09. Sep 2023

Tirana - Elbasan

Route Info:

38.89 km 934.00 hm ca. 10h16m

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Photo 1: Today was a day of milestones. It was my 50th stretch of Snail-Trail 2, 1500 kilometers are now complete, and in exactly one month I should arrive in Athens. It was also the longest hike so far with 43,95 kilometers and 1041 altitude meters. I only have one more hike scheduled with more than 40 kilometers. That one is currently listed as having 42 kilometers. So todays hike might retain its destinction as being the longest. I hope so!

Walking through Tirana, my green line led me again to a guarded residencial area. Once more I called my colleague Kurt Plagenhof to explain to the watchman what was doing. This time the guard let me through. He had no idea how I could get to Greece by walking that way, and I was sure whether there would be an exit where I needed it. Much of the gated community was still under contruction, and perhaps the back gate was not built yet, but I got through and continued on my way towards Greece.

Photo 2: Artistic graffiti on the wall of an underpass.

Photo 3: Once I left the city limits of Tirana, the traffic was not so bad, and eventually I got on a nice trail that led me through the mountains.

Photo 4: The mountain path took me along the ridge to the left of the expressway. I really enjoyed being off the road and away from the traffic.

Photo 5: This curios donkey was probably wondering what kind of a donkey I was carrying a load like that on my back...

I booked a room at a place just before the city of Elbasan. The house belongs to a Muslim family. The 17 year old daughter speaks good English. She asked me how I was doing. I told her that I was quite tired from the long hike, and the asked how her day was. She said it was her first day back at school, new class, new people, and mentioned that she has trouble speaking with people and making friends. I shared with her my story of not being able to speak correctly and the fear I had of relating to people I did not know, and how Jesus helped me speak correctly and set me free from the fear of people. I asked her if she knew Jesus. To my surprise she said yes. Even though her parents are Muslims, she and her sister said yes to Jesus a number of yes ago. I was then able to encouage her in her faith and prayed for her journey in life and that God would help her in relating to people as he did me.
