27. Jul 2023

Naklo - Ljubljana

Route Info:

34.23 km 474.00 hm ca. 7h53m

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I was so glad to arrive at the home of Pastor Drago Sukič and his wife Megy yesterday evening. It had been a long hike of 9.5 hours walking time. My talk with Renate delayed my arrival by a good half hour. Pastor Drago got on his bike to look for me. When I came around the corner to their house, Megy was standing in front of the house with their neighbors. What a relief! I made it! I was able to share my story with the neighbors and pray for them. That is what the Snail-Trail is all about: Walk-Talk-Pray. I had a wonderful evenig with Drago and Megy. They are very gracoius hosts and great people of God. They lead and pastor the church in the city of Kranj. Pastor Drago also works full time and is the Assistent Superintendent of the Pentecostal Churches in Slovenia which consists of a network of 13 churches. Slovenia is a country of about 2 million people. There is a great need to reach the younger generation and to develop younger pastors. Please listen to the video and pray for Slovenia.

Photo 2: This church in Kranj was originally a Protestant Church, but was taken over by the Catholic Church during the Counter-Reformation. It was a very sad chapter in the history of Christianity in Europe that still impacts its spiritual landscape today.

Photo 3 - 4: Much of the day I followed the River Sava. Sometimes I walk on roads, sometimes on raw nature paths along the edge of the river. I never thought I would have a God-Talk with someone on this path...

Photo 5: ...Then I saw two dogs coming out of the brush. A little later their owners followed, a young couple Pavel and Marsha. Pavel recognized my "Camino" logo on my hat - They Way of St. James. That got the conversation started. The two are Catholic and want to follow Jesus. We talked about God's purposes for their lives and prayed together. It was a special moment.

On my way into Ljubljana I saw three Mormons coming my way. They greeted me in Slovenian, but I knew they spoke English and answered: "Tell me what you think about Jesus!" We had a great conversation where I could share my story and explain some serious questions that I have about some of their teachings. They did allow me to pray for them... Walk-Talk-Pray.

I got to the hostel in Ljubljana later than I wanted. But that was also God's timing. While I was making something to eat, I heard two young girls speaking German. I outed myself as a German speaker and they invited me to eat with them. Let me just say that a very long and meaningful conversation took place. There were tears. We prayed. I believe God touched and encouraged their hearts in a special way.
