06. Aug 2023

Petrinja - Hrvatska Kostajnica

Route Info:

34.22 km 575.00 hm ca. 8h2m

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Video: The sheep answer to the call from Pastor Nikola.

Photo 1: The feet of a pilgrim... The missing toenail on the big toe of left foot is from crossing the Pyrenees last September. You cannot see where the blisters were, but they have turned to leather. The right foot is swollen between the big and little toe and feels pain particularly after the first few hours of walking. I welcome prayer for my right foot. A friend of mine from our church in Moosburg who is a doctor said that I might have a stress fracture and should get an xray. Pastor Miloş was kind enough to take me to the hospital. Two things to mention briefly here: 1) There is no fracture, for which I am grateful. 2) In the waiting room at the hospital we had the opportunity to speak and pray with a young man from India who was having problems with his liver.

Photo 2: Pastor Miloş is pastor of a Baptist Church. We talked last night and today quite a bit about prayer, revival movements in the past and the infilling and working of the Holy Spirit. The writing above the stage at the front of the church says: "My house shall be called a house of prayer." We both share the same passion to experience a genuine move of God by his Spirit. For this we prayed together.

Photo 3: Pastor Nikola actually lives in Kostajnica, the border town before crossing into Bosnia-Herzegovina. He built a little farm there and invited me to stay the night there. Since I lost a few hours going to the hospital and to give my right foot a day of rest, I accepted Pastor Miloş offer to drive me to Kostajnica. Nikola greeted us with a home made meal, everything coming from his farm. We had a great time of fellowship together, and the extra day of rest did me good... I must be getting older.

Photo 4: One of Nikola's dogs laying on a bed of onions!
