17. Jul 2023

Anaberg - Pongau

Route Info:

22.81 km 555.00 hm ca. 5h51m

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This videoclip is from yesterday when I took off after saying good-bye to Astrid. I felt a tug in my heart. It is not always easy to say good-bye.

Photo 1: The Ambrose family were very gracoius hosts. After they drove me from Salzburg to the starting point of today's hike, the followed my suggestion to hike as a family to the Schwarzenbach Falls where I had passed by yestetday. That is where this photo was taken.

Photo 2: Sometimes the only way to go from one point to the other is on a road, and sometimes that road can be quite busy, and sometimes there are no walking paths along such roads.

Photos 3-5: Today was the first day that I carried a full backpack including my tent. It weighed close to 20 kilos including water and food provisions. Everything was full: soap/shampoo bottle, toothpaste, sun lotion, etc. Each day it will get a bit lighter. Walking past scenes like this, help you not to feel the weight so much. Also each day you get a little bit stronger. Sometimes life is like that. God allows us to carry certain burdens, not to break us, but to build us.
