27. Aug 2023

Zaborje - Gornje Polje

Route Info:

29.71 km 380.00 hm ca. 7h23m

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Jonathan and I spent the night at this motel. Between Plužine yesterday and this place there were no other stores, water sources or restaurants. We were out if water when we arrived and glad to have this place to stay. The food was good, the room very simple, the shower and toilet worked. What more could you ask for? In the evening we met a man from England who has a home and spends the summer months there in the area. We were able to talk and pray with him. Early this morning we were also able to talk and pray with the cook and the junior boss. Even though they understood English quite well, it was still good that Jonathan could pray for them and explain a few things in their language. Jonathan also had two New Testaments that are santioned by the orthodox church that he was able to give them.

Photo 2: There was not much traffic on this part of the road, but nice views of the surrounding mountains.

Photo 3: This dog followed us for about 6 kilometers. We thought he was a stray as there are many on the side of roads. It was a very friendly, young dog that seemed to like walking and was street smart. Jonathan was negotiating with his wife by phone about the possiblity of picking the dog up and taking it home when a car pulled up. It was the owner, an older woman. The dog ran over to her, then back to us. I think he would have like to continue his adventure with us.

Photo 4: Praying for Montenegro

Photo 5: Later the traffic on the road picked up. We were glad to take a sideroad after a few kilometers that took us to the village of Gorne Polje which means "High Field". We stayed the night at a small campground next to a river. After the evening meal I met three Germans who were traveling through the region and both of their vehicles had broken down. They were stuck at the campground waiting for spare parts to be delivered. They had many questions and I was able to share my story with them and pray for them. Perhaps the talk will give some orientation in their further journey through life.
