19. Aug 2023


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0.00 km 0.00 hm ca. 0

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Video: Clip from the church service yesterday evening in Sarajevo

Photo 1: Today was my day of rest. The Saser's dog Ruby gladly joined me.

Photo 2: The city of Sarajevo

Photo 3: This building was once the Lutheran Church during the time of the reign of the Austrian Hungry Empire. Today it houses the Art Academy. The red signs to the left advertise the Film Festival that is taking place this week in Sarajevo.

Photo 4: On the corner in front of this red building by the bridge is where the Serbian Gavrilo Princip fired two shots, the first hitting Franz Ferdinand's wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, and the second hitting the Archduke himself. The event is considered to be one of the immediate causes of World War I, which eventually led to World War II, which brought about the division of Europe between east and west, which gave rise to the European Union, which then... God knows.
