalities would that soul have in eternity? And what if you may have lived particularly well and could escaped earlier from this vicious cycle of living, dying, living, dying... and your beloved grandmother in her next life messes up and goes down a level or two and that happens again in the next life and the next... It could take forever for two souls to find each other again. Honestly, who really wants to be born mortal again, learn everything again, go back to work and pay taxes again, suffer again, and then die again and have to go through it all over again and again? Not me. I put my trust in the one who broke the power of sin and death. Jesus said, " I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades." Through his death on the cross and resurrection from the grave Jesus siezed these keys from the devil, who had power over death... and Jesus will never give these keys back! The hand that took the nail will take mine when I breath my last breath. The Good Shepherd will bring me home safely from this life to the hereafter!

Route Info: 24.40 km | 399.00 hm | ca. 5h32m | Track-Detail-View

31. Jul 2023

Lausanne - Rolle

I'm waiting at a bus stop right now that gives me shelter from a heavy rain. So I will use the time to work on this blog post from the last day of July. It was a very nice day and the path along the shore of Lake Geneva was indescribably beautiful. A section along a river through the woods was also very beautiful. Shortly before taking a picnic lunch break, I met a Swiss couple who are making a pilgrimage in stages through Switzerland. We spent the lunch break on the lake shore together. They are Catholic and said they wanted to draw closer to Jesus by walking the St. James Way. I love such conversations. They too had a whole number of questions. The topic of "aliens" was also addressed. Not that they thought they existed, but they wanted to know what I thought about them. I am mentioning this here, because I have already been asked a few times by fellow hikers about this subject. First of all, God's book confirms that extraterrestrials exist. God himself is not only extraterrestrial, but also extra-universal. He is exalted above all that is. He created everything and sustains everything by the power of his word. There is nothing in the universe that compares to God. The opposite of God is absolute nothingness. In addition, there are extraterrestrial beings that we call angels. There are two types of angels: the good and righteous angels and the evil and fallen angels. The latter are also referred to as demons. So there are definitely extraterrestrial angels. Now, whether there are other types of extraterrestrials from other galaxies, this we do not find in the Bible. But if there was, then they are also God's creatures, and God has a plan, an order, a revelation, and a purpose for them, just as he has for the angels and for us. How God deals with the angels, for example, is not my concern. I am responsible for what God has revealed to us humans here on earth. When I draw my last breath into my lungs, I stand before my God and have to give account as to whether I have been true to my God, whether I have believed his word, whether I have accepted his offer of salvation in Jesus Christ, or not. I am accountable for my response to this revelation. Personally I consider the Star Trek and Star Wars version of extraterrestrials to be a fantasy and distraction. The rain has stopped now, so I will continue on my way...

Route Info: 29.30 km | 309.00 hm | ca. 6h12m | Track-Detail-View

30. Jul 2023

Pause - Lausanne

We had a very blessed service today. Bob and Erin Stetz are doing a great job leading this congregation.
I was able to wash my clothes last night and let them dry today. So everything is fresh for the start of the new week. I also have WiFi here again and could complete the blog posts and upload videos. I don't always have the time or internet connection to post everything right away when I'm on the Snail-Trail. Not every tag has a video, but so far every tag has a comment. Believe me when I say I could have written a lot more. Unfortunately, there is neither space nor time to tell all the stories of one day. At the end of the day I am always overwhelmed by how God reveals himself. He is there. Always.
Photo 1: Old Town Lausanne
Photo 2: Church service on Sunday

Route Info: km | hm | ca. | Track-Detail-View

29. Jul 2023

Moudon - Lausanne

Yesterday I met Christopher at the church in Romont. He is a German-American and fast on his feet. He came and sat down next to me on a bench in front of the church. We started to talk. Christopher had just left a difficult life experience behind him and said he was trying to find God and Jesus on the Camino de Santiago. I replied, "I think I can help you with that." We did the last ten kilometers of the pilgrimage that day together, pitching our tents next to each other in the evening and talking a great deal over dinner and breakfast this morning. We then walked all the way from Moudon to Lausanne together today. Christopher is like many Europeans who have serious questions about God, Jesus, faith and eternity, but unfortunately cannot find a competent person with whom they can discuss such things. Keep praying for Christopher and the countless people in Europe who are searching for God. At this point I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who is praying for me and that God would help me to meet and speak with people who are searching. Christopher gave me his OK to post this picture of us and to tell you a little bit about our encounter. The the next day Christopher planned to continue his journey to Geneva, which was his final destination. Bob Stetz, who recently accompanied me for four days, invited me to preach at his church near Lörrach in Germany. So after the hike today I took the train from Lausanne to Basel, where Bob picked me up. I'll take a train back to Lausanne early Monday morning to continue on the Snail-Trail. I am now one fourth of the way to Cape Finisterre.

