24. Aug 2023

Kuta/Brod - Šćepan Polje

Route Info:

23.30 km 543.00 hm ca. 5h54m

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Photo 1: This is the main road between two Euopean capitols, Sarajevo and Podgorica. It follows the Drina River on the side if Bosnia-Herzegovina. This would be my route for the whole day.

Photo 2: A welcomed shady spot for these sheep. It was hit and miss for me.

Photo 3: Some nice views along the way. At the border to Montenegro three rivers come together. It is a popular place for rafting. Early on the walk a car stopped and the driver asked me if I would like a lift to the rafting camps. His name was Darko and he was on his way to visit his wife who works at one of the camps. That would have saved me about 18 kilometers of hiking on a hot day in Bosnia-Herzegovina. It was tempting. I said that I was a pilgrim and pray while I walk. He seemed to understand and continued on his way. A few hours later, now towards lunch time, he came by me once again. This time he had a packed lunch to give me from his wife. He told her about meeting me on the road. Both if them had done a pilgrimage from Bosnia-Herzegovina to a famous monastary in Montenegro. Darko is a medical student who would like to immigrate to Germany once he finishes his studies. So many of his generation would like to do this if they could. We talked and then I prayed for Darko and his wife that the Good Shepherd would direct their steps. They are orthodox Christians who love Jesus and want to follow him.

Photo 4: The single lane wooden bridge that crosses the river and the border between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro

Photo 5: The last view of Bosnia-Herzegovina. My heart was greatly touched by the people I met there, their history and spiritual needs. May God's will be done in this country.
