10. Aug 2023

Banja Luka - Krupa na Vrbasu

Route Info:

27.29 km 542.00 hm ca. 6h37m

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Photo 1: I wanted to start today's stretch by praying at the main Orthodox Church in Banja Luka, Cathedral of Christ our Saviour. Pastor Andrei took me there. In Serbia he had many connections with people from the Orthodox Church and has a heart to help them find their way beyond tradition to a living relationship with God through Jesus. This became very clear to me as I watched people in the church bow before the various icons, kiss them, and make the sign of the cross. It reminded me of my mother who was isolated from the outside world during her last year of life because of corona stipulations. My sister could only go to the window and knock. My mother could not understand why my sister did not just come in. I think God feels this many times as well.

A group of young boxers from Lithuania walked by and offered to take this photo. They spoke very good English. I said that maybe one day I would walk and pray through their country, shared briefly my story and prayed for them.

Photo 2: The Vrbas River that flows through Banja Luka. All day today I would be walking along this river.

Photo 3: The last half of today's hike followed the river on this main road. It would have been a very beautiful hike had I not constantly need to watch out fof the traffic.

Photo 4: After 29 kilometers I arrived at my destination, Krupa na Vrbasu. I then walked to these waterfalls which is one of the sources to the Vrbasu River. It was a relief to sit in the shade and be away from the trafgic. The tempetature got near 92 degrees this afternoon.

Photo 5: About 200 meters up a hill was the Krupa Monastery with the church of the holy prophet Elijah. I felt prompted to go up and take a look while I was waiting for Pastor Andrei to pick me up, even though I really was not excited about walking up a steep hill. Inside the church it was cool and quiet. I sang my pilgrim song and prayed for the people in the region. The monastary is runned ny three monks. I met one of them in the gift shop. I told him that I love Jesus. He also said in good English that he loves Jesus. I told him I was 16 when I said yes to Jesus. He was 15 and told me his story. We connected. I said a prayer of blessing for his life and ministry. He gave me a liter of mineral water. It was a special moment. After Andrei picked me up back down by the falls, I asked him to drive up to the monastary to also meet the monk. They too talked and connected.

Milestone: Altitude Meters 2 x Mt. Everest
