13. Sep 2023

Pogradec - Progër

Route Info:

40.45 km 579.00 hm ca. 8h51m

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Video: 50 years of Spirit-filled life...

Photo 1: Yestetday evening Mentor posted a picture of him and me together on Facebook and mentioned that I was walking from my home in Germany to Athens, Greece. A friend of his by the name of Artin read it. Artin is a journalist and CNN representative for Albania. He called right away to ask if he could go an interview with me the next morning before I left town. This photo shows our filming session with Artin, me and Mentor who translated.

Photo 2: A screen shot from the news clip. (It rained this morning.) If you want to take a look, here are the links to the two instagram postings. I hope they work:

euro news:

Artin' personal instagram report:
Photo 3: Finn is one of two young German men who are at CFN volunteering for one year. 49 years ago I also did a short term missions outreach to Venezuela. That was my start in overseas life and ministry. My message to young people: There is a whole world out there waiting for you to discover. Why not check out a corner or two while considering what purpose God might have for your life?

Photo 4: Small village I walked and prayed through towards the end of today's hike. (The rain stopped after about an hour.)

Photo 5: After the village I walked on this desolate sheep path. I loved it. When I saw three wild dogs, I sang out my pilgrim song. They left for higher ground. I did not think my singing was that bad!
