26. Aug 2023

Plužine - Zaborje

Route Info:

21.43 km 820.00 hm ca. 5h57m

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The water reservoir Lake Piva. Today's stretch started with a 550 altitude meter climb up a mountain. There were some nice views along the way... and I did a lot of sweating (Photo 2).

Photo 3: You certainly would not want to have an accident here...

Photo 4: Meet Jonathan Hollingsworth. He and his wife Brittany are Assembly of God intercultral workers here in Montenegro. They live with their two children in the capitol city Podgorica, my next destination. It will take four days to get there. Jonathan met up with me about halfway through today's hike and would like to walk and pray with me the next days to Podgorica. Brittany dropped him off right as I was leaving a roadside stand. There was a picnic table in the shade there and I had attempted to speak with the man at the stand, but he could not understand English or German. So when Jonathan showed up, I went back with him to the table to take a water break and see if we could have a conversation with the man. His name is Vesko. Jonathan knows the local language and could translate for me. We had a God-Talk and were able to pray for him. Jonathan knows the culture well and could tell that we were able to break through to touch the heart. It was a great start for our walk together. It also shows how important it is to have people in these countries who know the language and culture and can build bridges from God's heart to theirs.

Photo 5/Milestone: Today marked the halfway point in Snail-Trail 2. Every step I take now, even through the distance will be further from home, will actually be taking me closer to home.
