15. Aug 2023

Turbe - Busova_a

Route Info:

34.85 km 336.00 hm ca. 7h37m

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Video/Photo 1: On the first part of today's stretch there was an old railtrack that is now a walking path that I could follow. Early in the day I caught up to this shepherd leading his sheep. We came to an open area were this photo was made. Shortly after that a car came and stopped. The shepherd stopped to speak with the driver. I passed the sheep and the next thing I knew, the sheep were following me and did so for about 100 meters. Maybe they knew I was a German shepherd!

Photo 2: More and more in this area you can still see bullet holes on the surfaces of the buildings.

Photo 3: As I was walking through this muslim city, a man at a Café called out to me. He wanted to know where I was heading. He could only speak Bosnian, though, so communication was dufficult. I then gave him the slavic greeting of departure: "S' bogom! / With God!" He responded: "Here "God" no, Allah yes." I then gave him the Arabic greeting: "El salam aleykum! The peace of Allah be with you!" He smiled and shook my hand. I said: "Isa (arabic for Jesus) dom (slavic for house)" and pointed to my heart. That is all I could say. This is Bosnia. I think if I could have spoken his language, we could have had a good conversation about God, Allah, Jesus, the Bible and the Koran. Who will come to these cities and villages and share with them God's story of love, grace and redemption in their language?

Photo 4: Scarecrows in a field

Photo 5: The last part of the stretch today was an actual walking path along a river that went parallel to the highway.
