18. Aug 2023

Pause / Godi AM+PM

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Video: Sunday morning service at New City Church in Sarajevo. It is the only international English speaking church in the capitol city of Bosnia-Herzegovina. It just got started a little more than a year ago. It is located in the area of Sarajevo called Novi Grad which means "New City". I was the guest speaker at the service this morning. I really liked seeing a number of young people in the meeting. It was also great meeting people there who live and work in Sarajevo, but also see their work assignment as an opportunity to be a part of what God is wanting to do in this city.

Photo 1: Meet Chris and Katie Saser, Assembly of God intercultral workers and founders of New City Church. They have also launched a skate board business in the city as a point of contact with people in the community. They have two Bosnian employees, one who is muslim and one who is Serbian. One of the values of the business and New City Church is to help bring healing and build bridges in the community between the different people groups who live here. Chris and Katie will be my host for the next four days.

Photo 2: Meet Curt and Sara Hobbs, Assembly of God intercultral workers also living and serving in Sarajevo. They are assisting Pastor Sasha and the ministry of the local Pentecostal Church, one of the leading evangelical churches in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Curt and Sara have a heart for students and the next generation, are involved in dicipleship groups and camp ministry outreaches.

Photo 3: Meet Pastor Sasha, one of the leading pastors in the network of evangelical churches in Bosnia-Herzegovina. He is very supportive of new church starts in Bosnia-Herzegovina, including New City Church and the new start from Pastor Andrei in Banja Luka where I was two weeks ago.

Curt arranged for me to speak at the Sunday evening Pentecosral Church service and Pastor Sasha translated. A short video clip from the time of worship will be posted tomorrow. May I ask you to pray for these people, ministry outreaches and the city of Sarajevo?