Route Info: 32.70 km | 772.00 hm | ca. 8h38m | Track-Detail-View

28. Jul 2023

Fribourg - Moudon

Today I reached two milestones: 30 days on the road and climbing as many altimeters as twice Mt. Everest. I still have seven more to go. Today was also the second longest hike of 41.15 kilometers.
What I've learned in the last 20 days... (I already wrote about what I learned the first ten days.)
1) When trying to find your way through a dense forest by following a deer trail, remember that the deer knows where it is going and you do not.
2) Not every campsite marked as such on a map is actually a campsite.
3) Blisters on your feet will eventually turn into leather if you can stand the pain.
4.) There are still many good people on earth who will help you in times of need.
5.) There are many people out there searching for God and meaning in life.
6.) A rest day once a week is a gift from heaven and is good for body, mind and soul.
7.) How grateful I am for my wife of 35 years!

Route Info: 39.80 km | 833.00 hm | ca. 10h5m | Track-Detail-View

27. Jul 2023

Schwarzenburg - Fribourg

Photo 1: Gateway to the city of Fribourg. From now on I am in the French part of Switzerland. It's not as easy to start a conversation with people as in the German speaking area from my home north of Munich to this gate.
Photo 2: "For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. (1 Corinthians 13:12)
Photo 3: The flight of milans and their calls have been with me for weeks. I love it! It reminds me of this text from Isaiah 40:31-32, which means a lot to me: "Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Photo 4: On the path to Fribourg
Photo 5: City of Fribourg

Route Info: 26.60 km | 618.00 hm | ca. 7h9m | Track-Detail-View

26. Jul 2023

Blumenstein BE - Schwarzenburg

That was the shock of my life...literally. I saw these sheep lying calmly in the meadow. Very carefully I tried to focus my camera through a net hole in the fence. I don't know if it was my trekking pole or something else that hit the fence, but an electric shock shot through my body. I screamed... quite loud. The whole herd jumped to their feet and looked at me in horror. The result is this photo. I have spent most of my ministry with the 99 sheep of the flock, gathering them together to become a church, leading and mentoring them. On this footpath to Cape Finisterre, the ministry is more one of searching for that lost sheep that went astray. Today I only met one person on the trail, an elderly woman from the Netherlands. I briefly told her my story and asked if she was also following after Jesus. Her answer was simply "No." In the last few weeks I have met quite a number of people where Jesus is not an issue in their lives. I was allowed to pray for this woman as with many others who have not yet found the faith connection to God. As Blaise Pascal said many years ago, "It is better to believe in God should there be none than not to believe in God when there is." That would be the shock of one's life.

Route Info: 24.10 km | 755.00 hm | ca. 6h37m | Track-Detail-View

25. Jul 2023

Interlacken - Blumenstein BE

What a coincidence! Just as I got to the campsite in Blumenstein, Markus went to the washroom to clean his glasses. He is Swiss and was talking to his German camper neighbor when I asked where the reception was. "There is no reception," was the reply. The campsite apparently has a new owner, and he no longer wanted day visitors or pilgrims. What should I do? I was tired after a hike of 31 kilometers with 1037 meters in altitude. It was evening and a thick black sky was getting closer. Markus disappeared briefly and then came back. I could sleep in the awning of his camper. As I showered, the storm passed with heavy rain. It was part of the same storm that sent large hailstones over Lake Garda region in Italy. It rained all night, but I slept well and dry. It turned out that Markus and his wife Tina are both devout Christians. Last year God put on their hearts to sell everything they had, buy a camper, and go from place to place to talk to people about Jesus... also a way of being a pilgrim, just with a camper. We got along well. If I had arrived at the campsite a few minutes later, or if Markus had had the idea to clean his glasses a few minutes earlier, we would not have met. I have no idea how I otherwise would have spent the night. Such a coincidence some people would think. It is this great almighty coincidence who knows everything and is everywhere and who made things come into existence in such a way that life on earth is possible at all. Purely by coincidence, the chance of our lives happened when the power and love of chance brought the lucky charm Jesus into the world. By the way, Jesus' death on the cross and his resurrection from the dead was exactly the redemption that we humans need in order to be saved. What a grand coincidence! I have chosen to give this omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent coincidence the honor he deserves. He is the beginning and the end, the eternal, living and true God. He knows us, loves us snd us there for us. Give him a chance!

