04. Sep 2023

Skutari/Shkodra - Fischtë

Route Info:

27.21 km 320.00 hm ca. 5h51m

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This moring I saw Angela again at the reception. She wanted to know how I was doing after the long hike yesterday. I asked her if she understood the word "resurrection" and explained to the meaning. I then said that going to sleep at night and getting up the next morning is like a mini resurrection. I went to bed exhausted and my feet were hurting. Now I felt renewed and was ready to do the walk for the day. Jesus gives me the strength of the resurrection. I then added, that our God is the only one who can take the injustice, pain and death of a crucifixion, like he did with Jesus, and turn it into a resurrection. This is how our God is. There is always hope, always a new beginning, always a better tomorrow.

Video: I wish I could just go jump in the water like that!

Photo 1: Street view... I softly sang my pilgrim song of blessing as I walked through the streets of Shkodra.

Photo 2: It was a hot day, walking sometimes some very long straight roads with little shade.

Photo 3: I saw many railroad tracks that were no longer in use. If only they could be turned into walking and bike paths...

Photo 4: Water reservoir... a refreshing sight after seeing many dried up waterways.

Photo 5: Sunset over Fischtë, Albania. Shortly before the end of today's stretch, I stopped at a small market to get some Müsli. They only had one bag, and it had an expiration date from last year. She said she could not sell it like that. It was also too big for me to take... one kilo. The shopkeeper spoke some English and mentioned that her husband also liked to eat müsli in the morning. "No problem, then!", I said. "As long as nothing is moving in the bag, I will take half and your husband can have half." And that is what we did. Valentina and her husband Llazo are Othodox Christians. We talked and prayed. It was a good end to a long, hot day.
