16. Sep 2023


Route Info:

0.00 km 0.00 hm ca.

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I always look forward to my day of rest. This time it was on a Monday, as I did not want to spend the Saturday and Sunday evenings on the Albanian-Greece border. I am now back in an EU country that uses the Euro as their currency. My phone/internet package from Germany is again active. I spent most of the day getting the blog postings up to date. Tomorrow starts a new week of walking with new challenges and opportunities. There is a lot of rain in the forecast for the coming days. There are two stages that end in small villages where I do not know if and where I can find water and food resources or a sleeping place. I am still in bear territory. I saw a warning sign on the road yesterday and maybe a footprint. Thanks for praying for me.

Photos: Impressions from Kastoria
