03. Aug 2023

Samobor - Velika Gorica

Route Info:

36.75 km 291.00 hm ca. 7h34m

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I was not sure if and how there might be a God appontment today. The paths were empty of people. Later in the day I passed a young man lost in his thoughts, who was walking towards me. At some point he turned around and passed me again. This time he was curious and wanted to know where I was going. I told him I was walking from Germany to Greece. His response: "O, my God!" "Exactly," I answered. "I am walking with Jesus!" Briefly I shared with him what it means to have a God connection through Jesus and prayed for. During the prayer he said a number of times: "I was just thinking about that!"

Photo 1: About two hours later and towards the end of the stretch for the day, I was walking through a village when I saw a lady and her daughter working in the yard. She recognized the Way of St. James logo on my hat and also wanted to know where I was going and whether she could get something for me. I asked for a glass of cold water. Before I knew it, the whole family came together. The lady brought out a tray with water, fruit and cake. We talked and I was able to pray for them. They let me know that the stores are closed on Sunday, and Monday is a holiday where nothing would be open. I was very tired after walking 30 kilometers on a hot day. The son offered to take me to get groceries before the stores closed and to bring me to where I would stay that night and Sunday. I accepted his offer... I have been having pain in my right foot, so this was a relief at the end of the day.

Photo 2: Bicycle path leading out from Samobor

Photo 3: Nature perserve right before Zagreb.

Photo 4: Tunnel under the expressway

Photo 5: Lunch break on the shore of the Sava River... giving my feet a short rest