Route Info: 31.10 km | 987.00 hm | ca. 8h40m | Track-Detail-View

24. Jul 2023

Brienz - Interlacken

"Are you the Prayer-Pastor?" Bob and I were making our way around Lake Brienz heading towards Interlacken. The man had jogged passed us twice and stopped right where we were taking a short break. We were sitting on a bench under a tree to get out of the rain. I felt a tug in my heart to say something, so I said: "It's not a nice day for jogging, is it?" His response was the question mentioned above. Who was this man? How did he know who I was and what I was doing? It turns out that he is a Christian from Bern and spending his vacation right there on the lake. He had just recently read the article in the German speaking Christian magizine "IDEA" about my prayer walk through this part of Europe. Because it was raining, I was wearing my rain hat just like the picture in the article. He wanted to know how I actually do the praying in the Holy Spirit while I walk. We started talking about living in fullness of the Holy Spirit. Bob and I prayed that he would be led and filled with the Holy Spirit more than ever before. Bob and I were amazed that right at the moment when Bob and I were hiking by this part of the lake, this man was out jogging. I think that God not only knows our names, but also our daily agenda. He knows when and where we will be... and he has a plan if we are open to hear his voice.

Route Info: 26.40 km | 588.00 hm | ca. 6h43m | Track-Detail-View

23. Jul 2023

Lungerersee - Brünigpass - Brienz

It was a shorter hike today of 12 kilometers, but still had a climb of 703 altimeters up to Brünigpass and to Brienz. At one point going up to the mountain pass, the path we wanted to take was blocked off because of a rockfall. In the moment a lady in her seventies showed up and said she had tried to follow the detour, but ended up back at the roadblock. She said that the path is otherwise a nice way to hike up to the pass and that it is a shame that it is now blocked off. Her name is Marta and she was delighted to hear that we were followers of Jesus, because she is too. We decided to continue on the path and had some good talks along the way. We did come to a difficult point where trees had been knocked down by a rockfall and were blocking the path. I thought of a text from a Royal Ranger song: "Royal Rangers never give up!" I fordged ahead breaking off branches and Bob followed with our backpacks. Marta was so happy that we made it. At a path crossing a little bit later we ran into two young bike riders. The one asked whether we were doing the St. James Way hike. I shared briefly my story with them including the time I was a Bible smuggler for two years during the time of the Cold War. They found that interesting. I then prayed that they would understand their destiny for why God created them and that they would live in it. We also prayed for Marta. Bob and I went to a restaurant on the pass for lunch. Afterwards the waiter said: "You guys are different..." Bob answered: "That's Jesus in us!" In Brienz is a Pilgrim Hostel. Bob and I decided to cut our hike short to stay there. So we had a half day break on this Sunday.

Route Info: 14.10 km | 683.00 hm | ca. 5h1m | Track-Detail-View

22. Jul 2023

Stans - Lungerersee Obsee

I met a colleague and friend of mine from Ohio at the train station in Stans. Bob has a heart and calling for the people in Switzerland. The next four days we will be hiking the Snail-Trail together. Today he got a real good feeling how it is to be on the road as a snail. Carrying backpacks we made it 34 kilometers and 1132 altimeters, a new record for me with a backpack. We did not quite make it to the campground, but found a beautiful place to stay the night on Lungenersee. A snail is known for leaving a slime track behind in its wake. We endeavor to leave a track of blessing behind us. There were a number of churches and chaples along the path where we went in and prayed for the people in the region. For many kilometers a man from Munich walked with us. We shared with him God's path to life in Jesus and departed with a prayer of blessing. He said that he had not yet had such a good talk on the St. James Way up until today. May his heart turn towards Jesus.

Route Info: 33.80 km | 1081.00 hm | ca. 9h22m | Track-Detail-View

21. Jul 2023

Brunnen SZ - Stans

Mountain number three today in Switzerland. Rainy day. Still very beautiful. I love the natural springs that are everywhere here where you can drink qater from the mountains and fillbup your water bottles. We need water to live, both physically and spiritually. Jesus said that he is the water of life and when we drink this water, our souls will thirst no more. This has also been my life's experience...

