31. Jul 2023

Tieneti_e - Radeçe

Route Info:

33.57 km 865.00 hm ca. 9h1m

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It was between a rock and a hard place...

Photo 1: For the first hours today I had to walk along a highway. As I mentioned on day one of this trip, I hope to see the glory of God, discovered in simple things like this flower growing between the guardrail and the highway. Little did I know, but this photo would become a prophetic picture of the rest of my day...

Photo 2: "Rocket-Man" passed me early on in his velomobile. A little later I caught up to him. He was parked before the the two signs srating that the road was closed. He had ridden on, hoping he could somehow still manage to get through... something I would do. The road was closed because of falling rocks. A construction team was actively knocking rocks from the cliff so they would fall down to the road to clear the danger. Erik said it was just too dangerous. This was the "Rock". There was really no other option. The paths going over the mountain did not take the direction I needed to go. There was no other road. Going back would mean going a whole day back by foot. On the other side of the river, though, there was a railtrack...

Photo 3: I prayed about going through the falling rocks or walking the railtracks. I decided to take the calculated risk of walking the tracks, not really a good idea, and I would not recommend this option to anyone. This was the "Hard Place". To get to the tracks I had to go over this foot bridge which had seen better days. The sign suggested strongly to not take the bridge. I did... very carefully, clinging to what was left of the suspension structure... just in case.

Video: Actual footage of me going as fast as I could on the tracks. I needed to go about 4 kilometers to get to a point where I could reconnect with the road. I had to step aside for two trains that were coming towards me. Their whistles were blowing long and hard. A third train passed on the other track going my direction. It was a single yellow maintenance wagon. It stopped and two young men motioned for me to get in. They took me safely the last two kilometers to the next station where I could reconnect with the road. The expierece reminded me of God's promise to me (see Story/Snail-Trail) that he would pick me up when I needed it and put me where I needed to be. I was between a rock and a hard place, but even there God's grace and faithfulness can be discovered.

Photo 4: Shortly after I got back on the road, I came to this accident scene just as the ambulance was taking the driver of this truck away. How glad I am that Jesus is the Good Shepherd who watches over me.

Photo 5: I was glad to make it to my destination for the day... all us well that ends well, a good meal to celebrate the goodness of God!
