04. Aug 2023


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0.00 km 0.00 hm ca. 0

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I really needed this day of rest. I washed my clothes by hand yesterday evening and cooked spaghetti to last until lunch on Monday, so I could recover from the week of walking. It was God's idea that we have a day of rest. He knows we need it!

Photo 1: In the afternoon I was picked up by Pastor Nikola Škrinjarić to attend an early evening church service in Zagreb. Shortly after I got in the car, he asked me if I would like to preach. "That would be a great honor," I answered and then gathered my thoughts as we drove to Zagreb. Nikola reminds me of Caleb, who at age 80 said: "I still have that one moutain to take. I am not finish yet!" Nikola is almost 70 and is helping five church plants in the region.

Photo 2: It was a small group that met this Sunday evening, but the worship filled the room. Dragan who lead the music (video) also translated for me. We had a great evening together. Pray for God's purposes to take place in Croatia.
