23. Jul 2023

Seeboden - Döbriach

Route Info:

15.80 km 307.00 hm ca. 3h50m

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Photo 1: At the beginning of my hike today I saw this sign. It says: "Paths are made by walking them." There are a few places in the woods where I live that now have visable paths, because I have walked them. This is something I hope to do with the Snail-Trail as well, to encourage people to walk unknown paths, make life and God experiences, and engage with people along the way. Christianity is not boring when you walk with Jesus!

Photo 2: I spent half the day today walking around Lake Millstätte. It was a beautiful hike.

Photo 3: Last night I wanted to buy a carrot to have with my picnic dinner, but they were all in bags. This morning at another store I had hope to buy a carrot for my picnic lunch, but they were all in bags. Later on the path I saw a couple from Austria feeding these ponies carrots from one of those bags. I asked if a human could have one of those carrots as well, and they gave me a nice one! They had passed me earlier on the path on their bicycles and where curious to know where I was from and where I was going. I shared my story with them. I told them that wr are all pilgrims here on earth, we are all just passing through. It is important that we know our end destination. That gives us orientation for the here and now. For me that is the God connection that I have through Jesus. If they were wanting to make progress in their spiritual life, I suggested that they go to the source, to read the biography of Jesus. The man pulled out his telephone and typed in "Biography of Jesus" and wanted to know where he could find that. I love this question! It shows a seeking heart. I said that he could find this in the books of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John, the first four books of the New Testament in the Bible. He then asked his wife if their Bible at home would have these books as well. She thought so. I then prayed for them and their family before continuing on.

Photo 4: I decided to not stay at the other end of the lake as originally planned, so the hike the next day would not be so long. As I went over the mountain and through the woods, the sunny day turned to rain. I found shelter up on a hunter's stand... and ate an apple.

Photo 5: I made it to the village of Fresach, which happens to be on the Austrian Way of St. James. However there are no pilgrim hostels and no campground there. Near the local school building I met an elderly lady from the village who was walking with her daughter-in-law and grandchild. I asked them how it would be to put my tent up on the school grounds. The lady suggested I put my tent up under the roof of this historical building on the property to have rain protection. Then she added: If anyone asks who said you can stay here, just give them my name. I slept good that night, and even though it rained in the early morning, my tent was dry.

Certain names carry authority. That is what I like about the name of Jesus!
