26. Jul 2023

Javorniski Rovt - Naklo

Route Info:

40.35 km 739.00 hm ca. 10h40m

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Photo 1: Joe and Dragica are innkeepers with heart and soul. They did everything they could to make my short stay a good one. Joe spoke English real well. As I was leaving, I offered to pray for him and Dragica and their mountain house. Afterwards Joe mentioned that he would be taking two young girls down the mountain to the train station, whether I would like a ride as well. I had been offered a ride before, but always turned it down. However I was still feeling very tired from going over the mountain the day before and was now looking at a 40 kilometer hike to my next stop. Since I already had walked 32 kilometers longer than what was planned, I decided to save myself a few steps and said yes. It was a God appontment. The two girls were from Holland. They wanted to know my story which I gladly shared. I then asked them if they also had a God connection. They said no and were not sure if God existed. I asked that if God was really real, would they like to know it. The one girl said yes. I asked if I could pray for them. The one girl said yes and I could see her eyes turning red. I prayed. When I said amen, we arrived at the spot were I was to continue my walk. Joe got out of the car to open the trunk for me to get my backpack. He said: "Thank you for your prayers!"

Photo 2: Vefore I left the mountain house, I also had a talk with Tom from near Stuttgart. He had some changes in his life and was looking for direction. I encouraged him to seek the God connection, to get to know Jesus, and prayed for him. Aftetwards he asked to have a picture taken with me. That is always a good sign that the talk, the prayer, the moment was meaningful. There are many people in Europe like Tom and the two girls from Holland who just do not know how to find the God connection. It is really very simple. Just speak out the words: "God, here I am. Help me to know you." God will always answer that prayer.

Photo 3 - 4: The walk around Lake Bled was just extremly beautiful. On one path I met a family from Denmark. We starting talking and I felt prompted ro share how I came to faith in Christ in what Jesus has done in my life, particularly since the two boys are the age where God started his work in my life. It turned out that the family are Jehovah's Witnesses. They were the only ones who so far did not want for me to pray for them. Still, I sensed God wanted to speak to the young hearts of these two boys through my story.

Photo 5: After I left Lake Bled, I eventually came to the River Sava and will be following it for a number of days. It was another long day, still 37.5 kilometers. I ran out of water about an hour away from my destination. As I passed through a small village, a lady was working on her carport. We greeted each other. She realized I was a foreigner, saw my big backpack and wanted to know in very good English were I was heading to. I said Greece. She wanted to know if I needed anything. I said I could use a glass of cold water. She brought me water for my water bottle plus a refreshing cold can drink. We started to talk. I told her my story. Her name is Renate which means "Born Again". I asked her if she was born again, if she had ever said yes to Jesus. She said she would like to expierece this, but did not know how. We prayed a simple prayer together. She said yes to Jesus. Renate was reborn.
