19. Jul 2023

Südwiener Hütte - Mauterndorf

Route Info:

25.09 km 513.00 hm ca. 7h22m

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Video: You will never guess where this concert is taking place. I will give you a hint: "Silent Night". This is the church where the Catholic Priest Joseph Mohr served as a Vicar in the time that he wrote the Christmas classic song. I will tell you about how I got there below.

Photo 1: I woke up right at six in the morning and felt compelled to get up and go outside right away. God wanted to share with me the glory of the new day that he created. If you look closely there is a old hiking boot being used as a planter right in line with the rising sun.

Photo 2: These are my friends that I met yesterday evening. We also had breakfast together and talked about how Jesus is our bridge from this life to the next. The proprietor of the hostel joined in as well. I appreciated his own confession of faith in Jesus. As a pilgrim I offer to pray for the people that I meet along the way. This morning I felt comfortable enough to sing my pilgrim song as we looked to the mountains gleeming in the morning sun. Another one of those special moments.

Photo 3-4: From the hostel it was another steep climb, but not so long as yestetday. Coming down from the peek I began to sing my pilgrim song. In the distance another couple coming up the mountain heard me. When our path crossed, the husband mentioned in jest: "It is easy to sing when you are going downhill!" In the course of our conversation they mentioned that there would be this concert at the church where the composer of "Silent Night" had been a priest. It is located about 8 kilometers away from where the campground was where I would spend the night. This couple from Dresden was kind enough to offer to pick me up should we all make it back down the mountain in time. We did...

Photo 5: The Mariapfarr Church where the priest Joseph Mohr had been a Vicar.
