29. Aug 2023

Ribljak - Podgorica

Route Info:

36.47 km 429.00 hm ca. 7h56m

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Shortly after leaving the campground, this black dog started walking with me. It kept looking back to me to see if I was still following. Together we went over this hanging bridge. After about 4 kilometers we came to a crossing in a small village. The dog went to the right and I needed to turn left. I think I know why it turned right. Shortly after my left turn I came to a house that had three dogs viciously barking at me that were unleashed. The black dog must have known they were there. My sticks and pilgrim song seem to help in such situations.

Photo 2: Even though it was a long hike of almost 40 kilometers, I did not pass a sigle grocery store or water source along the way other than one restaurant. Fortunately Brittany and Jonathan brought me a cold bottle of mineral water and lunch inbetween visits to the visa office. As I got closer to the city of Podgorica, I walked on a back road that took me through a number of small villages. All of a sudden the path turned into a jungle that I could not pass through. That is this picture. You can see that there was once a dirt road there. I hate it when a path ends like that, but that is also part of the journey. The detour costed me an extra three kilometets which is a lot on a long stretch like today.

Photo 3: The final path leading to Podgorica. There was no traffic on this one which was a great relief. I sang my pilgrim song of blessing as I approached the city.

Photo 4: Jonathan was waiting for me in his car before the main Orthodox Chuch in the center of Podgorica. I was really glad to see him, get to his and Brittany's house, meet their two boys and two cats, take a shower, have something to eat, get my clothes washed... and go to bed.

Photo 5: Another pilgrim path comes to an end. I always felt that if I could make it to Podgorica, then I could make it to Tirana... my next destination.