Route Info: 24.20 km | 670.00 hm | ca. 6h33m | Track-Detail-View

20. Jul 2023

Einsiedeln - Brunnen SZ

Bild 1: Today was the second mountain. The climb was not as long as yesterday, but had some steep parts. Amazing views from Vierwaldstättersee at the top.
Bild 2: Sepp and Caroline knew nothing about me. As I was coming down the mountain towards Sihlsee right before Einsiedeln, I noticed that there was no place for tents at the campground. It was more like a trailor park for permanent renters. In front of a house where several famlies live, there was a little field and Caroline was doing garden work near by. I asked her whether I could put my tent up there. She suggested I put my tent up in a nice spot in their garden next to a spring. In the background I could here the sound of cow bells ringing... Het husband Sepp came to us and they offered me to take a shower and have dinner and breakfast with them. I also could wash my clothes and work on my blog using their internet. I was so touched by their generous hospitality that tears came to my eyes. It is these unexpected gestures of compassion and brotherly love that charge up the batteries of spirit and body. Wir had good talks and I was able to pray with them. This is the Snail-Trail: Walk-Talk-Pray. When I left this morning I said that no one would notice in the grass that I had been there. Only the memories remain. I took water from their spring with me and water from their hearts.
Bild 3: View of Einsiedeln, a pilgrim center in Switzerland for hundreds of years.
Bild 4: View of Vierwaldstättersee
Bild 5: Andri is a young Swiss man 24 years old, whom I met on the path leading out from Einsiedeln. Today was his first day on the St. James Way. We hiked over the mountain to Brunnen and talked about life, God and following Jesus. He had many questions. Perhaps my answers will give him things to think about as he continues his journey. Tomorrow we take different paths. Andri will be going through Italy and I continue on through Switzerland.

Route Info: 30.10 km | 429.00 hm | ca. 7h37m | Track-Detail-View

19. Jul 2023

Schübelbach - Einsiedeln

"He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights." (Psalm 18:33)
David was often in high difficult areas. He knew that one wrong step could end a journey real early. Today I hiked up my first moutain in Switzerland. My hiking-app said that I did 1030 altimeters, a new record for me with a full backpack. The first part of the climb went along a mountain stream. It was actually an adventurous foot path the way I like it. But after a few kilometers there was a warning sign that the path was dangerous and to be traveled at one's own risk. Let's just say that I probably would not want to take my Royal Ranger group on it. I did not want to backtrack, because that would cost to much time and energy. I knew that once I got out if the canyon I would be on a normal trail once again. I decided to go for it. The whole time I thought of these words from David. The prophet Habakuk also wrote the same thought after God revealed to him that hard times would be coming to the people and land of Israel. Whether we travel difficult paths in life or hard times come upon us as a nation, God is there. God helps us if we let him. We will make it over the moutains like deer.

Route Info: 19.20 km | 888.00 hm | ca. 5h46m | Track-Detail-View

18. Jul 2023

Murg/W.see - Schübelbach

Filmclip: Footpath through a tunnel on Walensee. When I came out on the other side, there was a strong head wind, dark clouds and lightening. I just made it to the next tunnel when a heavy rain started to fall. There in the middle of this tunnel I ran into a young family with bicycles that was also seeking refuge from the storm. At this point in the tunnel there was an opening to the outside so that we could see the rain. We started talking and I was able to pray a prayer for them. As soon as I said "Amen", the rain stopped, and we went our separate ways. I thought of the text from the song "Battle belongs":
"When all I see is the battle, You see my victory.
When all I see is the mountain, You see a mountain moved.
And as I walk through the shadow, Your love surrounds me.
There's nothing to fear now for I am safe with You."

Route Info: 27.60 km | 670.00 hm | ca. 7h8m | Track-Detail-View

17. Jul 2023

Vaduz - Murg/Walensee

The red line on the wooden covered bridge marks the border. Today I went over this bridge to go from Liechtenstein to Switzerland. When I was 16 I went over another border that was marked with red. Jesus said (John 5:24): "Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life."
The cross of Jesus stands at this border crossing between life and death. His blood on the cross is the proof that my sins and gilt have been rightly dealt with. There is no more judgment and no more condemnation. When I said yes to Jesus, I crossed over the red line and entered God's kingdom. Old things passed away. All is new. My soul was lost in darkness, but now I am a child of God and live on his light. I wish everyone would find their way to the red line. At this border death can hold no soul any more.
...Just 100 more hikes after today!!!

Route Info: 36.10 km | 472.00 hm | ca. 8h2m | Track-Detail-View

16. Jul 2023

Gottesdienst / Pause

"You are at the wrong hotel." In Vaduz I was put up in a hotel yestetday and today by a dear brother from the church plant. There was no reception, just a computer where you could register and then be given a keycard for the room. The computer did not accept any of the reservation infos. Finally we found a man who knew the system and told us that my reservation was for a branch hotel, even though the confirmation address was for the one where we were standing. My host took me to the other place. To make a long story a bit shorter, today I met a man who runs a restaurant near the branch location. We started to talk and afterwards I was able to pray for him. This "God moment" would not have happened had the reservation not gotten mixed up. I am always amazed how God sometimes directs our steps even when we do not know it.
It was a great service at the church plant this afternoon in Vaduz. Some people from the churches in Bregenz und Götzis came as well to give their support. Pray for this region that God's kingom will become more real and visible to the people who live here. After the day of rest today, my journey continues on with a 35 kilometer hike to Switzerland. The path towards the next milestone beginns.
Photo 1: City Council from Vaduz where we had a small prayer meeting yestetday evening.
Photo 2: To the left is the border to Liechtenstein, to the right to Switzerland. Tomorrow I will walk this path on my way to Walensee in Switzerland.

