25. Aug 2023


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0.00 km 0.00 hm ca. 0

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Yesterday evening I arrived at the Evergreen Campground in Plužine. It was deserted. No reception. An old man was collecting fruit from the orchard of plumbs, apples and pears that apparently served as the campground. I asked if I could put my tent up there for two nights. He said yes and showed me a shady spot between some trees and near the water source/bathroom. It was obvious that no one had been there for quite some time. The first thing I did this morning was take out some wet wipes and cleaned the sink and toilet seat and used shower water to clean the floor. Spider poop and cobwebs were everywhere. It was nice to have hot water, though... and a shower. I had the whole place to myself, very peaceful for a day of rest.

Photo 2: Scorpion in the shower room... You do not want to step on him bare footed when you take a shower.

Photo 3: Nearby Orthodox Church. I used the time in the afternoon to work on my blog. I did not think I would have an encounter with anyone today. Then towards early evening a young man on a bicycle showed up, Tobias from Germany. He was also wondering if the campground was in operation and whether he could stay there. Not long after that another man arrived who was traveling by motor bike through the region, Chris, also from Germany. I said that there was a shower, a toilet and a water source. Whether the old man would come around again, I did not know. Chris decided to move on. Before he did, though, we had a short talk. I told him I was a pilgrim and offered to pray for him before he left. He said he had an experience like that in Romania where an old woman prayed for him and afterwards good things happened. I said that it was God knocking on his door to show him that he is there and loves him. I also had a good talk with Tobias and was able to pray with him.

Photo 4: Sundown at the campground. It was a good day... and evening!
