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Following Jesus...

I got to know Jesus by reading his biography, the first four books of the New Testament. I was 16. I often wondered how it would have been to actually walk with Jesus, hear his words and be part of his encounters with people. Certainly life changing. A bit of that I was able to experience on Snail-Trail 1 as I walked from my home in southern Germany to the west coast of Spain. It was an amazing experience. Even though I could not see Jesus, I sensed his presence, leading and enabling. I got to be a part of his encounters with people through conversations and prayers that I had with them.

Snail-Trail 2.0...

Following Jesus does not end by reaching a certain destination, completing a certain task or reaching a certain age. The call continues. The path leads on. My steps on Snail-Trail 2 will take me from my home near Munich, Germany, through Austria and the Balkan countries of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania and Greece. I hope to arrive in Athens by the third week in October. I invite you to join me on this journey of walking with Jesus by way of the photos, thoughts and film clips on the blog.


This region of Europe has great needs. Seven of the ten poorest nations in Europe are in the Balkans. The past Balkan wars have left scars in the soul of the people and landmines in the ground in numerous areas. The recent mass movement of refugees through many of these nations, the financial crisis in the region and the aftermath of corona have taken their toll on the people and their welfare. Churches struggle with the exodus of the younger generation to the west in pursuit of a more secure future. Our prayer is that God’s kingdom will come and his will be done in the Balkans. Please join me in this prayer journey. You can find more information about each of the Balkan countries by way of this webpage put together by my colleague Kurt Plagenhoef in Albania. (Click on the different countries on the map “Target Countries”):


Prayer: I would greatly appreciate your prayers as well… I will be needing it! This is not a marked pilgrim path like the St. James Way. There are not pilgrim hostels waiting at the end of each trek. Pray for God appointments, protection from wild animals and drivers, for strength for the journey, for hearts to be touched by God’s heart.

Project: If you would like to be a part of what the Assemblies of God is doing in the Balkans (church planting, children’s camps, student ministries, Bible School…), please click on this link to make an online donation:

You can make a one-time contribution or wait to see how far I go for a per kilometer pledge. Please click on the option “88 Snail Trail”. Many thanks!
