30. Jul 2023

Dolsko - Tieneti_e

Route Info:

21.68 km 604.00 hm ca. 5h56m

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Photo 1: One of the nicer stretches along the Sava River

Photo 2: This path followed the train tracks. In the distance up on the hill you can see a church. When I got there, the door was locked, but someone had placed two apples on the doorstep. I took one of them and ate it. I will be honest: It was the apple without the bruise.

Photo 3: I met Boris yesterday evening at the campground standing in line for a shower room. He is from Switzerland, traveling through Slovenia by bike and train. Twenty years ago he walked the Camino. I got an earlier start today then he did, but Boris caught up to me on his bike. We walked and talked the next several kilometers together. In that time I shared with Boris my story, explained a bit more clearly why Jesus came into our world, went to the cross and rose from the dead. Boris also shared with me about his spiritual journey, and then wanted to know where I thought the world was heading. He was not aware of the pictorial prophecy of the course of world history recorded in the book of Daniel in the Old Testament more than 2600 years ago. I assured him that God knows what is going on, has a plan, and that the end will actually be a new beginning. I like the verse in Revelations 4:2 where John is told that he would be shown the things that will come. John then sees a throne and one is seated upon it. That is really all we need to know. Behind the curtains of history there is a throne. A good and just God sits upon it. When all is said and done, his kingdom of peace and righteousness will prevail and remain. I can rest in that. I prayed for this peace from heaven to be in Boris' heart as well.

Photo 4: Meet "Rocket-Man". His name is Erik from Holland. We have a bit in common, not wanting to retire from life when you release the daily responibilities from your life's profession. He is 65 and riding this velomobile from his home, through the Balkans, then take a boat to Italy and ride back home. We understood each other quite well...

Photo 5: Somewhere along life's journey, however, Erik let go of the notion that there is a true, good and loving God. I asked him if he had ever really had the God connection. So often religious rites keep people from the heart relationship to their Creator. They think that the forms, rituals and holiday observance is all there is, and go away empty. We talked about this for quite some time. The next morning, when these pictures 4-5 were made, I prayed with Erik. He said he usually feels aversion when people would want to talk with him about God. This time it was different. It was natural. He felt a closeness that surprised him. I said it was Jesus in me wanting to lead him to a life giving relationship with God.
