11. Sep 2023

Librazhd - Ohridsee

Route Info:

42.21 km 1034.00 hm ca. 10h17m

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Video: "Sometimes it is like that..."
It was another long hike today, 43 kilometers and 1087 altitude meters. About 95% of the hiking was on highway SH 3 and most of the climb was at the end. Hikers just love that! What a way to celebrate reaching the 2/3 milestone. But at the end of the stretch, there was glory. More about that later.

There was just one small encounter I had with someone today. In the afternoon I stopped at a fruitstand to buy a few pieces of fruit and vegetables. After I paid, the salesperson asked where I was heading. He was amazed when I said I was walking from Munich to Athens. I then pointed to heaven, made the sign of a heart, tapped my chest and said "Isa" (Jesus) and pumped my bicept muscle. I am not sure what he understood, but he then grabed a large handful of plumbs and insisted that I take them... which I did. They were good.

Photo 1: I do not know what this building originally was. It stands vacant and lady bugs were painted all over the walls. It has become kind of a landmark for the town Prrenjas just before starting the climb over the mountain.

Photo 2: This is it. It would be about 7 kilometers from the base to the top.

Photo 3: On the way up I went by a vacant gas station that had a great view of the valley below and surrounding villages. I stopped to sign my pilgrim song of blessing. Shortly thereafter I went by this shepherd. We could not communicate, just shook hands, looked each other in the eyes and smiled... two pilgrims from two completely different worlds meeting on the side of a mountain.

Photo 4: I said it before: "If you want to see the glory of God, you have to be willing to climb the mountain."

Photo 5: View towards Lake Ohrid on the other side of the mountain.
