24. Jul 2023

Döbriach - Faaker See

Route Info:

38.97 km 852.00 hm ca. 9h54m

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Photo 1: The path started off today in the woods, then went along the river leading to Villach...

Photo 2: Then the path took me to the highway, not so nice. But right at that point was a rest area for drivers. There I met Manuel (in the picture) and Mathew from Iran. They were working on finishing up a snackshop at the rest area that they hope to open the first of August. I said the few words that I know in Persian. They wanted to know how I learned them. I said that I helped refugees from Iran and Afghanistan learn German who had come to my city in Germany. Manuel, the owner of the snackshop, invited me to have a cup of tea. I took my lunch break and we talked. Manuel was a cultural Muslim in Iran. Mathew was an athiest Muslim. I do not know their whole story, but they fled their country, came to Europe, found the God connection through Jesus, were baptized, got the papers to live in Austria, found work, have families, and are now starting a business. I was so happy to meet them, one very positive example that asylum does help people start a new life. I prayed for Manuel and Mathew, their families, the new business and their journey now with Jesus.

Photo 3: Walking through Villach

Photo 4: Once I arrived at Lake Faak, I walked on a pier and took this picture. Somehow and somewhere I will need to get over those mountains tomorrow to Slovenia. As I walked off the pier, a man from Austria called out to me. He saw my backpack and wanted to know where my journey was taking me. He had done part of the St. James Way, but did not have the active faith relationship to Jesus. I shared my story, encouraged him to get to know Jesus by reading his biography, and prayed for him.

Photo 5: The campground where I stayed was on the other side of the lake. It was packed out. The junior boss was so impressed that I had walked from my home in Bayern to Lake Faak that he allowed me to put me tent up on the beach. That is where I took this picture of the sunset. I told the young man that my strength comes from the Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth. This faith in God is not just for emergencies and the point of death, but for every day living. I encouraged him to seek this God connection and prayed for him.
