08. Jul 2023

Moosburg - Buch am Erlbach

Route Info:

0.00 km 0.00 hm ca. 0

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This morning before I left, I read from Ecclesiastes. The verse 7:8 spoke to me: "Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof..." Starting something like a long foot journey can be very exciting. Finishing it is more than just succeeding. It is overcoming and enduring. The first step is taken in hope. Many questions fill the mind: "How will the journey be? What if this or that?" I like what Hebrews 12:2 says, that we are to look to Jesus who is the Author and Finisher of our faith. He calls us and keeps us. He will bring us to our God given destiny. Jesus is not only with us on path, he is the Way. He is the Shepherd who leads and guides...

Photo 1: One of the things I look forward to along the way, is seeing the beauty of God's creation, learning to see his glory in small things... like in a red poppy flower in the midst of a wheat field. If we can see God's glory in the simple things, we will recognize his hand at work in the greater things.

Photo 2: Astrid joined me for a farewell meeting at the mayor's office in Moosburg. I wanted to start with a prayer for Mayor Josef Dollinger and the city where our church is. Also Karin Linz from the city council and Robert Fetzer who is a business man who recently came to faith in Jesus Christ, were there.

Photo 3: On my way out of town I stopped by to see Richard. He lives near the Moosburg church. I got to know him as he would ride in his wheel chair past our church to go to the shopping area near by. Whenever my feet hurt and the walking is difficult, I think of Richard. His challenge is also making it through the day. Everyone has their mountains to face.

Photo 4: The first chaple that I passed, went in and sang my pilgrim song, prayed. It was a nice moment. The owner and builder of the chaple came. We talked and I was able to pray for him and his family. He invited me for tea and cake when I get back. Start and finish...

Photo 5: Walked through this cornfield.
