20. Aug 2023

Sarajevo - Madari

Route Info:

22.28 km 824.00 hm ca. 6h21m

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Photo 1: Sign at the entry to the Serbian section of Sarajevo remembering the pain of the past

Photo 2: Many buildings still show the scares of the war...

Photo 3: Some cooler weather and greatly needed rain came yesterday and today.

Photo 4: I decided to extend my route today so I would not have to go so far on Thursday. All together I walked 39,62 kilometers with 1523 altitude meters. That will reduce my hike on Thursday from 47 to 33 kilometers. I only took a day pack today. Curt picked me up so I could stay another day in Sarajevo. Tomorrow will then be another rest day after today's long hike.

Photo 5: This stray dog greeted me on the side of the road and then followed me for about three kilometers. He was looking for a friend, someone to give him a home (again)... but I unfortunately could not be his savior today. When I took a break, another dog chased him away.

As I was going through the town of Trnovo in the later part of today's hike, a man came out from a coffee bar and called out to me. He had apparently seen me earlier this morning walking out of Sarajevo. Now almost seven hours later I was passing through his town. He wanted to know where I was going and invited me to have a drink or a coffee with him. Fortunately the waitress understood German fairly well, and I ordered a mineral water. There were four other men sitting at the coffee bar as well. The waitress translated their questions and my answers while I drank my water. I explained that I am a pilgrim and pray for the countries I walk though, the people who live there and the people I meet. I asked whether I could pray for them. They all said yes. I knew they did not undetstand what I prayed, so at the end I said in Russian: "God is love! Praise be to God! Amen!" They all crossed themselves... a special moment.
