11. Aug 2023


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0.00 km 0.00 hm ca. 0

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Photo 1: I had a nice day of rest in Banja Luka with Pastor Andrei and his family. We had a great lunch together by the Krupa River. The restaurant owner had spent some time in Germany and spoke some German. I told him what I was doing and he shared that with another family that was there who were visiting from Austria. They were curious and asked questions. I was able to tell my story and pray for the family and restaurant owner in German. It was a good bridge builder for Pastor Andrei to connect with the restaurant owner.

Photo 2: In the afternoon Andrei took me to meet these two brothes from Norway, Jørgen und Aril, who will be working with Andrei in the new church plant. I shared with them personal experiences about ministry and the importance of following the leading of the Holy Spirit. I prayed for them and they prayed for me... and my right foot. Please pray for this new church start in Banja Luka.

Photo 3: The Christ our Saviour Cathedral in Banja Luka
