12. Sep 2023

Ohridsee - Pogradec

Route Info:

22.24 km 205.00 hm ca. 4h37m

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Photo 1: Finally a nature foot path! It was only for about an hour, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. For the rest of the hike I was back on the road.

Photo 2: The whole stretch today, though, followed along the coast of Lake Ohrid. The weather was great and the view of the lake and mountains constant and beautiful. Along the way I had short talks with an older couple from Germany, a young couple from Hungary and a young Albanien waiter. It is always interesting the people you meet on a trip like this. Particularly the couple from Hungary was interested in my experiences on the pilgrim path The Way of St. James.

Photo 3: North Macedonia on the other side of the lake. I will not be going through North Macedonia, but used this opportunity to pray for God's work and will to be done and for the people living there.

Photo 4: A reminder of another time in history. Can you find the butterfly on this World War II bunker?

Photo 5: I stayed the evening at CFN (Christ for the Nations). Pastor Mentor Rama is the director for this center for discipleship, Bible training and Christian conferences.
