22. Aug 2023

Madari - Kuta/Brod

Route Info:

47.24 km 1180.00 hm ca. 11h59m

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Video: Chris and Katie Saser would like to use this vacant building in the backgroung with the high tower to be a center for their skating business, international church and indoor community skating facility. It would draw young people from the various people groups together to help promote healing and reconciliation which is so greatly needed in Sarajevo.

Photo 1: The sign says, "Warning! Forbidden Entry. Potential mines." I saw it laying on the side of the road that I was hiking on. I do not know where it was originally mounted or whether I was in a landmine area. It is certainly a reminder that you can not just walk anywhere you want in this country.

Photo 2-4: Road following the Bistrica River. I had actually wanted to go a different way, but missed a turn off. This way had a number of tunnels on it. One was long, had a curve in it and no lights. It was good practice for a hike coming up in Montenegro that has a lot of tunnels, some long with curves and no lights.

Photo 5: Mountains of Bosnia-Herzegovina
