05. Aug 2023

Velika Gorica - Petrinja

Route Info:

41.29 km 594.00 hm ca. 9h19m

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Today was a day to hang out a flag in Croatia. It was Victory, Homeland Thanksgiving and Veteran's Day.

Photo 2-3: Not much happening on this holiday. Two scenes from the walk, one going through a village, and one walking under the expressway.

Photo 4: A God Appointment taking shape... The green line shows the path I intended to take. On the map it looked like a foot path that would take me away from the main road and eventually lead to a river and my final destination. However the foot path became an impassable jungle. I had to turn around and go back to the road (blue line). At the point that I took this screenshot, the distance to Petrinja, my original destination, and the city of Sisak where Pastor Miloş lives, where the same. Pastor Nikola from Zagreb had arranged for me to stay with his friend Miloş who was going to pick me up in Petrinja and take me to Sisak. I decided to just go ahead and walk to Sisak, so Pastor Miloş would not have to pick me up.

Photo 5: In the village before Sisak I saw an older man standing by his gate as if he was waiting for someone. I greeted him in Croatian and he answered back in German. He actually spoke better English, so we continued on in English. When he heard I was walking from Munich, he wanted to do something for me. He called to his wife to bring me a glass of cold mineral water. While we talked, a car pulled up. It was their daughter and family coming from Germany, from Lindau not far from where I live. We talked in German and English. I shared my story and about having the God connection through Jesus and prayed with them. The next day the daughter's husband sent me a WhatsApp to thank me for the short visit. They had gone through a difficult time recently and the talk and prayer had encouraged them.
