07. Aug 2023

Hrvatska Kostajnica - Prijedor

Route Info:

37.61 km 776.00 hm ca. 9h15m

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Photo 1: The border crossing from Croatia to Bosnia-Herzegovina. Pastor Nikola took me across the bridge, over the border and about 10 km into Bosnia-Herzegovina. That saved me about three hours of walking. I still did almost 25 kilometers to get to the city of Prijedor. The swelling in my right foot is better, but I still feel discomfort almost with every step. I take it a day at a time...

Photo 2: Two puppies along the way

Photo 3: A view of the scenery of Bosnia-Herzegovina

Photo 4: The cyrillic alphabet is used more in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Photo 5: A little less than 50% of the population are Muslims. I will be seeing Mosques now as I walk.

Shortly before arriving in Prijedor I was running low on water. I decided to go to a house to ask for water. The lady who answered soon realized that I speak German. She and her husband had lived and worked a number of years in Germany. Their son still lives there and was visiting. They not only gave me water, but also a freshly made smoothie. We talked and at the end prayed. They are orthodox Christians, but do not own a Bible and really do not know the biblical message of Jesus. I encouraged them to get a Bible and to read the biography of Jesus. The father had an interesting name, Bogdan, which combines the words for "God" and "Day". Bogdan said as I was about to leave: "I cannot believe that an American has walked from Germany and that we are having this conversation in German at my home here in Bosnia-Herzegovina!" I guess God wanted that to happen on this day... "Bogdan"
