15. Sep 2023

Kapshticë - Kastoria

Route Info:

34.48 km 554.00 hm ca. 8h23m

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Today I crossed the line. I am now in Greece. Many times I told people that I was walking from my home in Getmany to Greece. Now I am in Greece. I still have about 700 kilometers to go. There are not so many people living in northern Greece. About 30% of the population lives in Athens in the south. Perhaps that is why there were not so many cars on the road... or maybe, because today is Sunday.

Photo 1: There was a real nice foot path leading from the border from Albania that I followed for about two hours.

Photo 2: I met the shepherd of these sheep along the way. He was an older man, seasoned by life and the weather. He could only speak Greek. I said two words to him in Greek: "Theos" (God) and "agype" (love). He gave me a real big toothless smile...

Photo 3: Towards the end if the day I walked by this older woman with a walking stick. She tried to ask me something. I think she wanted to know where I was going. I motioned with my hands and said: "Germania - Athena". I then said: "Theos... agype!" She smiled and answered: "Bravo!" How can you help, but love these people like the toothless shepherd and the widowed grandma?

Photo 4: Kastoria... where I will be staying the next two nights.

Photo 5: I was real happy to make it to this point... an Import milestone for me. I thought if I could make it through Albania, then I could make it through Greece... God helping me.