Route Info: km | hm | ca. | Track-Detail-View

15. Jul 2023

Götzis - Vaduz

Today was a hot day for a long hike... 35 kilometers and 95 degrees. People ask me how I cope when it gets so hot. I sweat a lot and drink a lot and try to get some salt back in my body before my legs start cramping in the evening. I am thankful for shade and a breeze along the way and will shift sides of the path depending on where there is more shade. About one and a half hours before Vaduz, I discovered blackberries growing along the path by the Rhine River. I took some to eat. It was a welcome change of taste in my mouth to warm water. On a trip like this a person learns to appreciate simple things. Reaching Vaduz was an important milestone for me. As Samuel said to the Isrealites as they turned to God, the beginning of the golden age in the history of Israel, "Up to this point the Lord has helped us." That gives confidence for the next stretch, for me, making it through Switzerland. Another milestone from today: I have so far climbed enough altimeters equal to one time going up Mt. Everest. I still have eight more "Mt. Everests" before me. Tomorrow is a day of rest. I will be preaching at a church plant from Assembly of God missionary Paul Clark. He and his team are starting the first Pentecostal church in the country of Liechtenstein. You can be part of this effort with a kilometer pledge or one time offering... infos here on the Snail-Trail webpage. (See also video from today... one correction: I walked 35 kilometers from Austria to Vaduz and not 35 miles... got mixed up speaking English.)
Photo 1: Border crossing in to Liechtenstein from Austria on the hiking path
Photo 2: Trail along the Rhine River
Photo 3: Sheep know what to do when it gets so hot...
Photo 4: View of Liechtenstein and the Rhine Valley
Photo 5: Foot path on the Rhine shortly before Vaduz

Route Info: 31.50 km | 479.00 hm | ca. 7h14m | Track-Detail-View

14. Jul 2023

Bregenz/Hard - Götzis

"Give us this day our daily bread." (Mathew 6:11)
Before starting my hike this morning I purchased some food items at a grocery store to take with me. It was obvious to me that the man standing in line in front of me at the cash register was a person who has been traveling by foot for quite some time. He bought just two loaves of bread. Outside the store I asked him where he was heading. He said, "Nowhere". Apparently he has been on his way to nowhere since six years. He even thought that we had met somewhere before. After a short talk I asked him if I could pray for him. He was one of the few people so far who refused this and explained that he is not a person for things like that. Very friendly we parted our ways, but I felt sadness from the encounter. He left with purchased bread in his backpack and I with living bread in my soul. In the town of Hard I met with five people from the church in Götzis who wanted to do the walk with me. After finishing the hike and in the evening I spoke at a prayer service at the church in Götzis. We also celebrated communion. Jesus is the living bread who allowed himself to be broken on the cross, so that anyone may come without cost to have the hunger in their soul satified. I did that 50 years ago. I wish that everyone would come and taste and see how good the Lord is.
Photo 1: The group from Götzis
Photo 2: Path along the Rhine River
Photo 4: Gate to freedom on the Austrian-Swiss border where Jews attempted to flee Nazi Germany during WWII. Many were caught at this spot and killed.

Route Info: 24.30 km | 336.00 hm | ca. 5h21m | Track-Detail-View

13. Jul 2023

Scheidegg - Bregenz/Hard

In Scheidegg I stayed the night at the Pilgrim's Hostel from the Lutheran Church, one of the few places like that in all of Germany. The director, Werner, is a genuine "Pilgrim Father" who sincerely looks after the wellbeing of those traveling by. Interestingly I was the only guest who showed up last night, something that rarely happens. We had good talks in the evening and the next morning. After breakfast he sent me off with this song of a blessing that is in the video. Unfortunately those who do not understand German will not understand the lyics. I was quite touched and asked if I could post the song in this blog. I prayed a prayer of blessing over Werner as my gesture of farewell.
A colleague of mine, Assembly of God missionary Mike Clark who is developing a church in Bregenz, met me at the pilgrim hostel. Together we hiked up the mountain "Pfänder". It rained the whole time, but was still a nice hike. By the time that we reached the top, we were not just colleagues, but had become friends. Mike's dad, Paul Clark (We have been friends for a long time / Photo 2), was waiting for us at the top. Mike took the cable car down to Bregenz, because he had another appointment. Paul and I hiked down. I have now passed through Germany and am now in Austria on the Snail-Trail. In Bregenz a Chi Alpha group (Christian Student Ministry) from Texas was waiting for us. There have been doing a ministry outreach at Mike's church in Bregenz. I was able to share from my life and encouraged them to find and live their call for Jesus (Photos 4+5). We then hiked the remaining 8 kilometers to the next town, Hard. One of the guys in the group carried my backpack for me. We celebrated completing the 14th hike on the Snail-Trail with an icecream.

