10. Sep 2023

Elbasan - Librazhd

Route Info:

44.51 km 1161.00 hm ca. 11h36m

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Video: "This is what happens when it rains!"
It rained all night and through the early hours of morning. I was glad that it stopped before I started today's hike. I had seen so many dried up waterways the past days. Now they are filling back up with water. Parts of the mountain paths that I have taken are actually run offs for water. I decided not to take the mountain path today, but to stay on the road. It was not so nice for walking, but saved me about 17 kilometers and 650 altitude meters of hiking. That was probably good for me, though, after the long stretch yesterday.

Photo 1: There are many pomegranate trees in Albania

Photo 2: I enjoyed walking through the center of Elbasan.

Photo 3: Right at lunchtime I was able to take a side road through a small village. All of a sudden I was surrounded by a group of children. They wanted to know where I was going. I asked if I could take their picture. They said yes, made a pose, but half ran away when I took my camera out. Communication was very limited. I made the sign of a heart, tapped on my chest and said "Isa" (Jesus). One girl seemed to understand and explained to the others what I wanted to say. May God reach the hearts of the children in Albania...

Photo 4: For well over an hour I walked through a major road contruction site. It look like they were wanting to contain a river and make an expressway out of the highway. A young man at one construction point called out to me. He also wanted to know where I was going and then how I liked Albania. I said that his country is very beautiful and that I see a lot of contruction taking place here and there. I then added: "There is hope for Albania to have a better future, but it needs its young people to stay to build it." He responded: "We all want to leave." This is Albania. I then explained that I am a pilgrim and am walking with Jesus, whether he knows Jesus as well. "I am a Muslim," was his answer. I told him that the Koran speaks of Jesus being the Messiah and explained how that is different than just being a prophet. I prayed for the young man that he might know this blessing of Abraham given to us in Jesus. May God reach the hearts of the younger generation in Albania...

Photo 5: I was glad to make it to Librazhd before it rained.
