14. Aug 2023

Jajce - Turbe

Route Info:

38.70 km 1116.00 hm ca. 10h17m

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Video: Dogs get so excited when I walk by. It gives them something to bark about. In some villages the first dog bark sets off a chain reaction to let other dogs know "Someone is coming your way! Get ready to bark!"

Photo 1: Another view of the Jajce Falls that I took this morning as I was leaving the city. I booked a "Sobe" (room) for the night online. My room was in the home of a Muslim couple who lived next door to the mosque. One of the speakers for the Imam's call to prayer was pointed directly towards the house. Just as I was falling asleep, the voice of the Imam penetrated the walls of my room. I got up early this morning at 5.00, ten minutes before the next call to prayer came. After this experience I must say that I much more prefer church bells!

My hosts were very hospitable. They mentioned that their home had been completely destroyed during the war in Bosnia. Many Muslims fled the city and walked the 40 kilometer path over the mountain to Turbe, the same route I would be walking today. I would be carrying a backpack. They carried burdens of fear, survival and an uncertain future. I would be walking today a historical path of tears.

Before I left for the day's hike, I prayed for my Muslim hosts and gave them a hug. Hundreds of years ago there had been a people group living in Bosnia called the Bogomils. They had some dualistic elements in their faith, but also embraced many elements of Christianity. They however refused to submit to the ecclesiastical hierarchy of the Catholic and Othodox Churches and were therefore decleared to be hereritics and were severely persecuted by both. In order to survive, they "converted" to Islam. As I hugged this Muslim couple today, I wondered whether they might be desendents from the Bogomils. I wondered how the history of Bosnia might have been different, if the people of God had truly been the people of God.

Photo 2: I was warned that there might be bears and wolves along this path, particularly further up the mountain. I was startled when two large animals came out of the brush towards the mountain road... and relieved to see that they were cows!

Photo 3: A long snake did cross my path.

Photo 4: Even though it was a long stretch today of 40 kilometers and 1175 altitude meters, most of it was in the shade going up through the valley and not on a busy road, quite a relief compared to the roads the past few days.

Photo 5: Once I went over the top of the mountain, I walked through a small muslim village. As I did, I sang my pilgrim song. At the bottom edge of the village I came to this spot with a spectacular view of the valley that I would be walking through the next three days leading towards Sarajevo. The burden of the history of the path, the pain of the past and the fate of the Bogomils gripped my heart. I looked to the many villages that I could see and sang out my pilgrim song with tears. If you would, zoom in on this photo and pray for the river of God's healing and redeeming grace to flow through this valley all the way to Sarajevo...