Route Info: 27.30 km | 659.00 hm | ca. 7h39m | Track-Detail-View

12. Jul 2023

Weitau - Scheidegg

Photo 1: There was a big thunder storm last night. I was so glad that I had a place to stay in Weitnau. The Royal Ranger Outpost Leader from Kempten took me in for the night, Tobi Pilz and his family. Repeatedly I have experienced what a great blessing it is for a pilgrim to receive warm hospitality. May God give his blessing!
Photo 2: I like it when I am alone in a church or chapel that I pass by on the trail. I sing a prayer in the Holy Spirit and ask God to bless the people in the community. Great accustics, not so great the singing voice...
Photo 3: Awil is the only person I met on the trail today. I greeted him in English and so we started talking. Awil is from Saudi-Arabia and knows about pilgrimages to Mekka in his country. I told him I was walking with Jesus to Spain, not to rid myself from my sins, because Jesus already took care of that on the cross, but to celebrate 50 years of following after Jesus. At the end of our talk I was able to pray for Awil and his family. He said that I could post the picture of us together and his name in this blog.
Photo 4: There were hardly any people on the trail the last few days, but a whole number of curious animals wondering what I was doing there.
Photo 5: Even though it rained most of the afternoon, it was still nice to walk in the rain. Either the shirt gets soaked from sweating or from the rain. At least the rain is refreshing.

Route Info: 33.60 km | 937.00 hm | ca. 9h12m | Track-Detail-View

11. Jul 2023

Kempten - Weitnau

No, I am not alone. Last week the man at the reception at a camp ground wanted to know. I said that Jesus was with me, but of course he does not need a place to sleep, because he is watching over me. One early evening I missed a turn and ended up going one kilometer down hill and then had to turn around and go one kilometer back uphill. That eats away from your energy at the end of a hiking day. When I got back on the right path, I caught up to another hiker, a woman pilgrim. We said a few words, but I needed to continue on to get to the camp ground before the reception closed. The next morning I caught up to the lady again on the trail. She had questions about faith in God, so we talked and walked a few kilometers together. When I continued on by myself ( my pace was quicker), I said out loud: "Lord, I know I needed to take the wrong turn yesterday so I could meet this lady and have this talk with her today, but would it not have been possible to just have put it in my mind to take a longer break somewhere in the shade instead of going two kilometers out of my way down and up hill?" Immediately the thought came to me: "That was fitness traing to get you ready for Switzerland!" We both laughed. Right... "we" both laughed, because I am not alone.
(Psalm 23:4) "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

Route Info: 26.60 km | 833.00 hm | ca. 7h26m | Track-Detail-View

10. Jul 2023

Marktoberdorf - Kempten

Today there were more animals that I saw on the path than people. Today was also the longest hike I had ever taken... 45 kilometers. It was only supposed to be 36 kilometers! So did I get lost? For two months back in January and February I mapped out each of the 117 stretches on the Snail-Trail. I wanted to make sure I knew where I was going each day. I have noticed though that there is often a difference between the theory and the reality, between the mapping and the actual GPS recording. Also sometimes I follow the St. James signs which take me on different and sometimes longer paths. And then once and again I take a wrong turn or miss one. My mapped out hike shows up as a green line in my hiking app. It gives me a clear basic orientation. I can chose alternative routes or find my way back after missing a turn by looking to the green line. At one point today both the St. James Way and my mapped out route were blocked off because of tree cutting. I do not like to backtrack, so I decided to work my way around the the blocked off area by following deer paths through very thick woods. That was probably not the best decision, but the challenge enticed me. I did make it though, because I could always check with my green line to give me my orientation. At the end of the day I was tired, but I arrived at my destination. In life we need good orientation to find our way and to help us get back on track when we miss a turn or go through life's challenges. For me that green line has been God"s word. I have been following it now for fifty years and it has always kept me on course. I have many options along the way that I can freely choose as long as it keeps me following the green line. If I miss a turn, I can easily find my way back. God"s word has led me through many challenges and crisis. I might have gotten scratched like I did yesterday passing through the thick of pine trees, and that will heal, but I have never been lost. That green line of God's word will break through the darkness of death one day when I take that last pilgrim's step from the here and now to the then and there... my eternal destination. (Psalm 119:105) "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."

