08. Sep 2023


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I had the honor of preaching this Sunday at the International Church in Tirana. The service was held in both Albanish and English.

Photo 1: Pastor Berry Ogden, to my right, has been involved in ministry outreach in Albania for thirty years and the pastor of this church for about twenty years. It is one of the strongest evangelical churches in the whole country. Little did I know, but Pastor Berry also comes from my home city in the USA, Cincinnati, Ohio. He was sent out from Montgomery Assembly of God, now called Summit City Church. I know the church well. Pastor Rodney Dukes back then was the first pastor to sign a monthly pledge form towards my ministry support when I first went to Germany in 1981 as an unmarried Missionary in Training. It was great connecting with Pastor Berry... a touch of home. If only the Cincinnati Begals had won their season opener today!

To my left is Çimi. He took me out for lunch after the service to have an authenic Albanian meal. While we ate, Çimi shared his story with me. He grew up under the influence of an athiestic communistic regime. His family had a Muslim background. With the political changes that took place in Albania, Çimi began to question whether there might truly be a God. He first searched in the Koran and the Islamic traditions and faith of his forefathers for answers, but felt that something was missing. He then turned to the Bible and found what he was looking for, real spiritual life and the God connection through Jesus. Çimi then sought out some Christians to learn from them, later went to a Bible School where he met his wife, and had been a pastor for a number of years. Now he assists in the ministry of the International Church in Tirana.

Video/photo 2: Church service on Sunday
