03. Sep 2023

Hani Hotit - Skutari/Shkodra

Route Info:

39.21 km 611.00 hm ca. 9h

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I am now walking through Albania, a country where I have never been before. If all goes according to plan, it will take me 11 hikes to cross through this country. 7 of those hikes will be very long ones between 36 and 45 kilometers. Today was the first one just 80 meters short of 40 kilometers. How will I hold up? How will my feet do? How will I communicate with no knowledge of the Albanian language? How will I manage through the still very hot weather? Many questions filled my mind as I started off early this morning. Then I went by this village church as the rising sun was shining through the cross on top of the church (photo 1). To me it was a symbolic picture of the resurrection of Jesus. The same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead and who now lives within me, will also strengthen my body and enable me to continue the walk from one day to the next.

Photo 2: Shortly after I passed this mosque, I took I wrong turn. Fortunately I noticed the mistake before I went too far. As I turned around and walked back, a car from England stopped. The driver and his wife were from that village, but now live in England. We talked briefly and before I continued on, I prayed that the blessing of Abraham would come upon them. Later towards noon I stopped at a grocery store to get things to eat for my lunch. The young girl at the counter spoke good English and was curious about where I was heading. I told her I was walking to Athens... with Jesus, and asked whether she knew him. She replied: "I am a Muslim." I said that that does not matter, that "Isa" (Jesus) is in the Koran and that it is possible to know him. In the evening I met with Pastor Koli in the city of Shkodra. Originally I was going to stay the night at the church, but that was now not possible. So he was kind enough to put me up in a new hotel right across from the church. The manager was a very friendly Muslim woman. I explained to her that I was a pilgrim walking through the Balkans and praying for the countries and the people that live there, whether I could pray for the blessing of Abraham to come upon her. Afterwards she commented how impressed she was that I could still find the strength to talk with a stranger and pray these words after walking 40 kilometers on such a hot day. I said that it is Jesus in me who gives me this strength.

Photo 3-4: Scenes from the day

Photo 5: Pastor Koli Puka has been leading the church in Shkodra for many years. It is one of the stronger churches in Albania first started by a woman from Norway. I asked him how I could be praying for Albania. His answer I pass on to you:

*So many people have left and are wanting to leave the country, particularly the younger generation. This affects the whole country as well as the churches.

*The Albanian evangelical believers are first generation followers of Jesus. Not always has there been solid biblical dicipleship and training.

*Other Muslim nations are pumping billions of dollars into Albania in an attempt to reclaim the country as a Muslim nation.

*Pray for the untiy among the churches, the church leaders and followers of Jesus.