Route Info: 34.40 km | 752.00 hm | ca. 8h47m | Track-Detail-View

08. Jul 2023

Lechbruch - Marktoberdorf

Today was my tenth day on the "Snail-Trail". It was an inportant milestone for me. I always said that if I can make it through the first ten days, then I can make the next six to Vaduz, the capitol of Liechtenstein, and if I make it to Vaduz, then I can make it through Switzerland. Tomorrow is a day of rest. I will be preaching at the Jesus House Church in Marktoberdorf and am being very warmly hosted by the pastor of the church and his wife, Martin and Mary Sappel. Martin is also the Royal Ranger District Leader of the German state of Bavaria. In the last ten days I actually walked 16.33 kilometers further and 536 meters higher than originally expected. These are the things that I learned during these first ten days:
1) If you are going to sit on a bench under a pine tree, make sure there is no sap that has dripped on the surface of the bench...
2) If there is no food store open when you get to a small town in the evening and you decide to buy a take out salad with tuna fish from an Italien restaurant and you still have a kilometer to hike before you get to the camp ground just before the reception closes, do not pack the salad on top in your backpack unless you know that the container is 100 percent sealed...
3) Delays and detours can be God's timing for encounters with people that you might not have had otherwise.
4) God holds the wind and the rain in his hands.
5) The foothills in Bavaria are extremely beautiful.
6) Seeing an old man carrying a heavy backpack is an attention getter and conversation starter.
7) The hikes tend to take longer than thought.
8) If you want the nice view, you have to be willing to take the climb.

Route Info: 26.40 km | 722.00 hm | ca. 7h7m | Track-Detail-View

07. Jul 2023

Rottenbuch - Lechbruck

Turning from God or waiting on God. Things happen in life that are sometimes hard to understand and put in the right perspective: "How can a good God allow this to happen?" Today I had a conversation like that with a fellow hiker that I met along the way, a middle age woman. We walked and talked for several kilometers. I tried to show her God's heart towards us. When God created us, he put us in paradise. Man lived in peace with God, with each other and in balance to his environment. Everything was as we would expect it from a good and loving God. This is his will for us. But God created us as a moral entity with a free will to choose good or evil, to believe God and do what he says or not. Unfortunately our original parents bit the poisonous fruit of "Do it my way and not God's way". The result is human history. Paradise was lost. However, God promised redemption and renewal. He did this through the cross of Jesus. He overcame the power of sin and death. Our God is the only God who can take the injustice and pain of the crucifixion and transform it into a resurrection. He did that with Jesus. He does that with us. Our God will make all things new and right in its time, when we wait upon him... at the latest in the resurrection.

Route Info: 23.80 km | 564.00 hm | ca. 6h14m | Track-Detail-View

06. Jul 2023

Wessobrunn - Rottenbuch

In six days God created heaven and earth. The seventh day was a day of rest. On the eight day man started his work and has been at it ever since. Today was my eighth day on the "Snail-Trail", a work day of almost 32 kilometers and 726 altimeters. All around me was the beauty of God's creation in the foot hills to the Alps. Work is not work when God is in it. I was able to meet, talk with and pray for six people today. One man 80 years old was cutting back grass and trimming bushes back from a path leadind down from Hohenpreißenberg. I stopped and thanked him for his work. He said that he did it without pay as a service to his community and that no one ever stops to say thanks. I shared with him the words from Jesus: "What you have done to the least of these, you have done to me." He was so touched as I prayed for him and spoke out a blessing over him that he started to cry. It is not dufficult to be a blessing to others. Just ask: "May I pray for you?"

Route Info: 26.30 km | 691.00 hm | ca. 6h57m | Track-Detail-View

05. Jul 2023

Utting - Wessobrunn

Yesterday evening there were dark clouds and a wind, but no rain. I was happy. This morning while I was eating my müsli in my tent, it started to rain. I was not happy. "God, do you not know that in another 45 minutes I could have had everything dry and packed up and ready to go?" My start today was delayed. I came to Dießen am Ammersee right at lunchtime. Since I also had müsli for dinner last night, because nothing was open at the camp ground, I decided to eat a spinach pizza for lunch. I was enjoying my meal outside when a wind came through and it started to rain. I was not very happy. I took refuge in the pizzeria. Soon the whole place was full of people. I ordered a hot black tea to pass the time. In the meantime only my table had seats still available. An older couple asked if they could sit there. We started talking. They are like so many Germans who want to believe in God. They want to live a Christian life, but they are so disillusioned by the instition "church". I explained that Jesus did not come to start a religios organisation, but to give us etetnal life and to connect us with God. I shared briefly from my life. After I said yes to Jesus, I started to read the gospels and got to know Jesus and his teachings. This changed my life. I encouraged them to start by going to the source and prayed for them. The rain stopped. It wad a wonderful afternoon for the rest of the hike. I was happy. Like in the children's song I learned as a little kid: "He's got the wind and the rain in his hands!"

Route Info: 23.10 km | 554.00 hm | ca. 5h45m | Track-Detail-View

04. Jul 2023

Andechs - Utting

It was a beautiful hike today down from Andechs to Herrsching on Lake Ammer and then around the lake to Utting. At some spots though on the lake path the trail got to be a bit swampy. Fortunately someone had put rocks, branches or boards at these spots on the trail so hikers like me could continue on their way. I was very much aware that someone had gone before me and prepared the way. In John 10 Jesus speaks about the Good Shepherd who calls his sheep by name, goes before them and calls them to follow him. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who has gone before us and prepared the way that we can make it through the swamp of sin and death. He is the Rock who gives us firm footing now in life and will carry us through to eternity.

Route Info: 24.30 km | 384.00 hm | ca. 5h55m | Track-Detail-View

03. Jul 2023

Schäftlarn - Andechs

There is much to see and hear in God's garden. Unfortunately people are so distracted by other things that they do not perceive it. The trail today was a very nice country path from Schäftlarn to Andechs. Right at the beginning though, a yello sports car raced by me. I wonder whether the driver noticed anything of the beauty about him, or just the roar of the motor and intoxication of speed. Later I passed by a young man walking through a stretch in the woods. He never noticed that I was coming towards him. The whole time his eyes were fixated on his cell phone. God's book tells us: "Be still and know that I am God." God still speaks to us in his garden... if we listen. (Photo 5: Saying good bye to Astrid on Ammersee)

Route Info: 29.30 km | 620.00 hm | ca. 7h10m | Track-Detail-View

02. Jul 2023

München - Schäftlarn

Today was a special Sunday. I got to preach at the place where my ministry in Germany started 42 years ago. Back then Elisabeth Haselbeck gave her life to Christ. Shortly thereafter her husband Franz did the same. Today they lead the ministry at the Charismatic Center in Munich. On the path today I saw the first "St. James Way" signpost (Photo 1). I will be seeing many of those on the way to Spain. It was a real nice hike today from Munich along the Isar River to Schäftlarn. Normally people on bikes do not stop to talk to me. This happened twice today. They wanted to know where I was hiking to with such a big backpack. We started talking. It was interesting that both were placing their eternal hope in the teaching of Karma and reincarnation. With Jesus it is so much different. He who believes in him, passes from death to life. A person does not need to keep coming back to earth to prove themselves and to make right their past failures. Jesus took care of all that on the cross. That is good news to me!

Route Info: 18.60 km | 363.00 hm | ca. 4h28m | Track-Detail-View

01. Jul 2023

Ismaning - München

I had an angel visitation this morning: My wife Astrid surprised me by visiting me on the sandbank where I had put up my tent for the night. She brought me a hot black tea the way I like it, home-made cookies, and a sandwich for lunch with cold tea to take. Loved it! It was a great foot path from Ismaning to Munich. In English Garden in Munich I had a conversation with a young mother from Poland. She was searching for the God connection. I told her my story. Friends were waiting for her. She wrote them a WhatsApp that she needed another 5 minutes. We then prayed for Jesus to come in her heart and to connect her with God. Five minutes for eternity... not bad, right?

Route Info: 19.60 km | 312.00 hm | ca. 4h27m | Track-Detail-View

30. Jun 2023

Hangenham - Ismaning

Duck weather this morning. In fact I saw more ducks than people on the way along the Isar River. The rain delayed my start. Once I got to Freising, the rain stopped. On the path after leaving the city there was a man sitting on a park bench. He saw my backpack and asked where I was going. We started talking. His life was at a dead end, literally. I pointed to the water of the Isar River and said that this is what Jesus promised us: Rivers of living water. We prayed for the flow to start in his life. I guess if it had not rained in the morning, the encounter would not have taken place.

Route Info: 28.20 km | 298.00 hm | ca. 5h55m | Track-Detail-View

29. Jun 2023

Buch - Hangenham

"It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land... He went without knowing where he was going. (Heb.11:8)
Sometimes God calls old men to take long walks! There is always that first day and that first step. Today was my day and I took that first step. It was a good day. I was able to speak and pray with a number of people. Just a few minutes ago a lady said yes to Jesus like I did 50 years ago. Amazing!
Photos: 1. Leaving home 2. Pilgrim's Pass signed by Mayor of Buch 3. Pilgrim's pass signed by Mayor of Moosburg 4. Walked by the Moosburg Church 5. Two men from my men's group went 6 kilometers along the Isar River with me.

Route Info: 27.60 km | 394.00 hm | ca. 6h17m | Track-Detail-View